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QRSuperStore - Home - QR Code Products. Creative QR codes can instantly connect people to your brand via mobile. QR Codes — The Most Abused Technology of 2011 - Jim Nichols - Media Mixer. Building Email Lists from Mobile Phones. BREAKING: QR CODE STATS REVEALED | The MGH Modern Marketing Blog. This week, MGH released results from a survey that gauged consumer awareness and usage of QR codes – an emerging technology that connects people to Web content through bar codes scanned by mobile devices. Deployed to smartphone users, the survey aimed to better understand how and why consumers are using this up-and-coming technology – in order to unearth ways in which marketers could better use the codes. Many of the survey’s results should come as a welcome surprise to advertisers who have struggled to understand if and how the codes could fit into their marketing mix.

The results Overwhelmingly, the study found increasing consumer interest in the use of QR code technology, and possible implications for the future of adverting. In particular, the study found that 72% of smartphone users would be likely to recall an ad featuring a QR code. This can likely be attributed to the unique design, interactive nature and “new” appeal of the codes. But has awareness translated into usage? Conclusions. Mobile Link Building Issues: How QR Codes Disrupt More Than URLs. Last month, I introduced the idea that QR codes could disrupt your URL strategy. This led to quite a lively discussion! With dozens of comments, over 850 retweets, and hundreds of QR scans for the mobile article, this is obviously an important topic. Today, I’ll complete the theme with examples, and best-practice methods for optimizing QR code URLs. Let me summarize my point of view: Barcodes (the Quick Response format, in particular) are more than merely mobile campaign conduits; they are mobile site links.

They are the mechanism through which we as mobile consumers will expect to access mobile site pages, without typing or searching. Making mobile site content accessible in this manner – from everywhere your consumers are – has a name search marketers are familiar with: it’s called link building. In short, I believe QR codes will be how you as a marketer (and how your fans, customers, and community) will weave a web of mobile links around your brand, products, and assets.

Tracking Branding. QRCODE ITALY. Si era già parlato di Visualead in un precedente post, meno di un anno fa. E’ con piacere che anche oggi si ritorna a parlare di questa azienda che ha avuto una vera e propria esplosione a livello internazionale. Si, il QR code è ancora utilizzato e le scansioni di questo quadrato aumentano sempre più. Grazie alla semplicità con cui il codice QR può essere decodificato (è necessario essere in possesso di uno smartphone ed un applicativo scaricabile gratuitamente dalla rete - vedi la pagina APPLICAZIONI-DOWNLOAD) ed alla possibilità di poter visionare nel proprio cellullare (ma anche in un PC) informazioni, geolocalizzazioni, offerte promozionali, video, fotografie, vedono il codice QR sempre più utilizzato dalle aziende nelle loro campagne di m-marketing (mobile-marketing) Che cosa è Visualead? Visualead trasforma i Codici QR in Codici più creativi ed interattivi ovvero in “Visual” QR. Quali sono alcuni modi creativi per utilizzare i codici QR?

Italiana. Come è strutturata Visualead? QR Code and Two dimensional Bar Code News. How ShareSquare Is Leading the QR-Code Marketing Pack. This Los Angeles-based company helps fans connect with bands and brands using quick-response codes. Plus, a look at other game-changers in the social-media space. Matthias Galica: Turning discovery into action. If you use shopkick or Foursquare, you already know: Online and offline worlds are colliding as consumers become more comfortable with networks, apps and mobile devices. And as for the companies making it their business to link up the two worlds, they're reaping some serious benefits. Take, for instance, Los Angeles-based ShareSquare, which uses quick response, or QR, codes (those small black-and-white dotted squares showing up on more and more product packaging and ads) to help convert a moment of consumer discovery into one of action. QR codes have been around for years, admits founder and CEO Matthias Galica, a graduate of the 2010 Founder Institute startup mentorship program in Silicon Valley.

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