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US Capitol Siege, tools and data | By Patr10tic. L'infographie dans la production du savoir. En lisant un journal ou un magazine, peut-être avez-vous déjà eu l’impression que cartes et graphiques illustraient profusément les informations ? Sur Internet, peut-être avez-vous remarqué que diagrammes et animations – nouveaux outils incontournables pour présenter des données – surgissaient un peu partout sur l’écran ? Peut-être avez-vous lu dans le dernier manuel de journalisme que la recherche, « l’extraction de données » et leur visualisation, étaient les armes les plus affûtées du kit du journaliste post-moderne ?

Illustration : © James Sillavan, 2012. Si tel est le cas, ou encore si vous avez ressenti, ne serait-ce qu’une fois dans votre vie, un attrait particulier pour des données présentées dans un graphique, c’est que vous êtes d’ores et déjà engagé dans la course frénétique à la production et à la consommation de ces nouveaux envahisseurs du monde de l’information : les infographies. Alors, comment s’y retrouver dans ce labyrinthe ? Mais ce n’est pas tout. Un changement radical. The Chemical Valley (USA & Canada) I grew up drinking water drawn downstream of this, and eating fish taken from the river. My grandparents have lived along the river for decades and my grandfather worked at Ethyl for many years.

My parents live along the river now, and my stepfather works at Lambton Generating Station. I know many people who work in these plants and I even worked briefly at a natural gas storage facility not far from here. The environmental effects are undeniable, anyone who has visited Sarnia will have experienced the distinctive odours that emanate from the dozens of chemical plants. Things are much better today than they were in the past. With aging facilities, high oil prices and stricter environmental standards, industry in the Chemical Valley has changed a lot in recent years. Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind! Radical activism visual archive.


CrimethInc. Ex-Workers’ Collective : Home. Media underground. Anti-capitalism_color.gif (GIF Image, 682x850 pixels) - Scaled (75. After the Storm - The 11 Stages of the Crash - Asset Protection. By Jeff Thomas, With all the study and thought that are required to make sense out of how the Great Unraveling will play out, we seldom take time to think of what it will be like on the other side. Those of us who are, by nature, long-term thinkers and/or optimistic, have a vague picture in mind of a rebirth of libertarian thinking, and a vibrant economy. However, we tend not to think too much more about these hopes than that, because we are caught up in the Great Unraveling itself – a very time-consuming topic.

The other day, an associate whom I like to think of as having a decent, if not holistic, view of the present depression, commented to me, “I wish we could just have the crash tomorrow and everything that goes with it, so that, next year, we can get back to normal.” Oops … maybe his expectations are a bit more simplified than I thought. Ten Years Down and Ten Years Up However, a depression is not at all like that. Stages of The Crash The stages are laid out below. La Conspiration dépressionniste. Le Mouton NOIR - Bienvenue.

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