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Development. YTranscript: Using the brand new YouTube chromeless, scriptable. Wednesday, March 12th, 2008 <p>We saw a very exciting YouTube launch for developers today. People have long wanted to customize the YouTube player, and now you have complete control with a chromeless player that has JavaScript access so you can start, stop, go to a timing, and much more. I took this API and implemented a simple DSL that allows me to build a simple transcript table of contents that lets you jump to a particular chapter in the video. The HTML has special attributes and CSS classes, ending up like this: My JavaScript trivially attaches behaviour to the list to talk to the player.

The one gotcha is that seekTo goes to the nearest keyframe, which can be a few seconds off. Learn more We have an interview with the engineers, and a bunch of documentation. Ajax Chat Examples. Multi Ajax Star Rating Examples. AjaxDaddy - Ajax Examples in Action. How to load another HTML page and read the content with the resp. There is no responseHTML attribute belong responseText and responseXML in XMLHttpRequest, but this is not a problem. If we want to get data from another HTML page and insert it into the displayed page, this can be achieved easily.

The responseXML attribute holds an XML document DOM can access, and to provide the equivalent for HTML we need just for a <div> tag and a JavaScript function that extends Ajax or the framework we are using. The principle... A variable or a <div> tag to store the other web page. In the second case, the content is not be displayed, as we make use of the display attribute of CSS with the none value. Creating the responseHTML element This may be a variable of type Element. var responseHTML = document.createElement("body"); This works with Internet Explorer and Firefox, not with Opera. Creating a permanent <div> storage tag To store the other document inside the page, the following tag has to be included anywhere into the page: The content is empty.

JavaScript functions. Prototype Window Class : Samples. Here is a list of sample codes to show different ways to create windows and dialogs. You can view source of each example, even edit it and test your modification immediatly in your browser. Just click again on the link to open a new window/dialog with the modified code. Each window uses a javascript function to get a new id and DO NOT call setDestroyOnClose(). You can open the debug window if you want to see some debug outputs. Do not forget to check PWC-OS 1. This sample opens a simple window with some parameters like specific hide and show effects. View source Edit Source 2.

This sample opens a window with site in it. 3. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit This sample opens a window with green div on the right as content. 4. This sample opens a alert dialog with the default alert theme (alert.css). width/height/okLabel are specified and also ok callback function. 5. 6. This sample opens a info dialog with a progress image. 7. 8. 9. HTTP Streaming. From Ajax Patterns Please see discussion page for an alternate approach to HTTP streaming from what is listed below! Evidence: 1/3 Tags: Comet Connection Duplex Live Persistent Publish Push RealTime Refresh Remoting RemoteScripting Stateful Stream TwoWay Update APE Ajax Push Engine How can the browser receive events and responses from the server? The state of many web applications is inherently volatile. Changes can come from numerous sources, such as other users, external news and data, results of complex calculations, triggers based on the current time and date.

Stream server data in the response of a long-lived HTTP connection. "Page Streaming" involves streaming the original page response. For example, the server can initially output a div which will always contain the latest news. print ("<div id='news'></div>"); But instead of exiting, it starts a loop to update the item every 10 seconds.

<? "Page Streaming" means the browser discovers server changes almost immediately. Caplin Liberator. Periodic Refresh. From Ajax Patterns Evidence: 3/3 Tags: Auto-Update Polling Sync Synchronise Sychronize Real-Time Railing Tangga | Pintu dan Jendela ChatRoom client receives message from remote machine (spoken balloon transfers down the line). The server is volatile: information relevant to the user changes with time. Frank is surveying factory activity through a graphical web application which shows a floor plan with the current power usage of every machine. The information's updated every five seconds. All of a sudden, one of the machine displays goes red, indicating overload, and Frank heads over to investigate. How can the application keep users informed of changes occurring on the server? The state of many web applications is inherently volatile. The browser periodically issues an XMLHttpRequest Call to gain new information, e.g. one call every five seconds.

In its simplest form, a loop can be established to run the refresh indefinitely, by continuously issuing XMLHttpRequest Calls. JotSpot Live Wiki Lace. Main Page. Ajax Cookbook. Ajax DNS. Web-toolkit - Google Code. To browse the GWT source code, visit the 'Source' tab. If you have isolated a problem or want a new feature to be included in the GWT, please submit an issue. Make sure to include all the relevant information when you submit the issue such as: GWT version Browsers used (with version number) One line of issue summary and a detailed description And any workarounds if you have them. The more information you provide, the quicker the issue can be verified and prioritized. A test case (source code) that demonstrates the problem is greatly preferred. If you are interested in contributing to GWT, please read the Making GWT Better guide. The GWT code includes some other libraries that are licensed under terms other than Apache 2.0.

. - The GWT Team. RSS BLOGGER - Ajax - Tutorials, Bücher, Frameworks und mehr. Writing an AJAX-based Visual Rating System with PHP — a/r/t by p. SAJAX - Simple Ajax Toolkit by ModernMetho. Commercial consulting and support now available. Get support from the people who made Ajax easy for the masses. If your staff needs a helping hand with your Ajax project, we now offer commercial support and consulting. Email support for the Sajax library starts at an affordable $199 per year. We can help you build your project for rates from $150 per hour. Contact us for more information. Sajax itself remains under the open source BSD license. Breaking news: After a long delay, Sajax version 0.12 is finally out. Sajax is an open source tool to make programming websites using the Ajax framework — also known as XMLHTTPRequest or remote scripting — as easy as possible. Examples Here are two overly simplistic examples: Graffiti Wall: → Try it or see source Calculator: → Try it or see source Still confused?

Download Now The most recent version 0.12, including code and examples: Version 0.12, code only: Sajax.php.txt News If you appreciate Sajax, please consider making a donation. Ajax on Rail. By Curt Hibbs 06/09/2005 In a few short months, Ajax has moved from an obscure and rarely used technology to the hottest thing since sliced bread. This article introduces the incredibly easy-to-use Ajax support that is part of the Ruby on Rails web application framework.

This is not a step-by-step tutorial, and I assume that you know a little bit about how to organize and construct a Rails web application. If you need a quick refresher, check out Rolling with Ruby on Rails Revisited and Rolling with Ruby on Rails Revisited, Part Two, as well as Bill Walton's monthly series, Cookin' With Ruby on Rails. Welcome back! Just in case you've been stranded on a faraway island for most of the year, here's the history of Ajax in 60 seconds or less. In the beginning, there was the World Wide Web. XMLHttpRequest must have been one of the Web's best kept secrets. Traditional Web App vs. an Ajax App At this point, a traditional web application sends the value of the input field to the server. Figure 1. Web Toolkit - Build AJAX apps in the Java. Developing PHP the Ajax way, Part 1: Getti.

Ntent with Style: Fixing the Back Button. Ajaxian. AJAX Tutorial with Prototype. December 13, 2005 Here's the AJAX prototype example that I used in my AJAX presentation today. I wanted to give an example of a good use of AJAX, and at the same time keep it simple. So I thought a good example would be to build a zip code verifier. As soon as the person enters the zip code it makes a request to the server to see if the zip code is in the database, and returns the city and state.

So the user first sees this: Once the zip code is entered, and the response received it looks like this: If the zip code is not found in the db: Ok, now lets build it... Download prototype, and a zip code db First you need to download prototype.js from Next you need to downloaded a zip code database. Zipcode_example.html We are using the onkeyup event in the zip code input tag to fire the JavaScript function checkZip().

When the zip code length is 5, we make the AJAX request using prototype's Ajax.Updater class. By now you're probably wondering what the $F() function does. Style.css Hi. Ajax Mistake. A library of DHTML and AJAX scripts - DHTM. How To Use AJAX Introduction. AJAX, an acronym for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, is the latest technology buzzword. Asynchronous means that you can make a request to a server via Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and continue to process other data while waiting for the response. This means, for example, that you can make calls to a server-side script to retrieve data from a database as XML, send data to a server-side script to be stored in a database, or simply load an XML file to populate pages of your Web site without refreshing the page.

However, along with all of the benefits, AJAX sparks some unquestionable debate over issues with the Back button. This article will help you to determine when AJAX is a good solution for developing your users' experiences. I'm assuming that you have a basic understanding of the JavaScript and XML part of the acronym. Although you can request any type of text file with AJAX, I'll focus strictly on XML. PerlJAX.u. - Fridge Magnets Letters g. Welcome to ajax13. KBdocs: Your Free Online Word Processor and Document Repository. Mark Watson, Java Consultant and Author. Netvibes.