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K12 Science Education. Georgia Science Teachers Association - GSE Phenomena. TL Virtual Cafe. Interesting Ways. Research. There are many graduate students world wide conducting thesis and dissertation research on the effectiveness of WebQuests.


Some of these studies have made it into print as well, though the number of data-based studies in refereed journals is still small. There is not, at this point, any edited bibilography available about WebQuest research. Here, though are some places to get started to begin your own research. Google Scholar tracks many kinds of publications ranging from research journals to practitioner magazines and online papers. As of this writing, there are over 3000 articles cited that use the word WebQuest. To narrow it down some, try adding the word thesis, or dissertation to the search terms. A search of the ProQuest dissertation database reveals the studies described below. A case study of the use of an inquiry-based instructional strategy with rural minority at-risk, middle grade students Swindell, James Wilson, Jr., Ph.D., Mississippi State University, 2006, 183 pages.

21st Century Librarian. Top 50 School Library Blogs. One look at the titles of blogs narrated by school librarians reveals the evolution of a profession within an institution that is at a pivotal point.

Top 50 School Library Blogs

Charged with the vital duty of promoting digital literacy, today’s librarians are daring, unquiet, sassy and definitely e-literate. This list features the top school library blogs ordered by website popularity metrics and social media engagement including the number of websites that link to a blog and number of followers on Twitter. We commend these school librarians for taking the time to share their ideas, experiences, and advice with the school library community. Free Technology for Teachers. Confessions of a Librarian in Training.... Amazing! 74 Infographics for Teacher-Librarians (L.A. Teachers Too!) Learning. happens. here. — The MHMS Daring School Library Blog. Feedly. Read more, know more. What’s our future – school libraries and librarians. It disturbs me that we are not seriously thinking about the future of school libraries.

What’s our future – school libraries and librarians

This statement will receive incensed objections; teacher librarians are, after all, talking about changes in what we do and how we do it at conferences and in their own libraries. We talk about some of these changes in my own school library – delivering ebooks, providing transferable skills such as critical literacies to our students, delivering online resources. Well shoot me down if I upset you but I still think we’re not getting it. We can’t make changes to our libraries and continue to hold onto the way we’ve always done it. I seriously think we’ll be out of a job soon unless we move along with public libraries and transform what we’re doing. AASL sur Twitter : "@michaelslackart calls school libraries Grand Central Station for the imagination." #slm15 "... Terri Grief (@terrigrief) Joyce Valenza on Pinterest. SCHOOL LIBRARY IDEAS on Pinterest. Middle School Library Lessons on Pinterest.

Tweets to investigate

Teacher Librarian Roles. Position Statement on the Confidentiality of Library Records. The members of the American Library Association,* recognizing the right to privacy of library users, believe that records held in libraries which connect specific individuals with specific resources, programs or services, are confidential and not to be used for purposes other than routine record keeping: i.e., to maintain access to resources, to assure that resources are available to users who need them, to arrange facilities, to provide resources for the comfort and safety of patrons, or to accomplish the purposes of the program or service.

Position Statement on the Confidentiality of Library Records

The library community recognizes that children and youth have the same rights to privacy as adults. Libraries whose record keeping systems reveal the names of users would be in violation of the confidentiality of library record laws adopted in many states. School librarians are advised to seek the advice of counsel if in doubt about whether their record keeping systems violate the specific laws in their states. Revised on 02/06/12. A revised manifesto. Thank you all for the kind feedback you offered for my rant a few days back.

A revised manifesto

As I wrote that response, in the back of my mind I considered a few realities: 1. Some administrators have never seen a vibrant library program. 2. In tough times moving forward is more challenging. When Futures Thinking Meets Design Thinking. (this post was originally featured on core77) image by erica glasier.

When Futures Thinking Meets Design Thinking


Andy Plemmons: Natural Side of Student Voice. #TeachingIs Leading: Diana Rendina. What is Strategic Planning, Really? HOW TO USE PEARLTREES. Kurt Vonnegut, Charles Bukowski, Susan Sontag, Harper Lee, and Other Literary Greats on Censorship. By Maria Popova A century of conviction celebrating the freedom to read.

Kurt Vonnegut, Charles Bukowski, Susan Sontag, Harper Lee, and Other Literary Greats on Censorship

Some history’s most celebrated works of literature have, at various times and in various societies, been banned — from Arabian Nights to Ulysses to, even, Anaïs Nin’s diaries, to name but a fraction. To mark Banned Books Week 2012, I’ll be featuring excerpts from once-banned books on Literary Jukebox over the coming days. Idea Box Show #027: Redesigning the School Library on a Tight Budget with Margo Newtown. Copyright Advisory Office. Fan Fiction Takes Flight Among Teens.

Illustration by Michael Byers Many years before Harry Potter was born, his parents, Lily and James, met and fell in love at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Fan Fiction Takes Flight Among Teens

At first, Lily thought James was nothing more than an annoying show-off, but then she got to know the boy behind the bravado. Their romance was shaped by tribulations, triumphs, and the understanding that they were destined for something tremendous. About that last part…really? 2013-2014 Isinglass Booktalk Podcasts (HHS Library) School Library Media Activities Monthly. Kristin Fontichiaro Meet Kristin Fontichiaro, School Library Monthly blogger, SLM "Nudging Toward Inquiry" columnist, and frequent SLM author.

School Library Media Activities Monthly

Kristin is a clinical assistant professor and coordinator of the school library media program at the University of Michigan School of Information. She is also an author of several books with Libraries Unlimited. Do School Libraries Need to Have Books? Uploads from TED-Ed. TED-Ed Loading...

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