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HouHouHaHa - The Art of Sharing. Non-Candid Photographs of Strangers in Non-Place Places. “Non-lieux,” or “non-place,” is a term coined by French anthropologist Marc Augé in a 1995 book titled, Non-Places: Introduction to an Anthropology of Supermodernity. It refers to places that lack history and tradition, places that people pass through, places that are solely meant for transactions, places where people are largely anonymous faces, and places that aren’t significant enough to be considered “places.”

Since 2007, photographer Benoit Paillé has been going to these non-place places, talking to random strangers, and asking them to pose for a portrait. Here’s what Paillé says about his “Strangers Project”: Questioning the modern world in which we are living and trying to break this individualism and the anonymity of the big city. By going into “non-lieux” (non-places) (subways, malls, and crowded streets at rush hour…) and by talking to people to take photos, I break the usual way this modern world works for a few instants. Stranger Project by Benoit Paillé (via Fstoppers) Portraits of Strangers on the Street. Taking nice portraits in a studio setting requires a great skill set and understanding of how to set up lights. Doing the same thing, but on the street with complete strangers takes the skill one step further. Benoit Paillé, Quebec based photographer, recently released images from his latest project titled, “Stranger Project” in which he breaks the norm of “not speaking or disturbing” strangers in order to create stunning portraits on the street.

Paille, whose surreal landscapes photos have been featured before on Fstoppers, says the project started in 2007 when he decided he wanted to take portraits of strangers on the street. But rather than doing it hidden or from the hip (as I recently did on my trip to New York) he would talk to the people and let them know what he was up to and get them on board. [Via Behance - Stranger Project] Related The Best Fstoppers’ Posts From November 2012 Your "Likes", "Tweets", comments and clicks all help us know which are our best posts of the month. Issuu - You Publish. Web Creme | Web design inspiration. Julia Gavrilova April 4, 201410:14 pm Permalink Purple, Rock, Scissors April 4, 201410:12 pm Permalink Merz & Benzing April 3, 201411:54 pm Permalink We Are Visual Animals April 2, 20141:45 pm Permalink Endswell Collection April 2, 20141:44 pm Permalink Jeremy Holmes Studio April 1, 20141:47 pm Permalink.

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