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Levels of consciousness

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Paranormal Deutschland e.V. - eBooks Ressort von Alfred Ballabene. Soul and Reality ♦ Metaphysics, Magic and Inner Search for a New Era of Awareness by Carlo Dorofatti. My spiritual path began at an early age in a Catholic setting and then moved on towards Gnostic Christianity and Theosophy.

Soul and Reality ♦ Metaphysics, Magic and Inner Search for a New Era of Awareness by Carlo Dorofatti

Thoughts, and Visions. Magic realism or magical realism is a genre where magical or unreal elements play a natural part in an otherwise realistic (often mundane) environment.[1] Although it is most commonly used as a literary genre, magic realism also applies to film and the visual arts.One example of magic realism occurs when a character in the story continues to be alive beyond the normal length of life and this is subtly depicted by the character being present throughout many generations.

Thoughts, and Visions

On the surface the story has no clear magical attributes and everything is conveyed in a real setting, but such a character breaks the rules of our real world. Etymology[edit] Literature[edit] Characteristics[edit] The extent to which the characteristics below apply to a given magic realist text varies. Fantastical elements[edit] Magical realism portrays fantastical events in an otherwise realistic tone.

Real-world setting[edit] Thoughts, and Visions. Comments. Full Calibration List. Full Calibration List. Dr. David Hawkins Calibrated List. Where does one begin the search for spiritual truth self-realization called enlightenment?

Dr. David Hawkins Calibrated List

Dr. David Hawkins’ List Below has been calibrated above 500, which is unconditional love. DIMENSIUNI - PARALELE: PARAMETRI INFO-ENERGETICI. Ce este Radiestezia?


Fenomenul prin care un sistem viu recepţionează un anumit semnal din noianul de informaţii şi energii ce-l înconjoară şi reacţionează conform unui cod prestabilit este una din definiţiile conceptului de radiestezie. 7 etape pe care OMUL le atinge în evoluția sa spirituala. Toţi oamenii pe care îi vedem, pe care îi cunoaştem sau pe care i-am putea cunoaşte sunt roboţi, veritabili roboţi care lucrează numai sub presiunea influenţelor exterioare.

7 etape pe care OMUL le atinge în evoluția sa spirituala

Ideea nu ne aparţine, ci a fost expusă de filosoful greco-armean G.I.Gurdjieff, care pleacă în activitatea sa pedagogică de la premiza că omul îşi petrece viața, de obicei, într-un somn spiritual, care, odată depăşit, îi permite individului să ajungă la un nivel superior de conştiință. Aşadar, Gurdjieff, în seria lui de învăţături esoterice sintetizate de către Claude G. Reincarnation: the 35 steps of soul evolution. According to many spiritual teachers, all human beings are, in reality, spiritual beings on a human journey.

Reincarnation: the 35 steps of soul evolution

We reincarnate as human beings in order to evolve as souls. Our ultimate aim is to become fully conscious and capable as unique individual expressions of All That Is. FamilyTreeTheosophy.pdf. Rosicrucian Fellowship. The First Principles of Theosophy. The First Principles of Theosophy.

The First Principles of Theosophy

Below the earth by 70,000 yojanas are the seven lower planetary systems called Atala, Vitala, Sutala, Talatala, Mahatala, Rasatala and Patala - Vaniquotes. The distance from the sun to the earth is 100,000 yojanas, and below the earth by 70,000 yojanas are the seven lower planetary systems called Atala, Vitala, Sutala, Talātala, Mahātala, Rasātala and Pātāla.

Below the earth by 70,000 yojanas are the seven lower planetary systems called Atala, Vitala, Sutala, Talatala, Mahatala, Rasatala and Patala - Vaniquotes

Below these lower planets by 30,000 yojanas, Śeṣa Nāga is lying on the Garbhodaka Ocean. The body of the Supreme Lord, Viṣṇu, which forms the Śiśumāra-cakra, is the resting place of all the demigods and all the stars and planets. One who chants this mantra to worship that Supreme Person three times a day—morning, noon and evening—will surely be freed from all sinful reactions.

Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 2 Chapter 5 Verses 40-41. The Causal Body by A.E.Powell (Part 1 of 2) By Arthur E.

The Causal Body by A.E.Powell (Part 1 of 2)

Powell. The Seven Planes of Prajna - Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia. From Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia By Swami Alokananda.

The Seven Planes of Prajna - Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia

Transpersonal psychology. Issues considered in transpersonal psychology include spiritual self-development, self beyond the ego, peak experiences, mystical experiences, systemic trance, spiritual crises, spiritual evolution, religious conversion, altered states of consciousness, spiritual practices, and other sublime and/or unusually expanded experiences of living. The discipline attempts to describe and integrate spiritual experience within modern psychological theory and to formulate new theory to encompass such experience. Ken%20Wilber%20-%20An%20Integral%20Theory%20of%20Consciousness.pdf. Metaphysical naturalism. This article is about the worldview.

For the working assumption without suggesting absolute truth, see Methodological naturalism. Metaphysical naturalism, also called ontological naturalism, philosophical naturalism and scientific materialism is a worldview which holds that there is nothing but natural elements, principles, and relations of the kind studied by the natural sciences, i.e., those required to understand our physical environment by mathematical modelling. Merging with Siva, Chapter 42: The Evolution of Consciousness.

The true-Self, the false-self and the ego. Introduction.

Chakras & Subtle Body

Chakras & The Fetus. The spine is one of the first things to develop in the fetus along with the legs, arms, face, eyes, and heart. Since the chakra system is situated in the spine, it makes sense to take the time to look at the chakra system of the fetus and see how it effects the development of the child. During the first two months in the womb a child’s chakra system begins to develop. Your developing child at this stage is so connected with the life force energy that the chakras are still fused together under one energy field.

MAY 1958 – PLANES OF CONSCIOUSNESS IN THE NEXT INCARNATION. MAY 1958 – PLANES OF CONSCIOUSNESS IN THE NEXT INCARNATION. Baba had this discourse read on Planes of Consciousness in the Next Incarnation: Do persons on the spiritual planes of consciousness take birth having consciousness of the same plane? January 2009. Article 25. ARTICLE 25 by Stephen M. Phillips Flat 3, 32 Surrey Road South. Bournemouth. BH4 9BP. Chakra System...Notes. Chakra #2: Swadhisthana (Area of consciousness for the emotional body) This chakra resonates to our need for relationships with other people and our need to control to some extent the dynamics of our physical environment. All the attachments by which we maintain control over our external lives, such as authority, other people, or money, are linked through this chakra to our energy field and physical body.

The illnesses that originate in this energy center are activated by the fear of losing control. The energy in this chakra enables us to generate a sense of personal identity and protective psychological boundaries. This chakra has procreative energy that is both biological and spiritual: we desire to create children and also to bring our creative ideas into physical form, which is crucial to our physical health as to our spiritual. Chakra System of Animals. Please Note: The information contained below is not meant as a substitute for seeking professional help if you have an animal who is sick, injured or you think may be unwell.

Always seek help and advice from a qualified veterinary surgeon in the first instance. Introduction. Lataif – Chakras In Esoteric Islam. Sufi Healing Order. I. A Discussion on Lataif-as-sitta. Bach, Chakras, Tarot: Toccata in F LINKS and footnotes page. 777WFN6_2SpiritE. POSTERS (A4, A3 and A2) Psychrocosm chapter 1. Wiki : PraxisEvents/QabalahQuestionsAndAnswers. Questions & Answers These are the questions and answers from the live Praxis Event on Saturday 6th January 2007. Analysis of Evangelion Characters According to the Sephiroth Tree of Life. Islamic Mysticism: Sufism. Jean Gebser. Levels of Consciousness. Latihan. The Yoga of the Nine Emotions. Man's Search for Meaning.

Existential therapy. Logotherapy. Chakras. Anatomy of the Spirit. Armonia Chakrelor – Chakra Radacina ( Muladhara ) Victor Cătălin. Logotherapy. Bindu (symbol) Chakras. Siddhi. Manas (Mind) and Buddhi (Intellect) Originate in the World of Ideas. The Seven Bodies and Chakras. Yoga Reading Room - Advance Yoga Study 15. Yoga Reading Room - Advance Yoga Study 143. History of the Chakra System. History of the Chakra System. Emotion. Sadguru Shri Sai Baba of Shirdi. Atharvaveda. Puranas. Patala. Desire realm. Loka. Layers of the Mind (Kosha and Loka) Sarira (Vedanta) Sarira (Vedanta) 3 Types of Bodies: Gross-Sthula, Astral-Linga & Causal-Karan body. Hindu philosophy. Katha Upanishad.

Samkhya. Subtle body. Vijñāna. Skandha. Satipatthana. Atma Bodha. Skandha. Vijñāna. Kosha. Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo & The Mother. Trancendental Sphere Maps of Consciousness.