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Cognitive Edge. Stanford Social Innovation Review: Informing and Inspiring Leaders of Social Change. Cynefin. The various domains of the Cynefin model. Cynefin /ˈkʌnɨvɪn/ is a Welsh word, which as a noun means "haunt, usual abode" or "habitat" and as an adjective "customary, habitual, familiar, usual, ordinary".[1][2] The term was chosen by the Welsh scholar Dave Snowden[3] to describe a perspective on the evolutionary nature of complex systems, including their inherent uncertainty ("The Cynefin framework"). The name serves as a reminder that all human interactions are strongly influenced and frequently determined by our experiences, both through the direct influence of personal experience, as well as through collective experience, such as stories or music. The framework provides a typology of contexts that guides what sort of explanations or solutions might apply.

It draws on research into complex adaptive systems theory, cognitive science, anthropology, and narrative patterns, as well as evolutionary psychology, to describe problems, situations, and systems. Meaning of the word[edit] Collective Impact Australia | Dawn O'Neil and Kerry Graham were funded by the Centre for Social Impact to undertake a US study tour on Collective Impact. This site captures their learnings and explores how Collective Impact can be applied in Australia. Home | CSI. RSA Australia + New Zealand (RSA A+NZ) RSA - Home.