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Caesium: A brief history of timekeeping. 3 October 2014Last updated at 19:16 ET By Justin Rowlatt BBC News.

Caesium: A brief history of timekeeping

American Coffee, Espresso Most Caffeine. Las catedrales como laboratorios de física experimental. La estructura de los edificios dedicados al culto cristiano supuso una oportunidad para los primeros científicos modernos para realizar toda clase de experimentos astronómicos y físicos.

Las catedrales como laboratorios de física experimental

6 Concrete Steps To Building A Collaborative Culture That Inspires. Internet Trolls Are Narcissists, Psychopaths, and Sadists. In this month's issue of Personality and Individual Differences, a study was published that confirms what we all suspected: internet trolls are horrible people.

Internet Trolls Are Narcissists, Psychopaths, and Sadists

Let's start by getting our definitions straight. An internet troll is someone who comes into a discussion and posts comments designed to upset or disrupt the conversation. Often, it seems like there is no real purpose behind their comments except to upset everyone else involved. The conflict between science and religion as an “invented tradition” Author: Jaume Navarro received his PhD in history of science from the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (1998).

The conflict between science and religion as an “invented tradition”

He has been a researcher at the universities of Cambridge, Imperial College (London) and the Max Planck Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte (Berlin). Currently he is an Ikerbasque Research Professor and a member of the Praxis Group at the Faculty of Philosophy, UPV/EHU. Science-and-religion is a huge industry, especially in the Anglo-American world. From Richard Dawkin’s God Delusion to some contemporary Creationist movements, the stage is set for a fight between modern reason and obscurantist superstition, or divinely revealed truth and pretentious scientism, depending on which side of the fence one chooses.

What needs to be historicised is the statement that “science and religion are always in conflict”, and not so much to try and find historical examples where such conflict may have (anachronistically) happened or not. The X-Club was the most visible of such lobbies. The Fonts That Come With Your Computer Are Older Than You Ever Thought. El placer por la música no es universal. El trabajo tuvo una fase previa, en la que los investigadores, junto a colegas de la Universidad de Montreal se preguntaron por las diferencias en el gusto musical.

El placer por la música no es universal

Es decir, con su estudio, que publicaron en la revista Music Perception el pasado año, solo pretendían averiguar cómo se disfrutaba la música a nivel individual. “Dábamos por supuesto que a todo el mundo le gusta y, de repente, surgió la pregunta: ¿y si no es así?” El 58,8% dels catalans volen esdevenir un estat d’Europa. Timelapse Diada de Catalunya - 11 Setembre 2014. 38 maps that explain Europe. The Surprising Reason Why Bike Lanes Could Be Good For Cars. 7 Ways Technology is Changing How Art is Made.

Where would the Impressionists have been without the invention of portable paint tubes that enabled them to paint outdoors?

7 Ways Technology is Changing How Art is Made

Who would have heard of Andy Warhol without silkscreen printing? The truth is that technology has been providing artists with new ways to express themselves for a very long time. Still, over the past few decades, art and tech have become more intertwined than ever before, whether it’s through providing new ways to mix different types of media, allowing more human interaction or simply making the process of creating it easier.

GoPro Captures An Egg Being Poached Underwater, Incites Benedict Cravings. Quickly build a beautiful moodboard and share the result. The internet: Too much of a good thing. The End of Absence: Reclaiming What We’ve Lost in a World of Constant Connection.

The internet: Too much of a good thing

By Michael Harris. Current; 256 pages; $26.95. Buy from, “SOON enough, nobody will remember life before the internet. Fast, Flexible, Innovative: Why Networks Thrive. Vienna, September 1901.

Fast, Flexible, Innovative: Why Networks Thrive

15 incredible actions shots taken with a drone cam. The selfie?

15 incredible actions shots taken with a drone cam

That's so 2013. This year, it's all about the attack of the drones. And 16 Other Surprising Laws Of Human Sexual Attraction. Why do some people make us hot and bothered while others leave us cold?

And 16 Other Surprising Laws Of Human Sexual Attraction

It can be hard to put your finger on the specific reason, but the scientists of sex appeal have some answers. El viaje de exploración que acabó con siglos de escorbuto. Cuentan la tradición y los escritos hagiográficos que San Erasmo de Fornia, al que posteriormente se conoció como San Elmo o San Telmo, se encontraba predicando las enseñanzas cristianas allá por el siglo III después de Cristo cuando un rayo cayó a pocos metros de él. Dicen que el santo apenas se perturbó y que continuó con sus oraciones como si nada hubiese pasado, de ahí que los marineros españoles que se embarcaban hacia la conquista de América siglos después invocasen su figura ante el miedo de naufragar cuando las tormentas y los relámpagos arreciaban.

Edward Snowden: The Untold Story. The afternoon of our third meeting, about two weeks after our first, Snowden comes to my hotel room. I have changed locations and am now staying at the Hotel National, across the street from the Kremlin and Red Square. An icon like the Metropol, much of Russia’s history passed through its front doors at one time or another. Lenin once lived in Room 107, and the ghost of Felix Dzerzhinsky, the feared chief of the old Soviet secret police who also lived here, still haunts the hallways. But rather than the Russian secret police, it’s his old employers, the CIA and the NSA, that Snowden most fears.