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Brian Banton Design. Typographer's Glossary. Design Charts for Better Typography and Color - Noupe Design Blog. Mar 21 2011 We’re designers, so it makes sense that a lot of us are visual learners and do better looking at charts and graphs than reading an article or listening to a podcast.

Design Charts for Better Typography and Color - Noupe Design Blog

Typography and color are two great topics that are perfectly suited for infographics, charts, and other graphical learning tools. Below we’ve collected a good number of great infographics that will teach you how to use typefaces and colors effectively. There are guides for choosing a typeface, for combining typefaces, for figuring out what different colors mean in different cultures, and a lot more. Typography Dig into the history of typography and catch up on the typographic origins. So You Need a Typeface While at first this infographic appears to be a bit tongue-in-cheek, it’s actually quite useful. The Anatomy of Typography Understanding all the elements that make up a typeface is an important step in learning to expertly combine typefaces. Color Color science and theory is a remarkably complex field. Les polices de caractères, reflet de votre personnalité. La Carter Sans (visible ici) va-t-elle devenir votre nouvelle police d'écriture?

Les polices de caractères, reflet de votre personnalité

Le choix d'une fonte (qui regroupe les variantes d'une famille de polices de caractères) est en effet significatif de notre personnalité, rapporte le Globe and Mail, profitant de la sortie d'une nouvelle fonte du créateur Matthew Carter pour revenir sur le sujet. La sélection d'une police de caractères est un processus souvent émotionnel, dépendant du passé de chacun et de notre conception de la beauté. Interrogés par en 2007 sur leurs fontes de choix, quelques écrivains parlaient en termes bien plus émotionnels qu'utilitaires de leur police choisie: «Je suis tellement habituée au Times que les autres fontes me paraissent bizarres et non familières. Times pourrait aussi bien être ma propre écriture», commentait la romancière Maile Meloy. Matthew Carter a officiellement dévoilé samedi dernier sa dernière création, la Carter Sans. Photo: Carter Sans publicité Devenez fan sur , suivez-nous sur. Typography Is Important – An Introductory Practical Guide.

How Typography Affects Conversions. As an Internet marketer, conversion is our bread and butter.

How Typography Affects Conversions

I can guarantee you spend a large part of your time pondering ways to optimize landing pages. Things like copy and design are the obvious features we all like to play around with. But there is one element often underestimated in its affect on conversions. I am talking about typography. For most marketers, it is an unknown topic, but its importance in marketing has been scientifically proven. So, consider your landing page. What is Typography? Simply put, typography is where art meets text. When visitors open your sales or landing page, the very first thing that happens is they look at the page as a whole.

Understanding typography can help here. Key Elements of Typography There are several components that make up the art of typography. Typeface – Typeface is not the same thing as font. Why is Typography so Important? If you study how humans read the web, a reading pattern is clearly evident. What Does the Research Show? Serif vs.