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Gradint, a program for self-study of foreign languages. Back to Silas S.

Gradint, a program for self-study of foreign languages

Brown’s home page | Chinese version Gradint is a program that can be used to make your own self-study audio tapes for learning foreign-language vocabulary. You can use it to help with a course, to prepare for speaking assignments, or just to keep track of the vocabulary you come across. <IMG SRC=diagram.jpg HEIGHT=400 WIDTH=1800 ALT=""><br />(If you have an SVG viewer, you can <A HREF=diagram.svg>download a clearer version</A>) Gradint uses a variant of the “graduated-interval recall” method published by Pimsleur in 1967. Gradint gives only audio, so you concentrate on pronunciation. Gradint is free software (as in “open source”), distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL v3). Setup instructions Download the appropriate version: For Windows PCs (including ones in “restricted mode”), download the Windows installer and run it.

You can do more advanced things if you are able to edit configuration files. All material © Silas S. Gislounge. With its multi-faceted approach, learning geographic information systems can seem daunting.


Fortunately there are a wealth of approaches you can take to get started. From structured curriculums to distance learning and online tutorials, check here to find out more information on learning the field of GIS. How to Learn GIS There are many different ways to learn GIS. The most structured is through an educational institute such as a local college or university or online via distance learning. Where to Learn GIS There are different forums for learning GIS, depending on your educational objectives. If you want to enroll in a structured program but can’t attend in person, distance learning is becoming a popular way to learn GIS. Both the classroom based and online learning tend to offer a more structured program for learning GIS. If you’re looking to pick up specific GIS skills, or would rather engage in a self-guided course of GIS study, there are independent learning opportunities out there.

Your Open Source Compass. Desktop GIS for Linux: An Introduction. This article provides an overview of Linux-based tools for Geographic Information Systems (GIS), including a quick take on the ESRI's ArcReader.

Desktop GIS for Linux: An Introduction

Future articles will explore this and other individual tools in greater depth. The Story of a Map Lover, GIS User I have always been a map fanatic. As a kid, before my family hit the road for our summer vacations, my father would always visit AAA and get a "TripTik" for the route. A TripTik is a spiral-bound booklet of maps that lead you one-by-one to your destination.

With a background like that, you can imagine the joy I experienced discovering perhaps the most sophisticated cartographic tools available, i.e. Just so you don't get confused, you will also encounter other GIS terms like coverage, shapefile, geodatabase, vector and raster, which are simply data formats within a GIS application. Introduction to GIS One: What is GIS? Layers and Editing SHP Files. Codecademy Online Tutorials. Learn Python The Hard Way. Gedit. Gedit is the default text editor of the GNOME desktop environment and part of the GNOME Core Applications.


Designed as a general purpose text editor, gedit emphasizes simplicity and ease of use. It includes tools for editing source code and structured text such as markup languages.[3] It is designed to have a clean, simple graphical user interface according to the philosophy of the GNOME project, and it is the default text editor for GNOME.[3] In addition, it is also available for both Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows. gedit is free and open-source software subject to the requirements of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later.[3] Features[edit] gedit includes syntax highlighting via GtkSourceView[4] for various program code and text markup formats. gedit also has GUI tabs for editing multiple files.

Gedit has an optional side pane displaying the list of open files and (in a different tab of the side pane) a file browser. Architecture[edit] See also[edit] Python Tutorial 1 - Hello, World!