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Coverage of metadata. 3.1 Document types Scopus coverage focuses on primary document types from serial publications.

Coverage of metadata

“Primary” means that the author is identical to the researcher in charge of the presented findings. Scopus does not include secondary document types, where the author is not identical with the person behind the presented research, e.g. obituaries and book reviews (see section 2.2). Scopus currently has 41 million core records: 21 million records back to 1996 (of which 78% include references) 20 million records pre-1996 which go back as far as 1823 (abstracts included where available, but no references) Approximately 1.7 million new records are added each year (7,750/day).

A complete list of document types included in Scopus is presented below. 3.2 Abstracts In order to provide users with as much information as possible about the research presented in Scopus, 27.8 million records in Scopus contain an abstract. 3.3 Keywords and index terms 3.4 Cited references 3.5 Affiliation data Author Profiles. ICOM - The International Council of Museums. Communicating the Museum - 2008 - Conference - Speakers. Keynote Speakers Panel Debate Moderator Chair of Case Study Case Study Speakers Keynote SPEAKER Giandomenico Romanelli, Director- Musei Civici VenezianiPutting the Arts at the centre of the Political Strategy - Thursday 26 June 2008 - 09:00 am Born in Venice on 1 February 1945, Giandomenico Romanelli took his degree in Literature from Padua University in March 1969, thereafter working as a researcher in that university's Institute of Art History.

Communicating the Museum - 2008 - Conference - Speakers

Keynote SPEAKER and surgery animator Amitava Chattopadhyay, the L'Oréal Chaired Professor in Marketing-Innovation and Creativity-Professor of Marketing at INSEAD, SingaporeBranding is Strategy - Thursday 26 June 2008 - 09:30 am Amitava holds a Ph.D. from the University of Florida and a PGDM from the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. Keynote SPEAKER, surgery animator and chair of the workshop. Communicating the Museum Malaga 2009 - Speakers - Keynote speakers. Get a taste of the conference.

Communicating the Museum Malaga 2009 - Speakers - Keynote speakers

Listen to an exclusive podcast with Molly Flat Molly is WOM Evangelist for 1000heads, the leading global specialists in word of mouth marketing. A passionate advocate of the value of sustained and authentic brand conversations, Molly helps companies understand why word of mouth should be at the heart of every aspect of their advertising, and ensures that 1000heads remains at the cutting edge of creative and strategic developments in the industry. She collaborates with consumers and researchers to produce insights into the psychology and behaviour behind word of mouth and social media, and how these can be transformed into effective long-term brand strategies. International Museum Communication Awards 2007. IMCA - what is it? An event which brings together professionals working in visual communication for museums.

The eventAn evening organised in a renowned cultural location in the city of Brussels. An eagerly anticipated event which will bring together more then 500 professionals, from both agencies and museums, in order to celebrate the best visual campaigns. Context - the strong role that museum's play in today's economyFor the past 20 years, museums have seen an expotential growth in terms of growing audience numbers.

The cultural demand is developing and diversifiying. Museums have become fully associated with a dynamic economy, the politics of a city, and their regions and also Europe, to continue their promotion. Needs - the needs of museum professionalsFaced with an economic and competitive environment, those responsible for museums have had to up their game. Targets countries: Europe. Why Brussels? It is also a place of inspiration, where the museum world is very dynamic. Portail de l'association Museum & Industries. L’Association Museum & Industries a pour objet l’étude, la réflexion, la promotion et le développement des activités liées aux produits dérivés du patrimoine artistique, culturel et éducatif, et, plus généralement, celles liées à l’accueil des publics. 

Portail de l'association Museum & Industries

Créée en 1996, l’association Museum & Industries répond aux besoins des responsables industriels et culturels à la recherche d’une structure permanente de rencontre, de réflexion et d’étude, fédérant l’ensemble des professionnels du secteur des produits dérivés culturels. Responsables scientifiques et culturels des musées d’une part, créateurs, éditeurs, artisans et industriels d’autre part, conscients de l’impact en terme d’image des produits dérivés culturels, travaillent désormais ensemble à leur développement et les inscrivent comme élément constitutif de la politique d’accueil des publics.  Pour assurer ses différentes missions, l’association Museum & Industries a recours à son réseau d’experts tant en France qu’à l’international. BUZZEUM.