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Would 5 year old you be proud of who you are now? How to tell if you grew up in the 90's.


Poor Tom. 21 signs you grew up in the ‘90s. As a Gen Yer, I’m aware that I was part of the first generation to grow up with the Internet and cell phones. But I can’t help to think about all the things that I grew up with that Gen Z (that’s anyone under the age of 18) and future generations won’t know about. Here’s my somewhat nostalgic list of all the things people who grew up in the ‘90s know how to do that is now obsolete. 1. Crayons at Restaurants. The 90's. Thxgiving. kid vs adult view. All artwork and content on this site is Copyright © 2014 Matthew Inman.

thxgiving. kid vs adult view

Please don't steal. was lovingly built using CakePHP All artwork and content on this site is Copyright © 2014 Matthew Inman. Kid of the 90s. LEGOs! Dear parents. Aliens! Kids view of the world.