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4. Персептроны – Нейронные сети. 8 JavaScript Libraries for Interactive Map Visualizations. Development Data visualization became ingrained in the life of almost every web designer and developer. If charting, mapping and dashboarding happen to have never been your pain in the neck yet, just wait a little bit as you are likely to join the club shortly.

Earlier, we featured tools to help you easily create beautiful charts and diagrams. Today, let's talk about the most robust JavaScript map libraries. These are designed to visualize data by means of beautiful, interactive maps that are great to identify and clarify relationships between values across different regions, view movement of objects relative to their location, and so on – precious for data analysis and business intelligence. Interactive JavaScript Map Libraries amMap (by amCharts) amMap is a special JavaScript (HTML5) library for maps developed by amCharts. In particular, you can easily "dive” into any part of your map with the help of the drill down feature. AnyMap (by AnyChart) D3.js (by Mike Bostock) Highmaps (by Highsoft) GitHub - tholman/ascii-morph: Library to animate between two ascii images -

ConsoleTVs/Charts: Multi-library chart package to create interactive charts using laravel. ProgressBar.js - Progress bars with JavaScript. Progress bar.js With ProgressBar.js, it's easy to create responsive and stylish progress bars for the web. Animations perform well even on mobile devices. It provides a few built‑in shapes like Line, Circle and SemiCircle but you can also create custom shaped progress bars with any vector graphic editor.

ProgressBar.js is lightweight, MIT licensed and supports all major browsers including IE9+. Usage A simple code example of creating a Line shaped progress bar and animating it from 0% to 100%. A few examples of using ProgressBar.js which can be quickly tested in JSFiddle. Line Circle SemiCircle Custom. GitHub - derhuerst/svg-patterns: SVG patterns for Data Visualization. GitHub - FancyGrid/awesome-grid: A curated list of grid(table) libraries and resources that developers may find useful. The Illusion Of Life: An SVG Animation Case Study. Akalongman/php-telegram-bot: PHP Telegram Bot based on the official Telegram Bot API. Demo - Papa Parse. Resource Cards - Selected free resources for designers. WAIT! Animate.

Chart.js | Open source HTML5 Charts for your website. Home | JavaScript UI - w2ui. What People Are Saying I have been using it quite substantially for a number of different projects now and must say that I absolutely love the way it works. - Soteri Panagou I've been using your grid on a couple of small projects and I've got to say it's an awesome piece of work. It's very easy to configure and offers a lot of features while staying really responsive. As a programmer it inspires me to write better code. - Collanders I must say, I really like all of these controls. . - Bob F I was searching for a slick and simple, but also user-friendly UI library.

. - Gerald Leeb W2UI is an excellent library! - Antonio Santos Very nice looking library. . - John Whitten I'm loving w2ui, it packs a lot of punch for such a light library. . - Neil Grover I am seriously blown away at the amazing quality of this library. . - Billy This is amazing! - Bruno Cassol This is incredible, thank you. - Anthony Isaacson This library is absolutely amazing, i never seen in my life such a clean and understandable code!!! Lazy Line Painter. Parallax Burns: Converting Photos from 2D to 3D with SVG. Last week we talked about ZorroSVG, a tool for converting your chunky transparent PNG-32s into slim and flexible SVGs. That got me thinking. A few weeks earlier, I talked about the use of the Ken Burns effect in film and television. Figure 1: The ‘Parallax Ken Burns’ effect (as a GIF) But there’s another similar, but slightly more sophisticated technique that pans and/or zooms different layers of a photograph at different rates to give the image a slightly 3D effect.

Sometimes this is called a ‘Parallax-Ken Burns effect’, other times ‘The 2D to 3D Effect’, sometimes it’s the ‘2.5D Effect’. This is a classic videographers trick, so all the tutorials you’ll find on Youtube for this effect are aimed at Adobe After Effects users. But what if we could mimic the effect entirely inside a standalone SVG graphic? That was the plan.

It didn’t quite work out that way (yet) but I thought it might be useful to share what I have so far. The plan was to… First take The Photograph The SVG Markup Method 1. Wrobstory/bearcart. CodyHouse - Free HTML, CSS, JS nuggets. Interactive Geographical Map with SVG and JavaScript. Chillwave · varun vachhar. 23 Nov 2015 A few days ago I came across this creative studio called This Also. They just launched a new site. It not only showcases some of their amazing work but, also has this fun little loading animation. I absolutely love this! First thing I did was right click & inspect element and was expecting to find an SVG with SMIL animation baked in. To my surprise it turned out to be a sprite based animation with 24 frames. Draw the Wave Step one was obvious… draw the wave using the SVG <path> element.

To create this path with SVG we will use the Bézier curve command c – lower case which means relative coordinates. <! The Building Blocks For this example let’s assume that the width of the SVG element is w, the height is h and the wave has an amplitude of 0.25 * h. Moving to start point which will be the middle of the SVG (0.5 * h) + half the amplitude (0.125 * h):Then we begin the curve c and add the first control point. . [ 'M', 0, 0.625 * h, 'c', 0.25 * h * m, 0 ] And Repeat Move the Wave Update. Ly.js Open-Source Announcement. November 17, 2015 A growing number of graphing tools and libraries allow anyone to make beautiful, interactive web-based graphs. By interactively visualizing our data online, we share complex ideas in an exploratory, visual, open, and collaborative way.

Today, Plotly is announcing that we have open-sourced plotly.js, the core technology and JavaScript graphing library behind Plotly’s products (MIT license). It's all out there and free. We’re big fans of collaboration, freedom, and perpetual motion. Despite the possibilities that the web offers, the core plotting libraries in scientific software like MATLAB, R, and Python still create static image files rather than dynamic, interactive charts. Plotly.js was instigated by Dr. Access the GitHub repository here. A contour density plot drawn with plotly.js. Plotly.js Highlights Seven details that make the project unique Scientific grade. A new JSON schema for data visualization Distinction from vega and vega-lite Implications for developers. Using The Gamepad API In Web Games. DrawSVGPlugin. DrawSVGPlugin allows you to progressively reveal (or hide) the stroke of an SVG <path>, <line>, <polyline>, <polygon>, <rect>, or <ellipse> and you can even animate outward from the center of the stroke (or any position/segment).

It does this by controlling the stroke-dashoffset and stroke-dasharray CSS properties. Watch the video The video below illustrates the many ways DrawSVGPlugin can be used and will get you up and running fast. Demo Click through the demo below to see the various ways you can provide values to DrawSVGPlugin. See the Pen DrawSVGPlugin Values: carl click next by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen. Fully integrated Since DrawSVGPlugin is part of GSAP, you can use it in any TweenLite, TweenMax, TimelineLite or TimelineMax animation. See the Pen All Shape Types by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen. More details For more detailed usage notes please consult the DrawSVGPlugin API documentation. Get your hands on DrawSVGPlugin Try DrawSVGPlugin for free on Codepen! Segment. MorphSVGPlugin. MorphSVGPlugin provides advanced control over tweens that morph SVG paths.

The video below details what you need to know to get up and running fast with MorphSVGPlugin. It has never been easier to morph between SVG shapes. First, let's cover what this new plugin can do: Morph <path> data even if the number (and type) of points is completely different between the start and end shapes! Most other SVG shape morphing tools require that the number of points matches.Morph a <polyline> or <polygon> to a different set of pointsThere's a utility function, MorphSVGPlugin.convertToPath() that can convert primitive shapes like <circle>, <rect>, <ellipse>, <polygon>, <polyline>, and <line> directly into the equivalent <path> that looks identical to the original and is swapped right into the DOM.Optionally define a "shapeIndex" that controls how the points get mapped.

How does it work? MorphSVGPlugin does a ton of heavy lifting so that you don't have to. Selector string An SVG element shapeIndex. An Introduction to Sprite Animation. The technique for sprite animation is not new, the Victorians taught us how to do it with their zoetrope's, and 8-bit video game designers showed us how to do it in the digital age. At its heart, all we are doing is moving sequentially through a series of images. It does not matter how you get there, what you need is a one image made up of a number of equally sized frames (sprites).

Spritesheets can be made in any application that is capable of outputting to PNG or SVG. SVGs have the advantage of looking pin sharp on high-resolution screens, but struggle with textures, gradients and complex illustrations. The goal is always to create retina ready animations. To achieve a basic looping animation, we assign a background image to a html element and then use JavaScript to adjust its background position over time.

You can do something similar with CSS3 steps() but for complete control and better cross compatibility, JavaScript libraries like Greensocks GSAP are hard to beat. Creating Cel Animations With SVG. Photoshop HTML Block. If you like this plugin, take a look also to the Photoshop Browser Preview. Nipplejs by yoannmoinet. Install npm install nipplejs --save // OR bower install nipplejs --save Demo Usage Import it the way you want into your project : // CommonJSvar joystick = require('nipplejs').create(options); // AMDdefine(['nipplejs'], function (nipplejs) { var joystick = nipplejs.create(options);}); // Global <script type="text/javascript" src=".

Options You can configure your joystick in different ways : All options are optional. [zone] defaults to 'body' The dom element in which your joystick will be injected. This zone also serve as the mouse/touch events handler. It represents the zone where your joystick will be active. [color] defaults to 'white' The background color of your joystick's elements. Can be any valid CSS color. [size] defaults to 100 The size in pixel of the outer circle. The inner circle is 50% of this size. [threshold] defaults to 0.1 This is the strength needed to trigger a directional event. Basically, the center is 0 and the outer is 1.

You need to at least go to 0.1 to trigger a directional event. el. Real-Time Search in JavaScript. What I meant was scanning the DOM of a page for text equivalents and showing the actual parts of the page, as well as hiding the irrelevant ones. I came up with the technique when I was designing Readerrr’s FAQ page. Take a look at the example: I have also implemented the solution here on my blog. How it works All simple. Let’s take the FAQ page as an example. I wrote a tiny piece of JavaScript code to handle the interaction and this is how it works: When the page loads, the script indexes the content of all li’s into browser’s memory. Now, try it yourself: Demo Taking it further Since I chose FAQ page as an example, there are some issues to deal with. Toggling the answers It is a good practice to hide the answers by default and show them only when user needs them, that is to say when they press the question: In the CSS part I use child combinator selector > because I don’t want to select and, therefore, to hide the elements of an answer, which may contain lists and div’s.

Improving UX. JSpreadsheets - Best Open-Source Spreadsheets and Data Grids written in JavaScript. Html5. Скорее всего вы уже не раз видели эффект постепенного контурного рисования SVG-фигур. Такая анимация особенно популярна на лендингах c привязкой к прокрутке страниц. Сморится довольно эффектно. Давайте рассмотрим пример, чтобы понять, что я имею ввиду. открыть в новом окне Такой эффект достигается при помощи установки нужного значения атрибута stroke-dasharray и плавного изменения атрибута stroke-dashoffset SVG-фигур. Принцип хорошо описан в статьях: Плагины для анимирования контуров SVG На данный момент есть несколько удобных плагинов для создания подобных анимаций. Все они работают по одному и тому же принципу и отличаются лишь набором опций и возможностей. Видео Видео урок о том, как создать эффект рисования SVG без плагинов, можно найти здесь Красивые примеры эффекта “рисования” c помощью stroke-dasharray и stroke-dashoffset Могу с уверенностью сказать, что при правильной подготовке SVG можно добиваться интересных эффектов, которые оживят страницу и сделают её более динамичной.

Карманное руководство по написанию SVG. Введение. Перевод книги Pocket Guide to Writing SVG, c разрешения автора — Джони Трайтел. Спасибо вам! Этот раздел я хотела бы целиком посвятить тому, чтобы сказать «Огромное спасибо!» : Ваша поддержка этой книги очень ценна для меня, и я очень надеюсь, что никого из вас не обидела, если нечаянно забыла включить ваш любимый фрукт.

Введение Масштабируемая векторная графика (SVG) – язык для описания двумерной графики в формате XML. Под встроенным SVG понимают код, написанный прямо внутри HTML, чтобы сгенерировать в браузере эту графику, о которой эта книга. У такого использования SVG есть много преимуществ, включая доступ ко всем отдельным частям графики для интерактивности, генерации текста с возможностью поиска, доступ к DOM для прямого редактирования, и улучшение доступности для пользователя. Начав с базовой структуры и простых фигур, мы перейдем к описанию системы SVG-координат или «холста», рисованию заливки и/или обводки фигур, трансформациям, а так же использованию и обработке графического текста. Textures.js. Textures are useful for theselective perception of different categories View on Github Getting started -- from the top of d3.js -- var svg ="#example") .append("svg"); var t = textures.lines() .thicker();; svg.append("circle") .style("fill", t.url()); Lines textures.lines(); textures.lines() .heavier(); textures.lines() .lighter(); textures.lines() .thicker(); textures.lines() .thinner(); textures.lines() .heavier(10) .thinner(1.5); textures.lines() .size(4) .strokeWidth(1); textures.lines() .size(8) .strokeWidth(2); textures.lines() .orientation("vertical") .strokeWidth(1) .shapeRendering("crispEdges"); textures.lines() .orientation("3/8") .stroke("darkorange"); textures.lines() .orientation("3/8", "7/8") .stroke("darkorange"); textures.lines() .orientation("vertical", "horizontal") .size(4) .strokeWidth(1) .shapeRendering("crispEdges") .stroke("darkorange"); textures.lines() .orientation("diagonal") .size(40) .strokeWidth(26) .stroke("darkorange") .background("firebrick"); Paths.

657 Icon packs for free - Vector icon packs - SVG, PSD, PNG, EPS & Icon Font - Free Icons. Unheap - A tidy repository of jQuery plugins. SVG 101 - Instructive SVG's - a Collection by Katrine-Marie Burmeister on CodePen.