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Andy warhol - amiga

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Amiga, Warhol, Debbie Harry: The ultimate 1980s tech keynote. Lost-andy-warhol-artworks-recovered-after-spending-30-years-on-floppy-disks-9282576. The doodles and photo manipulations were created by Warhol in 1985 as part of commercial stunt by Commodore to promote the graphical prowess of the company’s new Amiga 1000 computer.


As well as reworking some of Warhol’s most famous themes, including images of a Campbell’s soup can and Marilyn Monroe, the artworks include a manipulated photo-portrait of Blonde’s Debbie Harry and three-eyed re-imagining of Boticcelli’s The Birth of Venus. The rescue of the artworks came about after chance viewing of a YouTube clip by new media artist Cory Arcangel. Part 2: Trapped: Andy Warhol's Amiga Experiments. The Invisible Photograph: Part II (Trapped) Andy Warhol paints Debbie Harry on an Amiga.