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CSS/Stylesheets/Etc | Languages

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SASS vs. LESS. "Which CSS preprocessor language should I choose?


" is a hot topic lately. I've been asked in person several times and an online debate has been popping up every few days it seems. It's nice that the conversation has largely turned from whether or not preprocessing is a good idea to which one language is best. Let's do this thing. The W3C CSS Validation Service. CSS Lint. Refactoring >14,000 lines of CSS into Sass - Thoughts on building web apps, businesses, and virtual teams. Beanstalk is a mature product and during its’ 5 years of existence the design and UI have been changed a lot.

Refactoring >14,000 lines of CSS into Sass - Thoughts on building web apps, businesses, and virtual teams

Our CSS grows accordingly and lately it consisted of 5 files, 14,211 lines and 290 KB of code. We handcrafted our CSS from the start but more recently it had become quite hard to manage. With the growth of new tools like Sass and LESS I decided to rebuild our stylesheets into something cleaner and easier to maintain, and after working with the new system for a month I’m really happy with the results.

LESS | Languages - CSS

SASS | Languages - CSS. CSS | Languages. Stylus | Languages - CSS. Compass | CSS/Stylesheets - SASS.