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Santé / Bien-être. Cuisine. Stéphane Hessel. Nous autres / Zoé Varier - France Inter. Musique. Sciences. How To Create A Low-Mosquito Garden. Want to keep the pesky insects at bay? Here are nine plants that repel mosquitoes — naturally. Summertime is prime time for bothersome biting insects. But battling them with chemical-laden commercial repellent comes with health risks, and the natural brands don’t always work. To limit your exposure to bugs and toxins (and protect your children, your pets, and other living things), try planting some of these multitasking repellents.

In addition to chasing pests away, these plants can make your yard more pollinator-friendly, beautify your garden, and even flavor your next meal. Culinary Aids Basil is toxic to mosquito larvae. Peppermint is also toxic to mosquito larvae. Be healthy. Get daily tips for leading a healthy and compassionate life delivered to your inbox. Thanks for subscribing! Rosemary is a great addition to a vegetable plot, because its oils will repel a variety of destructive garden pests. Bee Buddies Horsemint is also known as wild bergamot or bee balm. Why Are People Mesmerized By Fire? 9 Plants To Grow That Repel Mosquitoes. You’ve likely experienced the disappointment of having an outdoor party, hike or other event ruined by a swarm of mosquitoes.

9 Plants To Grow That Repel Mosquitoes

If you’re looking for a natural way to get rid of these uninvited guests, try adding some mosquito-repelling plants to your garden this year. Simply having these plants in your yard and outdoor living spaces can be helpful, but you’ll get the most benefit by crushing the leaves and flowers to release their pungent, bug-repelling essential oils. You can then rub the oils on your skin, clothing or outdoor furniture to deter mosquitoes. You can also cut and hang fresh cuttings around your home, or dry them to keep on hand for later use. 1. 12-houseplants-for-small-spaces. Résistance aux antibiotiques : 33000 morts par an en Europe. 4-homemade-gifts-using-essential-oils. What Is Vibrational Healing?

Even if you haven’t heard the terms “vibrational healing” together, you may be familiar with the concept.

What Is Vibrational Healing?

It comes in many forms known as alternative medicine or modalities. And it begins with the vibrational system known as the human energetic system. The Human Energetic System The human energetic system is the subtle layers of energy that permeate and surround the human body. While your body and organs consist of dense energetic matter, there are layers to your body that are not dense and therefore unable to be seen with the naked eye.

The bioenergetic field doesn’t just sit on top of the dense body. Be healthy. These-7-herbs-are-natural-fly-repellants. Le transhumanisme, c'est quoi ? 12 Plants For Improving Your Health And Home. From lavender to lemongrass, rosemary to aloe vera, plants can do wonders for our wellbeing, emotional health and the environment around us.

12 Plants For Improving Your Health And Home

Here are our favorite outdoor and indoor plants renowned for improving both our health and our homes. Love This? Never Miss Another Story. 5 Ways Cats Make You Feel Better. They help cheer you up when you’re down and they help calm you down when you’re agitated.

5 Ways Cats Make You Feel Better

What is it about cats that makes you feel so good? Maybe it’s their purr or the way they settle in your lap when we read a book. Maybe it’s their soft fur or gorgeous eyes or the way they poke you in the head to wake us from sleep. However they do it, studies show that cats are beneficial to your health and well-being. 1. “Cat owners experience many benefits to their mental health,” said Sandi Laird, animal care director at North Texas no-kill shelter Operation Kindness. Herbs For Pets. Herbs hold a valued place in our kitchens and medicine cabinets.

Herbs For Pets

They add a delicious depth to our food and help benefit our health in a variety of ways. It’s no different for our pets. They can also enjoy the unique flavors and health benefits of herbs. The next time you plant a pot of herbs on your window sill or a bed in your garden, remember your animal friends. The following are some easy to grow herbs that are all safe for your pets to eat. Always check with your veterinarian before giving your pet any herbs, especially supplements. § bud'up° (réservé) Découvrez six façons de stimuler vos neurones ! Les neurones présents dans l’hippocampe, région du cerveau jouant un rôle dans la mémoire et les émotions, ont la capacité de constamment se renouveler.

Découvrez six façons de stimuler vos neurones !

Du moins, s’ils sont stimulés… Le cerveau est une machine particulièrement bien huilée. Parmi la centaine de milliards de cellules nerveuses qui le composent, celles retrouvées dans l’hippocampe seraient capables de se régénérer, les anciens neurones laissant alors place aux nouveaux. L’hippocampe, la région du cerveau située dans le lobe temporal médian, joue un rôle central au niveau de la mémoire, et notamment la formation des souvenirs. La structure serait même impliquée dans la gestion des émotions. Autisme: une étude explique pourquoi les garçons sont plus touchés que les filles. 8 Natural Mosquito Repellents. Before you grab that DEET-based mosquito repellent, consider using a natural option instead.

8 Natural Mosquito Repellents

DEET, also known as diethyl-meta-toluamide, by any other name still stinks. And research proves that the main ingredient in commercial mosquito repellents leaves more than a bad odor. According to a Duke University study, it damages brain cells, can cause behavioral changes and can have harmful interactions with some medications. The scientists also observed that it caused brain cell death in animals frequently exposed to or after prolonged use of DEET. Additional research found that up to 15 percent of DEET is absorbed through the skin directly into the bloodstream. TEASER LIRE SE LIVRE MIREPOIX. 31 Clever Uses For A Lemon. Pine Nuts: Are Their Health Benefits Worth The Cost? Tasty, buttery pine nuts are considered one of the fanciest of all nuts.

Pine Nuts: Are Their Health Benefits Worth The Cost?

They are actually the seeds of pine trees and not really nuts. They are found in the pine cones but only 18 types of pine trees create pine nuts that are large enough to eat. Like most nuts, they are packed full of nutrition and health benefits. 7 Reasons Mushrooms Could Save the World. Editor’s Note: This post is a Care2 favorite.

7 Reasons Mushrooms Could Save the World

It was originally published on January 17, 2013. Enjoy! Perhaps you only think about mushrooms when one sprouts up in your yard or when you’re ordering a pizza. But they have uses far, far beyond the kitchen: The Dark Secret at the Heart of AI - MIT Technology Review. Last year, a strange self-driving car was released onto the quiet roads of Monmouth County, New Jersey.

The Dark Secret at the Heart of AI - MIT Technology Review

The experimental vehicle, developed by researchers at the chip maker Nvidia, didn’t look different from other autonomous cars, but it was unlike anything demonstrated by Google, Tesla, or General Motors, and it showed the rising power of artificial intelligence. The car didn’t follow a single instruction provided by an engineer or programmer. Instead, it relied entirely on an algorithm that had taught itself to drive by watching a human do it.

23 Ingenious Uses for White Vinegar. About 10,000 years ago, ancient people discovered a product that would change lives forever. Wine had been around for a while, but after some was allowed to oxidize, vinegar was born. It became an immediate hit. The Babylonians used vinegar as a preservative, as did Ancient Greeks and Romans. Some peoples, including the Chinese, believed that vinegar was a tonic that would give them strength and vitality, as well as bestow healing properties. Legend has it that Hannibal only succeeded in crossing the Alps because his armies heated mountain boulders and doused them with vinegar, causing the rocks to crumble and clear the path. Vinegar’s magic ingredient is acetic acid, which comprises about 5 percent of the finished product. White vinegar has dozens of household applications, and the best part is that it’s green.

22 Surprising Uses For Lemons. Lemons are one of the most versatile fruits out there. And no, we’re not just talking about in cooking! Lemon juice is an acid, a natural disinfectant, and a nutritional powerhouse. Its scent is perfect for humans, but a deterrent for pests. 7 Ways Doodling & Coloring Benefit Your Brain. In 2014, one million coloring books for adults were sold. In 2015? 12 million…and it’s not just because we’re so much better at staying inside the lines than we were when we were kids. Coloring and doodling aren’t just fun—they can be great for our health and happiness, too.

And the best part? How Our Language Affects The Colors We See. Our world is a colorful place. From a very young age, we’re taught to recognize and appreciate color. There’s extensive research into the impact that color has on our mood, the flavors we taste and even our performance at work. Learning to name the colors of the rainbow is a part of very early childhood education, and we’re often led to believe that these colors—red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple— are universal. Pourquoi le temps passe-t-il plus vite lorsqu'on s'amuse ? C'est une constatation facile à faire : lorsqu'on s'amuse, le temps semble passer beaucoup plus vite.

Mythologie greque. Une étonnante vidéo résume les 9 mois de vie d'un foetus en quelques minutes. Free-test. 5 Smells That Make You Kinder Happier Nicer. Editor’s note: This post is a Care2 favorite, brought back by popular demand. It was originally published on November 9, 2012. Enjoy! Cinnabon knows what it’s doing. The smell of baking bread can make us kinder, says a study from Journal of Social Psychology by scientists from the University of Southern Brittany in France.

Wanting to test the notion that smells can influence behavior, the scientists had eight young men and women stand outside either a bakery or a clothing store, says the Independent. «Ah oui, les retraites ne seront plus assurées…» Forum Social Mondial 2015 : Ouverture des inscriptions. À Sivens, à Notre-Dame-des-Landes et ailleurs, nous ne lâcherons pas. A Project for a New Humanism: an interview with Pierre Lévy.

Barrage de Sivens : France Nature Environnement reçu à l'Elysée - L'Obs. Biographie. PC Network Defense. Ecopsychologie. Le QI est insuffisant pour mesurer l’intelligence globale. Sarkozy veut créer un fonds d'investissement. 19 Incredible Human Accomplishments. Is humanity smarter than a protozoan? Site du Mouvement pour une Alternative Non-violente. Henri Weber : «L’extrême gauche et l’extrême droite diffèrent radicalement» Humanité. Clarté. Biologie synthétique – Questions autour de nouvelles promesses. Google chief urges action to regulate mini-drones.

Citations / Non-connaissance. EcoInternet : Humanity is one species -... Qu'on se le dise une bonne fois pour toutes : le concept de races Humaines n'existe pas. L’Afrique se mobilise pour secourir les Norvégiens qui meurent de froid. Mind over Matter: Secrets of Human Aura. Mind-Matter Interaction Princeton Research. Le Réseau ProXiti - Premier Réseau d'Informations Locales de France.

Les Misérables de Victor Hugo 1/14 - Création Radiophonique. MQ49353.pdf (Objet application/pdf) Les bébés apprennent à parler avant même de naitre. Aux origines du langage. Pourquoi parvenons-nous à lire les mots même avec des lettres mélangées ? Campagne pour l'espéranto au bac. Paysages. Photos - Des "super-bactéries" isolées depuis des millénaires dans un lac de l'Antarctique. Photos - Alepotrypa, une grotte géante qui aurait inspiré le mythe des Enfers grec. Le mystère des cercles de fées expliqué par une nouvelle théorie. Trypophobie ou la peur des petits trous. Un étrange échinoderme fossilisé en forme de cigare retrouvé au Maroc. Vidéo : une artiste expérimente les effets de la foudre sur une planche de bois. Photos - Russie : découverte d’un géoglyphe géant en forme d’animal. 10 Interesting Mythical Animals (Page 10) Un cadeau de Nouvel An (Les battements du temps 16)

J'accepte le contrat. Citations. Les mots ont un sens. Shakespeare vu par José Carlos Somoza. Transformer l'école. Super-anticapitaliste. Samedi-sciences (40): en Europe, l'agriculture est issue de l'immigration. L'Etre existence Philosophie.

Game of thrones. Pearltrees 2 sucks! Angry / disappointed users. Blog & veille autour de l'IC. Kjartan Flogstad et Rachid Ouramdane. Pour une lecture profane des conflits (1. Pour une lecture profane des conflits (2. Le diplo du mois de mars. Lionel Shriver, livre de rage. Honouring Nakba 66 years on: The story of Palestine. TV Lobotomie - La vérité scientifique sur les effets de la télévision.

Les Echos. Blackle - France. Samedi-sciences (70): stopper le réchauffement… des ordinateurs.