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Keeps Your Whites Whiter and Your Skin Itchier. In attempting my Year of Open Source, I'm dealing with some very complicated, hi-tech issues. My open hardware smartphone arrives tomorrow, I'm trying to build a microphone pre-amp, & I'm about to learn how to program a microcontroller. But how do the ideas of open hardware and free software apply to lo-tech products? Laundry powder, for example? You don't see detergent brands taking each other to court over patent breaches, the products have hardly changed in decades, and the manufacturing process is not protected. No problem there. But at the same time you don't get the recipe on the back of the box, you're not encouraged to try to make laundry powder yourself, and to most people, that strange white powder with the blue flecks and the lilac scent is a complete mystery. Time to start investigating. I did some serious research before buying. Great!

A quick online search will tell you that you need three ingredients: washing soda, borax, and soap. Sharing Nature Worldwide. Education for Sustainability. - Protect Our Earth. Ask Nature - the Biomimicry Design Portal: biomimetics, architec. Kamana Naturalist Training Program Public Homepage - Kamana Onli. Vital Signs. Sustainable Development – Earth Charter Initiative. Principle 14 of the Earth Charter emphasizes the importance of “Integrating into…education and life-long learning the knowledge, values, and skills needed for a sustainable way of life”.

Education is fundamental to the mission of Earth Charter Initiative. ECI has therefore created the Earth Charter Center for Education for Sustainable Development at the University for Peace in Costa Rica. The Center deepens students’ and program participants’ understanding of sustainability vision and practice, and build the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values they need to shape a sustainable future.

To reinforce the legitimacy of the Earth Charter Center and the importance of its mission, a UNESCO Chair on Education for Sustainable Development and the Earth Charter was created as a collaborative effort between UNESCO, Earth Charter International, and the University for Peace. The Earth Charter Center for ESD: What is Education for Sustainable Development? Green Teacher. Sustainable Schools Project.