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DENY Designs. Ze's page :: zefrank. Psychology Today: Health, Help, Happiness + Find a Therapist. Quotes (Let me show you) Make a wish, place it in your heart. Anything you want, everything you want. Do you have it? Good. Now believe it can come true. But if you believe it is right around the corner, and you open your heart and mind to the possibility of it, to the certainty of it... just might get the thing you're wishing for. The world is full of magic. Sitatet er fra One Tree Hill. Twobutterflies. Dry As Toast. Just Little Things. Hi! I'm Nancy. This is a blog I made to list some of the many little things we should appreciate. Here are life's simple pleasures that are often overlooked. The everyday ounces of happiness that are right under your nose.

Enjoy! Just Little Things: A Celebration of Life's Simple Pleasures is now officially released! Grab a copy if you haven't already! Order a signed copy of the book below!