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Creatividad Innovacion y diseño

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How to Transfer a Photograph Onto a Block of Wood. Rubén Turienzo. Blog Directory. ____M1[DESIGN]___________________________________________________________________________ Thoughts on the Golden Ratio and colour. « THERESA RYAN. Last Autumn, I posted an article talking about the Golden Rule.

Thoughts on the Golden Ratio and colour. « THERESA RYAN

Here’s an excerpt from that post in which I quoted from Juliette Aristides’ book: ”Yet in a few places a remarkable physical phenomenon occurred- the clear and pleasing ringing of a musical tone. The new tones were created at the one half, two thirds and three quarters divisions of the string when measuring the string from right to left. When measuring the string from left to right, however, these tones are created at the one quarter, one third and one half divisions. Sesgo cognitivo. Creativity Prompt #22 - The "One-Sheet" Mini Album.

October 24th, 2008 by Avital.

Creativity Prompt #22 - The "One-Sheet" Mini Album

Free Social Teaching and Learning Network focused solely on education. 11 Free Resources About Creativity. Want some ideas about creativity?

11 Free Resources About Creativity

Using A Support Group For Creativity. Photography: drurydrama (Len Radin) Being an artist always seems like such a lonely job. They always have to work alone, surrounded by half-completed canvases, overturned paint pots and wobbly easels. Two Types of Creativity (from the research of Dr. Michael Kirton) Do You Recognize These 10 Mental Blocks to Creative Thinking? Do You Have These 11 Traits of Highly Creative People? CreatingMinds - tools, techniques, methods, quotes and quotations on all... What you DO affects what you THINK. « Digging out... | Main | My First Scoble: a DIY gift idea » What you DO affects what you THINK What our users DO with our products--or even what they see someone else do--has a bigger effect on their brains than we might believe.

What you DO affects what you THINK

How we move (or imagine moving) our bodies changes our thoughts. And if there's a mismatch between thought and physical action, brains don't like it. Whether you're designing interfaces or instructional materials, you can't afford to ignore the research on this. Entrevista a Howard Gardner - Cloud thinking.

Why Intelligent People Fail. How Running A Business Changes The Way You Think. A few months ago I had the opportunity to have dinner with Ramit Sethi.

How Running A Business Changes The Way You Think

We shot the breeze about business topics for a little while — optimizing email opt-in rates, A/B testing to victory, pricing strategies, and the like. Writing and selling software is solidly in my comfort zone and is what I usually talk about on this blog. If you want that, skip this post. We are going deep, deep into the fluffy bits! The conversation wandered into the softer side of things: psychology, and how running businesses has changed us as people. "Outside the Box" Cartoon. All innovation occurs in some kind of box.

"Outside the Box" Cartoon

It’s always framed by some constraint, whether from the organization, the marketplace, or the consumer. In some cases, those constraints can spark even greater creativity. They can provide focus and a tangible challenge to rally the team. ¿Dónde se obtienen las ideas Creativas? How Genius Works - The Culture Report. Review: How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci. A few months ago, Luciano Passuello from Litemind suggested me to read the book How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci by Michael J.

Review: How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci

Gelb. Having heard about da Vinci’s reputation as one of the greatest geniuses in history, I gladly did. The author of the book examined the life and work of Leonardo da Vinci and tried to figure out the secret of his genius. Mapas mentales.

Creatividad Taringa

Pensamiento lateral. Me siento muy emocionado en escribir respecto a esta técnica, ya que es una de mis favoritas: disfruto mucho aplicándola y comentando acerca de la misma; que la aproveches.

pensamiento lateral

Esta técnica es desarrollada por Edward De Bono y posee gran difusión en la actualidad. Creatividad. 50 Unique Business Cards. Unique Business Card gives the identity to your business and are greatly helpful in spreading a word about your business offline.

50 Unique Business Cards

Having information about an Individual, his designation and Most importantly the Business Information, Business Cards serves two purpose of individual and business introduction to the world. 28 Creative PowerPoint and Keynote Presentation Designs. There’s a certain art to putting together a solid presentation and PowerPoint and Keynote are the primary tools of the trade.

28 Creative PowerPoint and Keynote Presentation Designs

The “art” comes into play when you’re trying to set yourself apart; so how you use the tools is of great importance. Often it is the design of the presentation itself that does the trick.

Creatividad Presentaciones - Creativity Slides

Increasing Creativity - WannaLearn. 120 Ways to Boost Your Brain Power. Here are 120 things you can do starting today to help you think faster, improve memory, comprehend information better and unleash your brain’s full potential. Solve puzzles and brainteasers.Cultivate ambidexterity. Use your non-dominant hand to brush your teeth, comb your hair or use the mouse. Write with both hands simultaneously. Creative use of typography in advertising. 5 ideas más de coaching para aumentar la motivación profesional (726. ¿Quieres ser más creativo e innovador? Pues cambia tu forma de pensar.

La forma en la que percibes tu entorno, cómo entiendes los problemas o las ideas preconcebidas que albergas son un filtro del que probablemente no eres consciente y que está limitando tu creatividad. Las historias de ratones que destronaron a elefantes las protagonizan personas que se atrevieron a pensar de forma diferente a la mayoría, desafiando el status quo y sus supuestas limitaciones…. Quien sabe, si te lo propones y te atreves a ir más allá de los parámetros que te encorsetan, quizás tú seas uno de ellos. Bejamin Zander, director de la Boston Philharmonic Orchestra, arrancaba con esta magnífica historia su conferencia sobre liderazgo en la edición 2009 del Foro Económico de Davos: Dos vendedores de zapatos son enviados a una región remota para explorar nuevos mercados. Nada más llegar, el primer vendedor manda un telegrama con el siguiente mensaje: “Ninguna esperanza. Never Be My Friend.

When I'm bored, I browse through my friends' Facebook images, choose my favorites, and draw them. Sometimes I take... liberties. Let's just call it artistic license. R.I.P. Visualizing the Creative Process. As I coach new developers, I've taken to scribbling out the same useful diagram for visualizing the creative process again and again on coffee-ringed napkins. The 10/20/30 Rule of PowerPoint. I suffer from something called Ménière’s disease—don’t worry, you cannot get it from reading my blog. The symptoms of Ménière’s include hearing loss, tinnitus (a constant ringing sound), and vertigo. There are many medical theories about its cause: too much salt, caffeine, or alcohol in one’s diet, too much stress, and allergies.

Thus, I’ve worked to limit control all these factors. Review: How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci. ¡Utiliza el Amarillo! , Decoración 2.0. Honyecomb es uno de los nuevos productos de la empresa Chenel, especializada en la creación de paneles de papel. Reglas para Revolucionarios. How to be creative. 2004 July. Born like an artist. How Genius Works - The Culture Report.

Special Reports.


Diseño. Creative. Inspiration. "El arte de innovar" de Guy Kawasaki en "El ser creativo" Really Bad Powerpoint. I wrote this about four years ago, originally as an ebook. I figured the idea might spread and then the problem would go away--we'd no longer see thousands of hours wasted, every single day, by boring PowerPoint presentations filled with bullets. Innovación estratégica y Modelos de negocio.