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Why you should have your own Twitter bot, and how to build one in less than 30 minutes. Want to get set up with your very own Twitter bot quickly and easily, with this guide you can be set up in under 30 minutes.

Why you should have your own Twitter bot, and how to build one in less than 30 minutes

But first, why should you want to build a Twitter bot? There are some really useful Twitter bots out there that do some pretty cool stuff they don’t all spam current hashtags and follow users relentlessly. Augmented Reality. One of Google’s self-driving cars just caused its first crash. In the six years that Google’s self-driving cars have been on the road in California, they’ve been involved in only a handful of accidents.

One of Google’s self-driving cars just caused its first crash

(And gotten just one traffic ticket that we know of.) These accidents have all been the fault of humans—either humans who plowed into Google’s cars, or humans who were driving Google’s cars in manual mode, overriding the car’s autonomous driving system. But two weeks ago, for the first time, one of Google’s self-driving cars was at fault in an accident. OpenHAB. The best apps. Better together. Using maker channel of IFTTT with Starling - tutorials. Sandeep (talk) 12:05, 5 December 2015 (IST) A few days back I was integrating twitter to show feeds on starling, then I realized the things people will try displaying on starling would be numerous.

Using maker channel of IFTTT with Starling - tutorials

In fact it would just too much of work on everyones end to make and use web REST APIs. IFTTT projects. Using IFTTT with Adafruit IO to Make an IoT Door Detector. IFTTT Connection OK don't forget you will have to visit and sign up for an account.

Using IFTTT with Adafruit IO to Make an IoT Door Detector

Once you have signed in, visit and click the Connect button to connect your IFTTT account to Adafruit IO. You will be redirected to your Adafruit account page, and will be asked to authorize IFTTT. Click the AUTHORIZE button to grant access. Avertismentul unui MEDIC PEDIATRU: Opriți-vă copiii până-n 12 ani să mai folosească aceste dispozitive electronice. Raspberry Pi GPIO Sensing: Motion Detection. In previous tutorials, we outlined the basics behind physical computing and the Raspberry Pi by activating LEDs and scripts using a simple one button circuit.

Raspberry Pi GPIO Sensing: Motion Detection

If you haven’t read the previous tutorials please do so, as they include a few points (such as basic Python programming and Board/BCM GPIO numbering) that will be skipped in this tutorial. In this tutorial, we’ll expand on previous lessons by transplanting a button with a PIR sensor (to sense motion). This tutorial will outline how to assemble the circuit with a PIR sensor, and devise a simple script to print a message when the sensor detects movement. C and Python implementation for RaspberryPi to detect movement using PIR motion sensor (HC-SR501) I recently bought a motion detection sensor HC-SR501.

C and Python implementation for RaspberryPi to detect movement using PIR motion sensor (HC-SR501)

First, we will see how to connect it to our raspberry pi and then we will run the C code which helps us detect motion. Once the movement has been detected, it will set LED to HIGH and play an audio (.wav) file. There are a lot of python implementations for it out there but if you are interested in specifically using C for this, then you have come to the right place. Hardware. Sean Follmer: Shape-shifting tech will change work as we know it. How to Make Your Web App Smarter with Image Recognition. Clarifai is an API which provides image and video recognition that is incredibly simple to use and a whole lot of fun to implement.

How to Make Your Web App Smarter with Image Recognition

In this article, we will explore dragging and dropping images from around the web into a simple web app that will read them and tell us what it believes they are. In this demo, we will be using Node.js for the server and a relatively basic front end that uses jQuery for AJAX requests. If you aren’t strong in Node.js, that should be okay as long as you are at a level where you are comfortable running npm install to pull in modules and node app.js in the command line to get your web app going. You won’t need to customize too much within it and might learn a thing or two in the end by getting the existing code running! The Code All of the sample code for this demo is available on GitHub.

A Swarm of Autonomous Robots is Heading to an Ocean Near You. Portuguese researchers have demonstrated the first swarm of intelligent aquatic surface robots in a real-world environment.

A Swarm of Autonomous Robots is Heading to an Ocean Near You

In this case, the robots operated in a body of water. Up to ten robots were demonstrated performing various collective tasks, including area monitoring, navigating to a waypoint, aggregation, and dispersion. Aquatic surface robot (credit: Biomachines Lab) How to Consume the Google Analytics API Using Python.

Google Analytics is the most widely used Web analytics service on the Internet.

How to Consume the Google Analytics API Using Python

By tracking a huge range of metrics across the profiles you provide access to, Google Analytics (GA) can provide valuable insights into your Web traffic. How to Consume the Google Analytics API Using Python. Body Labs BodyKit API Captures the Human Body. Body Labs, a body, shape, pose and motion analysis solution provider, has launched a beta trial for its latest creation, BodyKit.

Body Labs BodyKit API Captures the Human Body

Gear Review: goTenna Keeps You in Contact Just About Anywhere. Updated January 13, 2016. One of the biggest challenges that travelers often face is how to stay in contact with one another while visiting foreign countries and remote destinations. Purchasing SIM cards or cell phone plans can be confusing and expensive for many people, and coverage can be spotty at times as well. DYS 250 Full Carbon Fiber Folding Quadcopter With Storage Case (PNF) Augmented Reality. M.curiosity. Internet of things. AirPi Kit v1.4 - Raspberry Pi weather shield from tmhrtly on Tindie. Internet of things. ShiftWear™ — Design In Motion. Programmableweb. Unified Inbox, a global Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS) company, has launched UnificationEngine, a platform that makes it possible for developers to integrate multiple communication channels using a single API.

UnificationEngine features a collection of pre-built connectors that allow developers to quickly add specific communication services such as Email, Facebook, Twitter, and Weibo to applications. The platform also allows developers to build custom connectors for communication services that are not yet available as pre-built connectors.

Launched in 2010, Unified Inbox began as an application that allows users to integrate messages from different communication platforms using a single, unified inbox.

Drone project

The WellBe. Native, Cross-Platform Development - Xojo. Native, Cross-Platform Development - Xojo. Smart Citizen. Arduino. AI. Natural Language Processing. Raspberry Pi. Medical Robots. Géocalisation : suivre son inventaire depuis une application dédiée. Un meilleur suivi de son inventaire, et une géolocalisation des biens loués à des particuliers ou placés dans des entreprises : c'est la solution proposée par l'application MapYourTag. Disponible sur les périphériques sous Android et iOS, l'application est tournée vers les professionnels dont l'activité implique un déplacement réguliers d'outils.

L'application regroupe toutes les informations liées à des objets spécifiques : une date de location par exemple, ainsi qu'un lieu où il a été déposé. Mais plus qu'un inventaire accessible depuis le QR code ou l'étiquette NFC attribué à chaque objet, MapYourTag soumet également une géolocalisation des biens étiquetés. La géolocalisation est mise à jour lorsque l'objet est loué ailleurs ou déplacé. A Tourcoing dans le Nord, Alexandra Magniez gère une officine de pharmacie. CCM : Quel besoin vous a poussé vers l'utilisation d'une solution de ce type ? CCM : Comment utilisez-vous l'application au quotidien ? A.M. : C'est assez simple. Arduino. Where to buy Kits & Components. Arduino. 433. Reverse Engineer Wireless Temperature / Humidity / Rain Sensors — Part 1. In this and the next two three blog posts (Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4), I will describe how I reverse engineered a few off-the-shelf wireless temperature, humidity, and rain sensors, and used an Arduino (Update: RPi is also supported now!)

To listen to and decode the sensor data. This has been a really fun journey and I will document the process as thoroughly as I can. Because there are lots of details, I don’t want to jam everything into a single post, so I have split the whole story into three posts. The Arduino and RPi programs are provided at the end of each post. Introduction. LinkIt ONE, la plateforme IoT de Mediatek. Alors, le LinkIt ONE, qu’est ce que c’est ? C’est une carte électronique destinée à diverses utilisations comme le DIY, le maquettage ou les objets connectés.

Mediatek, le fabricant de la carte, parle même de « wearable IoT » (internet des objets à porter sur soi). Le produit et ses accessoires sont distribués par Seeedstudio. Tutorials - Protostack. Jeff Keyzer, Mitch Altman and Andie Nordgren have created a seven page comic book about soldering. The style reminds me a little of Forrest Mims' Getting Started in Electronics. In any event it is a great book and will be part of a bigger book "How to Make Cool Things with Microcontrollers (For People Who Know Nothing)" which will be released later this year. The Authors have been kind enough to release the comic under a Creative Commons license (Attribution-ShareAlike), so you are free to teach with it, color it, modify it, share it with your friends, translate it, and basically do whatever you like with it! Add the RFID Reader to Your Keypad Entry System. Ranging Detector - Measuring Distance with Arduino.

Learn.adafruit. Bluetooth devices are widely used in many consumers products, its the most popular wireless protocol for small point-to-point networking. NRF24L01+ low power door/window sensor. Connecter des dispositifs sans fil à votre Arduino ou Raspberry Pi, Partie 1: Réception en 433Mhz / HackSpark, l'électronique facile ! Cette entrée a été publiée le 20 décembre 2012 par Jonathan de HackSpark. Vous avez sans doute entendu parler ou vu des détecteurs de fumée, d'ouverture de porte, des télécommandes, des prises murales, etc. sans fil ? Que ce soit les modèles chers que vous trouvez en magasin ou les modèles chinois bon marché, la plupart, s'ils ne sont pas avancés, utilisent la bande de fréquence 433 mhz (n'essayez pas ceux en 315, ils sont illégaux en France).

Certains autres sont en 2.4 ghz, mais nous les laisserons de coté pour l'instant. Arduino et Xively. Xively, pour quoi faire ? Le site Xively permet de lire les valeurs courantes d’un ou de plusieurs capteurs reliés à Arduino, et de visualiser automatiquement leurs évolutions en fonction du temps sous la forme de graphiques. Arduino. Blynk. Blynk.