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The Difference Between the Particles "wa" and "ga" - 80/20 Japanese. Whether you are a beginner, intermediate or advanced speaker of Japanese, there is probably one question that keeps coming back to haunt you: What is the difference between “wa” and “ga”「は」 and 「が」? You’ve probably asked about it, maybe even compared a whole range of sentences trying to figure it out, but with no satisfying conclusion.

And do you know why you can never get a simple, straightforward answer? Because it’s the wrong question to ask. It does have an answer, but it doesn’t really tell the whole story. Of course, there’s no way you could have known this. I certainly didn’t, and for a long time had the same trouble finding an answer that really made sense to me. One day, however, when I was studying at a university in Japan, one of my teachers started talking about these things called “kaku joshi”「」, or “case-marking particles”. But not “wa”「は」. As she explained more, it became obvious why I could never get a clear answer.

What is the true purpose of “wa”「は」? And of particular note: AMB Japanese Verbs. Quick-How-to Japanese Verb Conjugation. Ok, I finally gave up and put together a quick-n-dirty how-to for Japanese verb conjugation. This is a compilation of information from many places. Hope it helps.... good luck Go Here for the Quick Adjective-how-to... The verb generally comes at the end of the sentence in the Japanese language. Because Japanese's sentences often omit the subject, the verb is probably the most important part in understanding the sentence. Japanese verbs are roughly divided into three groups according to their dictionary form (basic form). Group 1: ~ U ending Verbs The basic form of Group 1 verbs end with "~ u".

Group 1 Group 2 Group 2: ~ Iru and ~ Eru ending Verbs The basic form of Group 2 verbs end with either "~iru" or "~ eru". Exceptions The following verbs belong to Group 1, even though they end in "~ iru" or "~ eru". Group 3 (Irregular) Group 3: Irregular Verbs There are two irregular verbs, kuru (to come) and suru (to do).

The verb suru is likely the most often used verb. Combination Examples Masu Form. Learn How to Conjugate Japanese Verbs.