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4 Great Core Exercises To Help Flatten Your Abs « Don't Eat Dirt. Everyone wants flatter abs, and a lot of people try to “spot reduce” by doing ab exercises to try to get them. The problem is, you aren’t going to lose fat from your midsection by doing 1,000 crunches. It’s just not going to happen. What I like to do instead is Core Exercises. You see, you need to achieve overall fat loss before you will see the results you want around your abs. In order to do this, you need more complete workouts. 7 Reasons Core Exercises are good for your personal training routine: Core exercises improve your balance and stabilityCore exercises don’t require specialized bulky equipmentCore exercises can help tone your absStronger core muscles make it easier to do almost all other physical activitiesCore exercises can be done at your own paceCore exercises can be done from the comfort of your own homeCore exercises can help you reach plenty of your other fitness goals Now it’s time for the workout.

Breathe freely and deeply during each exercise. Like this: Like Loading... Body Weight Workouts. Inner Thigh Exercises - Standing Leg Press with Pilates Ring - an Inner Thigh Exercise. Pilates Ring - Upper Body Toning Exercises - Pilates Ring Exercises to Tone the Upper Body. Here we move through a set of Pilates ring exercises that tone the upper body.

The Pilates ring, or magic circle, provides moderate resistance when you squeeze the sides together. Different positions create exercises that tone the arms, chest, and shoulders. Pilates ring exercises are done in the context of movement that is integrated with the whole body, not simply isolated muscles. Therefore, you will need your full presence in a strong posture, with legs and abdominal muscles engaged and connected to the upper body. Using the Pilates Ring (Magic Circle) (c)2009, Marguerite Ogle As you move through Pilates ring exercises, you want the movement to connect all the way to your core.

You will be doing pulses with the ring, but use control in both the squeeze and the release. When you lift the ring, your shoulders stay down. Begin With Good Posture, Shoulders Stable With your Pilates ring in hand, adjust your posture so that you are standing straight and tall. Low Ring Middle Ring Diagonal Ring.