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Regenerative Agriculture

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World Food Garden. CISA - Home. Seed Sourcer. Agroecology: The Science of Sustainable Agriculture (read online) Cuba's Organic Revolution. Below the high ceilings of the Telegraph hotel in Bayamo, south-east Cuba, the barman is mixing a perfect mojito. Rum, sugarcane juice, lime, carbonated water, and a whole sprig of mint. But the key ingredient isn't any old mint. This is mint, as the Cubans say, "from the patio". Or at least, from the hotel's own rooftop garden. "It's not very big," says the barman, "just two boxes. " But it's where the hotel grows all its mint for its mojitos. Organiponicos are the most visible part of Cuba's unique answer to a very serious problem – how to feed its people. Before the revolution nearly half the agricultural land in Cuba was owned by 1% of the people. Agricultural revolution But when the USSR collapsed in 1990/91, Cuba's ability to feed itself collapsed with it.

Radical action was needed, and quickly. "Integrated pest management, crop rotation, composting and soil conservation were implemented," says the COSG. Organoponico plaza The shop is open only on Mondays. A success then? Growing Power.