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Antier Solutions

Antier Solutions offers blockchain software development services like cryptocurrency exchange development, white label crypto exchange development, ICO, IEO, smart contract, security token exchange development, wallet & P2P exchange development. Email us: Contact us: 9855078699

Binance Smart Chain Development: Understanding its Token Types. In September 2020, Binance, one of the leading crypto ecosystems launched Binance Smart Chain (BSC) – a parallel chain to Binance Chain. Asset Backed Cryptocurrency Development. Commodity-collateralized Stablecoin Development Commodity-collateralized coins are backed by precious metals like gold, silver, and more, and are much likely to be inflated than fiat backed stablecoins.

Asset Backed Cryptocurrency Development

Their value is fixed by one or more commodities and redeemable for more or less on demand. Such coins are: Stable and trustworthyCentralizedNeed auditing As an experienced stable coin development company, our expertise lies in building stablecoins backed by valuables like diamonds, gold, silver, real estate, and more. Understanding NFT Tokens and how to proceed with NFT token development. Did you hear about Beeple’s First 5,000 Days digital artwork – the costliest non-fungible token (NFT) that raked in $69 Million for its creator?

Understanding NFT Tokens and how to proceed with NFT token development

What was being considered as an NFT bubble in 2020 has turned into mania in 2021. According to Non-Fungible Tokens Yearly Report 2020, the NFT sales between 2018 and 2020 rose by 825%. The sector refuses to rest as is proven by the trade volumes in these last 3 months of the year 2021. P2P Exchange Software Development. Buy White Label Exchange Software: Choosing from different types of Exchanges. The CoinMarketCap data suggests there are more than 297 cryptocurrency exchanges that support active trading currently.

Buy White Label Exchange Software: Choosing from different types of Exchanges

Interestingly, the 24-hour trading volume gap between the top and bottom-ranking exchanges is massive. This gap is because some exchanges are suitable for novice traders, some are better equipped to serve professional traders, and then there are others that just are not suitable for any kind of trader. Enter into the crypto world with a coin development company. Cryptocurrency Exchange Development Company. Reasons to launch a White Label Crypto Exchange - Antier Solutions. In January 2021, spot crypto exchange volumes broke past all the previous records.

Reasons to launch a White Label Crypto Exchange - Antier Solutions

Interestingly, crypto assets worth over $900 billion exchanged hands. Unfortunately, some of the top league exchanges could not handle the sudden surge in trading volumes. Thus, due to technical difficulties, users had to face difficulties like suspended withdrawals or the orders and account information sync delays. Buy crypto exchange software. Reasons to Avail DeFi Development Services. Ever since its inception a few years ago, Decentralized Finance has outperformed all predictions and empowered the missing ‘total decentralization’ quotient from the market practices.

Reasons to Avail DeFi Development Services

Subsequently, it has created new opportunities for the investors and institutions alike to earn returns. In simple words, DeFi is an umbrella term. It is a collective sector of a variety of financial applications driven by blockchain. Get the best cryptocurrency development services at Antier Solutions. Token development services vs. Coin Development services. Tokens and coins are two terms that are often used interchangeably in the cryptocurrency sphere.

Token development services vs. Coin Development services

However, there is a spectrum of difference between the two and their development methodology too. What is a coin? In simple words, a coin is a cryptocurrency that is native to an independent blockchain. For example, Bitcoin is a coin on the Bitcoin blockchain. These are built to be a part of the blockchain right from the scratch. Furthermore, these exist as a censorship-resistant store of value and medium of exchange on the blockchain. Crypto Coin and Token development services. Cryptocurrency coin and token development services. Why are P2P Crypto Lending Exchanges Becoming Popular? In the last couple of years, P2P lending industry has experienced explosive growth.

Why are P2P Crypto Lending Exchanges Becoming Popular?

According to Paypers, between 2018-2019 the peer-to-peer lending industry grew by over 17%. And in 2020 it was expected to hit $312.6 billion. These figures clearly indicate that the industry will continue to grow. Features to Seek in a White Label Crypto Exchange. With the soaring popularity of cryptocurrencies, crypto exchanges are enjoying a huge surge in trade volumes.

Features to Seek in a White Label Crypto Exchange

Coinbase, one of the leading cryptocurrency exchanges had its moment in 2020 as it accrued revenue of $1140 million in that year. This revenue generated was 136% more than that generated in 2019, which was $483 million. With more retail investors making an entry into the cryptocurrency market, the trade volumes in the industry are expected to explode. As cryptocurrency exchanges are the first step for any trader in the space, they present a great revenue-generating opportunity to the exchange operators. Decentralized Finance Development. DeFi is an opportunity for finance services providers to take a leap, embrace decentralized Blockchain development and undergo an overarching reincarnation of their products.

Using open-source protocols to conceive enterprise-grade solutions, DeFi solutions empower investors gain complete ownership of their assets and trade them in a transparent environment. To put it simply, financial engagements on DeFi are driven by automated Smart Contracts built by code. Therefore, the model extracts all the benefits of a Blockchain environment with a finance spin. Improving access to major finance services such as lending / borrowing, trading and market making, DeFi can potentially aid millions of unbanked people. That means, all you need is an internet connection to drive your monetary functions without depending upon anyone. Your reliable cryptocurrency exchange development company. The Advantages of Choosing Whitelabel Crypto Derivatives Exchange Development Services. 2020 was a valuable year for crypto trading.

The Advantages of Choosing Whitelabel Crypto Derivatives Exchange Development Services

Be it BTC regaining its lost glory or the spectacular launch of Ethereum 2.0, the investors have discovered innovative ways to mint returns than just holding tokens in the wallet. Although derivatives in crypto trading was around the corner, it gained traction when the total trading volume reached USD 2.159 trillion in Q2 of 2020. Eventually, financial institutions have plunged at the opportunity to regale the enormous pool of token holders and got their crypto derivatives trading platform development done.

However, building a derivatives exchange from scratch is a comprehensive task that could take upot months. Since enterprises have to address the pressures from the stakeholders, a white label solution deployment is an effective alternative to launch early. Buy white label crypto exchange software in the US with ease. 3 Reasons to choose White Label Smart Contract based MLM Solution. Blockchain-based MLM platforms are gaining significant acceptance worldwide.

3 Reasons to choose White Label Smart Contract based MLM Solution

With the launch of a large number of blockchain-driven MLM platforms almost daily, the competition is cut-throat. Thus, it is important for businesses to take the lead and gain an essential competitive edge. In such a scenario, when there is an indispensable need to lead the competition, white label smart contract based MLM software makes an ideal option to quickly enter the market. A white label solution is a market-ready solution with a ready-made back-end and easy-to-customize front-end. The points mentioned below highlight the three reasons why leveraging a white label smart contract MLM software is beneficial. How to buy crypto exchange software in the USA? ICO software development company.

3 Reasons business needs to develop Enterprise blockchain solutions- Part 2. In the previous part of the blog, we discussed the three reasons why your business should embrace blockchain integration. Let’s discuss more reasons why you should capitalize on the potential of enterprise blockchain solutions for your business. 1.Convenient and Secure Trans-border Payments Although various innovations have made cross-border payments less of a problem, blockchain along with smart contracts brings decentralization and unparalleled transparency to the system, making it more reliable than ever. Unlike other modes of payments that may take days or hours, cryptocurrency payments take minutes for settlement. Top banks and money lending corporations have shaken hands with the best business process engineering advisory services to integrate digital money – bringing greater traceability and proficiency in terms of speed, cost, and process. 2.

The importance of data in today’s time can’t be overlooked. By putting the data on the blockchain, it becomes secure and hack-proof. White Label P2P Lending Software Development. White Label P2P Lending Platform Development The convergence of new technologies, the introduction of ingenious lending models, and the evolving consumer behavior have led to the evolution and growth of peer-to-peer or P2P crypto lending software. A plethora of crypto enthusiasts across the globe are raking in huge profits via P2P lending software.

What is encouraging most businesses and entrepreneurs to tap into the P2P lending market is the fact put forth by the Word Bank which states that 3 billion adults worldwide are unbanked. Furthermore, many are unable to acquire a loan due to poor credit rating. Building a P2P lending platform can be an opportunity to capitalize on such people’s inaccessibility to financial services, providing them with contemporary P2P lending exchange to satisfy their borrowing or lending needs. Need for a Defi Crowdfunding Platform in 2021. Crowdfunding brings opportunity and democracy to funding. This is the reason why it went mainstream and has been flourishing as an industry since 1997. By crowdfunding, business ventures can raise a small amount of money from a pool of people.

For startups, raising money via crowdfunding has become a common practice. Data gathered by economy website Learnbond looks pretty encouraging. Based on the data, Learnbond has projected that the crowdfunding transaction value in the next 2 years will witness an annual growth of 12%. P2P Exchange Development Company.