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Unusual articles. This page is for Wikipedians to list articles that seem unusual. These articles are valuable contributions to the encyclopedia, but are a bit odd, whimsical, or something you would not expect to find in Encyclopædia Britannica. We should take special care to meet the highest standards of an encyclopedia with these articles lest they make Wikipedia appear idiosyncratic. If you wish to add articles to this list, the article in question should preferably meet one or more of these criteria: This definition is not precise. The Oatmeal: Grammar Comics. This is a grammar comic about the proper usage of who versus whom.

The Oatmeal: Grammar Comics

A look at the meaning of "flushing out an idea. " This comic will LITERALLY make butterflies explode out of your underpants. A guide explaining when to use i.e. instead of e.g. A little bit ironic, dontcha think? The most feared punctuation on earth. Shelfari. Tagxedo. FreeRice - Vocabulary Games. YAJJOMJ: Comics by Tom Gauld.