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Albrecht Hofmann


The digital age is not quite the disruptor freight forwarders feared, says report. Online platforms may be improving freight forwarding’s front end, but those predicting the demise of the traditional operator may have overestimated the impact of technology.

The digital age is not quite the disruptor freight forwarders feared, says report

Transport Intelligence’s recently published Global Freight Forwarding 2018 report, which polled 20 major forwarders and several online platforms, believes the tech crowd are not the transformative power many feared. “Online forwarders have been key to innovation in service and experience, and in the wider movement to embrace new tech as it matures and start to create value,” says the report.

“On the other hand, at a first principles level, the underlying operations of forwarding have remained relatively unchanged. Forwarding remains a process of buying space and securing volumes, of ensuring goods reach destination on time, in good condition, and of building trust and lasting relationships.” Key to its enduring appeal, according to the report, is shippers’ need for flexibility in handling their shipments.

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