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Larry King

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Biography Larry King

Larry King Retires from LKL. Larry King Videos. Elizabeth Edwards Talks to Larry King About Cancer, Life Without. Larry King's Plans: Bagel Store, Pitchman? Is Larry King getting out of the nightly TV game in order to open a bagel shop?

Larry King's Plans: Bagel Store, Pitchman?

Deadline's Mike Fleming reports that now that "Larry King Live" is ending and King is free to pursue other options, one thing he's planning is bringing a New York-quality bagel store to Los Angeles: Just before he announced his exit, King closed a deal to become a financial partner in The Original Brooklyn Water Bagel Company, a Florida-based enterprise that claims to have developed a water treatment technology that replicates the H2O from the New York borough that is the key to churning out bagels that taste like they were made in Brooklyn (I'm not kidding).

King will lend his name and his stature to an expansion effort that will bring an eatery to Beverly Hills, and franchises could spring up around the country. Larry King Live - - Blogs.