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Outils collaboratifs Web 2.0. Participer, coopérer, collaborer : ces trois termes sont abondamment utilisés mais les idées qu'ils recouvrent, quoique proches, divergent.

Outils collaboratifs Web 2.0

Dans tous les cas, l'activité et l'intelligence collective sont au cœur du dispositif d'apprentissage. > On doit se demander quels sont la place et le(s) rôle(s) de(s) l'enseignant(s) ? De(s) l'élève(s) dans ces nouvelles pratiques de classe ? (rapport aux autres, rapport au temps, rapport à l'espace, rapport à l'organisation) > Quelles formes de collaboration numérique ?

Typologie des outils (communication interpersonnelle, reseautage social, publication web et e-learning) > Pratique d'activités collaboratives et pédagogie ? Après cette réflexion une sélection de sites collaboratifs : Aujourd’hui le web 2.0 permet le passage d’un web statique à un web dynamique, c’est-à-dire à une gestion de contenu plus dynamique, chaque acteur du web y étant en interaction. Best Websites for Teaching & Learning 2013. 12 Tech Tools That Will Transform The Way You Teach!

In a Simple K12 blog post titled “17 Signs Your Classroom is Behind the Times” they provide a list of things that characterize a classroom that has fallen behind.

12 Tech Tools That Will Transform The Way You Teach!

Number 16 lists a variety of technology tools that every educator should know about. As I read the list, I realized that although many teachers are interested in and excited about technology integration, they are too busy to explore all the new technology tools available online. This blog post is dedicated to all of the overworked teachers who just don’t have the time to seek out this information.

I have provided brief explanations, links to and pictures of the tools mentioned by Simple K12 (and a couple of my favorites). I hope this makes it more manageable for teachers to pick and choose which tools they want to use. FUCKING HOMEPAGE. Here is a list of websites we have featured in the past that might come in handy.


Remember to set as your start page if you haven’t already. Educational/Learning – Useful and educational links updated daily. Set it as your homepage and forget about - video lectures on just about any - lectures by smart - for every educational website or useful web app out - classroom - expand your vocabulary while feeding the - a collection of geography - timed math - the best short - learn about - turn a Wikipedia article into a - a collection of intellectually stimulating - a place to learn amazing and unusual historical and scientific facts Learn Skills Useful Web Apps Entertainment - Music, Movies, Sports, Books. Educational Blogs You Should Be Investigating.

Feb07 Today’s topic again focuses on another valuable teacher freebie, and free is in my price range.

Educational Blogs You Should Be Investigating

How about you? Today’s post gives each of us a rare professional development opportunity – learning from other teachers who teach the same curriculum as you. Think about it. Wouldn’t the idea of having just a first grade teacher conference be phenomenal? Now think about the possibility of peering inside another teacher’s classroom to see what wonderful projects and activities were happening.

What I’ve pulled for you today are blogs divided by subject and grade level for you to quickly reference, but I do encourage you to explore blogs outside of your curriculum, as well. I cannot guarantee you will be able to reference all of these blogs while at school, as I am aware many school filters limit access to blogs. If you own a blog or know of another one that would fall under this list, please consider adding it to the comments.

25 Best Websites for Teachers. 1.

25 Best Websites for Teachers

Best for Young Readers: The Stacks At The Stacks, students can post book reviews, get reading recommendations, play games based on the latest series, watch "Meet the Author" videos, and more. It's like Facebook for reading and it's safe for school, too. 2. Best for Finding Books: Book Wizard Use Scholastic's Book Wizard to level your classroom library, find resources for the books you teach, and create reading lists with the click of a button. 3. With hundreds of lessons for every grade level, you're guaranteed to find a colorful idea for your class, such as the "Chinese Dragon Drum" for Chinese New Year or the "What Do You Love? " Cool Websites - 21st Century School Teacher. 50 Education Technology Tools Every Teacher Should Know About.

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50 Education Technology Tools Every Teacher Should Know About

Global Digital Citizen Foundation © 2015|terms & conditions|privacy policy. Leslie Fisher. John Kuglin Home Page - Home. Kathy Schrock's Guide to Everything - Home Page. Bloomin' Apps. This page gathers all of the Bloomin' Apps projects in one place.Each image has clickable hotspots and includes suggestions for iPad, Android, Google and online tools and applications to support each of the levels of Bloom's Revised Taxonomy.I have created a page to allow you to share your favorite online tool, iOS, or Android app with others.

Bloomin' Apps

Cogs of the Cognitive Processes I began to think about the triangular shape of Bloom's Taxonomy and realized I thought of it a bit differently.Since the cognitive processes are meant to be used when necessary, and any learner goes in and out of the each level as they acquire new content and turn it into knowledge, I created a different type of image that showcased my thoughts about Bloom's more meaningfully.Here is my visual which showcases the interlocking nature of the cognitive processes or, simply, the "Cogs of the Cognitive Processes".

Authentic Student Learning.