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7 UX design tools for an effective Scrum workflow. As of late we have been running more and more projects using the Agile Scrum method. In fact, our largest projects are almost all conducted in multidisciplinary Scrum teams. And very successfully! Formerly we primarily worked using the Waterfall project methodology, so we had to adjust our workflow. Gradually we have developed an effective way of working for interaction and visual designers within Scrum projects. Design workflow tools In order to make the workflow more iterative and effective our two design disciplines at UNITiD – the interaction designer and visual designers, collaborate using our favorite design tools: Sketch, InVision, Keynote, Dropbox, Jira, Confluence and our own Front End Guide. 1. Online tool Jira by Atlassian containing the project backlog with the stories sorted by priority and grouped into the epics. For who? Take-aways for setting up the Scrum project in Jira Create epics to group related stories. 2.

For who? Take-aways for setting up the Scrum project in Dropbox. HTML5 UP! Responsive HTML5 and CSS3 Site Templates. Duarte Slidedocs - French. How to be an amazing designer: apps every good designer needs. As a designer, you’re constantly pulled in a dozen different directions. Every phase of a project requires a different skillset and level of focus. So to get the job done, you need to grow your skills—and find and use the right tools. So here’s my list of must-have apps to help you become the design hero you’ve always wanted to be. They’ll help you focus, boost your productivity, stick to your commitments, and be the best designer you can be.

Design efficiency If designers wore toolbelts, these would be the most-used tools in mine. Alfred - Apple essentially ripped off a bunch of Alfred in Yosemite’s new Spotlight tool. Development I’m a firm believer that all designers should learn to code. Sublime Text 3 - The development app space is crowded, but I love Sublime Text the most. Writing content Just last week, John offered up 10 UX copywriting tips for designers designed to help you skip the lorem ipsum. This can be a real challenge at times, and for me, focus is the missing ingredient. Sequence.js and Sequence Themes. Beta v0.9.1 | User | Projects | Project. Slideidea.