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Alex Grantham

MA Literature and digital culture student


Making Sense of Play in Video Games: Ludus, Paidia, and Possibility Spaces. Graham H.

Making Sense of Play in Video Games: Ludus, Paidia, and Possibility Spaces

Jensen Although play constitutes a significant part of all human activity, it is an exceptionally difficult phenomenon to define. Parenting stuff. Dhresourcesforprojectbuilding [licensed for non-commercial use only] / Digital Humanities Tools. Guides to Digital Humanities | Tutorials | Tools | Examples | Data Collections & Datasets Online or downloadable tools that are free, free to students, or have generous trial periods without tight usage constraints, watermarks, or other spoilers.

dhresourcesforprojectbuilding [licensed for non-commercial use only] / Digital Humanities Tools

Bias toward tools that can be run online or installed on a personal computer without needing an institutional server. (Also see Other Tool Lists)

Annotating essays

Random interests. Curating curations. Modules.