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Digital research methods

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Online Visualization Platforms. Online Visualization Platforms. Search environmrnt. Macroanalysis: Digital Methods and Literary History - Matthew L. Jockers. Hermeneutica: Computer-Assisted Interpretation in the Humanities - Geoffrey Rockwell, Stéfan Sinclair. DiRT Directory. The DiRT directory has recently rolled out TaDiRAH terms as the main organizing and browsing framework for the site, and is now making tool profile information available using RDF.

DiRT Directory

The DiRT directory is widely recognized for providing researchers who are new to using digital tools with an easy way to access those tools using activities (“I want to… analyze data”) rather than an abstract classification system. Lev Manovich - home. Digital Humanities Questions & Answers. International Journal of Digital Curation. Untitled. Dh09 conferencepreceedings final. Data science tool & case resources. The Meaning of the Digital Humanities. Meaning of the Digital Humanities - Alan Liu (Full Lecture) Manifesto V2. Untitled. Scifi_v3 : Robin Sloan. The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Recurrent Neural Networks.

There’s something magical about Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs).

The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Recurrent Neural Networks

I still remember when I trained my first recurrent network for Image Captioning. Within a few dozen minutes of training my first baby model (with rather arbitrarily-chosen hyperparameters) started to generate very nice looking descriptions of images that were on the edge of making sense. Renulife users directions1919. Barthes.death. ResearchGate.


Data Mining Reveals the Six Basic Emotional Arcs of Storytelling. Back in 1995, Kurt Vonnegut gave a lecture in which he described his theory about the shapes of stories.

Data Mining Reveals the Six Basic Emotional Arcs of Storytelling

In the process, he plotted several examples on a blackboard. “There is no reason why the simple shapes of stories can’t be fed into computers,” he said. “They are beautiful shapes.” The video is available on YouTube. Vonnegut was representing in graphical form an idea that writers have explored for centuries—that stories follow emotional arcs, that these arcs can have different shapes, and that some shapes are better suited to storytelling than others. Vonnegut mapped out several arcs in his lecture. WebHome < Digitalmethods < The Link | The Website | The Engine | The Spheres | The Webs | Post-demographics | Networked Content Welcome to the Digital Methods course, which is a focused section of the more expansive Digital Methods wiki.

WebHome < Digitalmethods <

The Digital Methods course consists of seven units with digital research protocols, specially developed tools, tutorials as well as sample projects. In particular this course is dedicated to how else links, Websites, engines and other digital objects and spaces may be studied, if methods were to follow the medium, as opposed to importing standard methods from the social sciences more generally, including surveys, interviews and observation. Talks/More Than Numbers Less Than Words - Monoskop. A talk given at Public Library conference on 5 June 2015 at Nova Gallery in Zagreb, Croatia.

Talks/More Than Numbers Less Than Words - Monoskop

I am not going to defend the electronic book against printed one, nor digital libraries against brick-and-mortar ones. There is enough space for them all, also given that what were once distinct categories are today lacks of better terms. Nor am I going to talk about universal access. I am a supporter of unrestricted access to written knowledge, but I am unable to identify with the imperative of universal access to all published content. Talks/Poetics of Research - Monoskop. An unedited version of a talk given at the conference Public Library held at Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart, 1 November 2014.

Talks/Poetics of Research - Monoskop

Bracketed sequences are to be reformulated. Why and How to Be(come) an Amateur Librarian. Every discipline on its way of acceptance and establishment in a society structures its knowledge and articulates the importance of the discipline for the society.

Why and How to Be(come) an Amateur Librarian

Librarianship is no different. Structure helps the discipline to make a curriculum, curriculum helps the discipline to get accepted by the academia, academia helps profession to get recognized and then to keep the pool exclusive for the ones who master the (structure and) knowledge (at the academia). MA research map - Mind42. Digital mapping. Mindfulness exercise. Chapter 1 of Net Smart (Rheingold 2012) Visitors and residents. For more than a decade Marc Prensky’s (2001) notions of digital natives and digital immigrants has had a powerful influence on how educational institutions perceive students and technology: "Prensky’s distinction between people who are entirely at ease within a digital environment and those who manage to learn to exist but who (in his view) will never be fully competent, has gained enormous currency and, until recently, widespread acceptance.

Visitors and residents

Similarly, his linked assertion that the differentiation also signals the need for an educational revolution, requiring a new approach which accommodates the up-and-coming Natives, has not only been largely believed but has provoked a sense of panic among ‘Immigrant educators’ who now perceive themselves wrong–footed and unable to step up to the plate.

" White and Le Cornu, 2011 In recent years educational researchers have come to treat the natives and immigrants idea with suspicion. Jisc digital capability codesign challenge blog. It’s been a hectic, interesting and sometimes information-overloaded couple of months on the Digital Capabilities frameworks project.

Jisc digital capability codesign challenge blog

Lou McGill and I have reviewed over 60 existing frameworks for describing the digital capabilities of staff, from professional frameworks which might only touch on digital practice, to frameworks from the IT industry, digital media, and business innovation. We’ve looked at a host of publications and web sites. And I’ve carried out interviews with dozens of people who are doing work in this area, whether they are based in professional bodies or in universities and colleges, or in industry and the professions outside of education.

1. Digital capabilities 6 elements. 3. Frameworks mapped to 6 elements. Note-Taking in Graduate School. Justin Dunnavant is a PhD student in Anthropology at the University of Florida.

Note-Taking in Graduate School

You can find him on Twitter @archfieldnotes or at his blog AfricanaArch. As graduate students, we are confronted with the daunting task of collecting, consolidating, and absorbing large amounts of information. Natural Language Toolkit — NLTK 3.0 documentation.