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Survival Lists

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The Free Online Survival Guide. The One-Stop Survival Preparedness Guide - For Your Physical and Financial Survival. Full Listing of United States Army Field Manuals. Last Alive - Emergency Preparedness Downloads. 10 Skills Every Survivalist Should Learn. 100 Items to Disappear First. 100 Items to Disappear First 1. Generators (Good ones cost dearly. Gas storage, risky. of thieves; maintenance etc.) 2. Water Filters/Purifiers 3. Portable Toilets 4. Seasoned Firewood. From a Sarajevo War Survivor: Experiencing horrible things that can happen in a war - death of parents and friends, hunger and malnutrition, endless freezing cold, fear, sniper attacks. 1. Top 100 Items. Top Post-Collapse Barter Items and Trade Skills by Brandon Smith.

By Brandon Smith The concept of private barter and alternative economies has been so far removed from our daily existence here in America that the very idea of participating in commerce without the use of dollars or without the inclusion of corporate chains seems almost outlandish to many people.

However, the fact remains that up until very recently (perhaps the last three to four decades) barter and independent trade was commonplace in this country. Without it, many families could not have survived. Whether we like it or not, such economic methods will be making a return very soon, especially in the face of a plunging dollar, inflating wholesale prices, erratic investment markets, and unsustainable national debts. It is inevitable; financial collapse of the mainstream system ALWAYS leads to secondary markets and individual barter.

Top Priority Goods To be sure, this list is a summary of items that will have high value during and after a breakdown scenario. A List of Lists.