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Portails pedagogiques

Facebook Twitter - Page d’index. - Top 100 Sites of 2011. 0 Comments November 23, 2011 By: David Kapuler Nov 23 Written by: 11/23/2011 3:54 AM ShareThis The time is finally here for my annual list of favorite sites of the year. This year, I decided to up my post to the top 100 instead of 25 due to the number of sites that I reviewed and due to the popularity of the post. I tried to cover a wide range of sites, from flash card creators to digital storytelling and of course, social networks, which really shined in 2011. Conduit Mobile - Without a doubt the coolest, most innovative site I came across this year.

David Kapuler is an educational consultant with more than 10 years of experience working in the K-12 environment. Alert to All Users of the Disqus commenting system: Because of a recent global security issue, the Disqus website recommends that all users change their Disqus passwords. Free Educational Videos for K-12 Students. EDU. Create. Share. Learn. Where everyone can create, publish, share and take tests, exercises and assignments.