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Uk.businessinsider. Jim EdwardsThere are over 100,000 characters in Mandarin Chinese, how could a language exist with only 123? In Chinese, the word computer translates directly as electric brain. In Icelandic, a compass is a direction-shower, and a microscope a small-watcher. In Lakota, horse is literally dog of wonder. These neologisms demonstrate the cumulative quality of language, in which we use the known to describe the unknown.

“It is by metaphor that language grows,” writes the psychologist Julian Jaynes. That metaphorical process is at the heart of Toki Pona, the world’s smallest language. Yet, as the creator Sonja Lang and many other Toki Pona speakers insist, it is enough to express almost any idea. In contrast to the hundreds or thousands of study hours required to attain fluency in other languages, a general consensus among Toki Pona speakers is that it takes about 30 hours to master. Tokipona.orgThe humble, minimal homepage of “What is a car?” Numbers are also minimal. Expose children to classical music whether they like it or not, says Nicola Benedetti. Library of Congress Launches New Online Poetry Archive, Featuring 75 Years of Classic Poetry Readings.

Web Sites - Experimentation as a Mindset: The Key to a Culture of Optimization. Beyond Analytics And Decision Making: How Collective Insight Transforms Corporate Culture. Popular Today in Business: All Popular Articles Data is everywhere. In everything we do, we are either creating, compiling, or analyzing it. For many companies, this abundance of data is viewed as an opportunity. When a company takes control of its data and makes it accessible in real time, every employee becomes more knowledgeable and plays a significant role in the current and future success of the overall company.

According to the report Unleash Collective Insight and Create a Data-Driven Company Culture, the foundation of a culture-driven culture needs to be established with four critical capabilities: Provide access to information anytime, anywhere, and on any device. At the end of the day, business intelligence and the mechanisms that deliver insight are really about the people who use them. Related Resources from B2C» Free Webcast: How to Create Killer Email Conversion Copy Unleash Collective Insight and Implement Analytics Across the Business from SAP Analytics. How to change your organization’s culture | Culture University.

Witter / ? The Culture Change Journey Essentials: a compass, a roadmap, and a guide. Part one of this article covered the importance of understanding how cultures evolve as a foundation for improving how leaders manage work on specific performance priorities, challenges, or goals. These insights serve as a “compass” for leaders and dramatically increase the likelihood of achieving results. Leaders also need a clear roadmap and guide to manage the performance improvement journey, especially if a major culture issue (teamwork, discipline / organization, creativity / innovation, etc.) is impacting results. If you missed that article, make sure you read it here first. A compass is great, but you also need a roadmap I have been using a visual one page culture roadmap to help determine if organizations are covering many important aspects of the four culture change elements from the previous article.

It covers nine steps as part of a define / align / manage framework: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. The Surprising Results – a widespread lack of clarity and alignment in organizations. Is Your Team Lacking Motivation? Try These Strategies. Fitness and exercise tracking app RunKeeper was built around the idea of motivation, pushing its users to their personal bests and, hopefully, beyond toward new goals that were once inconceivable. It’s a strategy that Jason Jacobs, founder and CEO of RunKeeper, says is worth applying to management.

“There’s a quote, ‘If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up the men to gather wood, divide the work, and give orders. Instead, teach them to yearn for the vast and endless sea.’ That’s how I try to lead,” Jacobs says. “While we do have a results-oriented culture, I try to lead more by inspiration by getting people to see what’s possible.” And for Jacobs, that kind of motivation starts with assembling the right team. Hire Missionaries, Not Mercenaries Jacobs says he’s interviewed every single person who’s been hired at RunKeeper to assess not what skills they have, but why they want to join the team, which gives him a clearer sense of whether he’s hiring a missionary or mercenary. 6 Concrete Steps To Building A Collaborative Culture That Inspires. Divulga que algo queda. No hace mucho, en una tertulia televisiva, dos de nuestros eruditos nacionales se mofaban, comentando el experimento Bicep2, de no tener ni idea de qué eran las ondas gravitacionales.

Es más, uno de ellos hacía gala de su ignorancia confesando que a él le habían suspendido en quebrados. Se refería, supongo, a los números racionales, no a su cerebro. No sé por qué extraña razón resulta tan cool ser un ignorante en este país. Claro que solo así se entiende que la televisión pública, la de todos, tenga en plantilla a una señora que asegura que no está científicamente demostrado que el alma, (sí, señores, han leído bien, el alma) no se transmita en los trasplantes de órganos. O que una determinada carta la firma un tal Q.E.P.D. Puede que peque de ingenua, pero a estas altura del siglo XXI, nadie debería dudar de que la cultura, lo que llamamos cultura general, incluye (o debería incluir) unos conocimientos básicos de Ciencia.

La Ciencia es cultura. "¿Cómo se puede entender que el IVA del porno esté al 4% y el... Al frente de su empresa Pentación Espectáculos, Jesús Cimarro (Ermua, Vizcaya, 1965) ha nutrido como pocos productores la escena española desde finales de los 80. Hace sólo dos años, por encargo del Gobierno de Extremadura, se hizo cargo del Festival de Teatro Clásico de Mérida y logró sacarlo a flote cuando la quiebra estaba cantada.

Ayer, Cimarro impartió en el CAC una ponencia sobre su oficio dentro de las jornadas formativas europeas Onscene, que organiza en Málaga Euromedia. -¿Cuál ha sido la clave para sanear un festival como el de Mérida en tan poco tiempo? Su información podría resultar útil a otros certámenes en crisis. -Hay varias claves. Por una parte ha habido una administración sensible que se negaba a que el festival se cerrara, algo a lo que parecía abocado por su situación económica. -Resulta apropiado que un productor piense en el público, pero ¿se ha producido mucho teatro en España de espaldas a él? -Sí, claro que sí. -A pesar de la subida del IVA. Jim Lawrence is fundraising for BirdLife International.

A drug which has poisoned 99% of all vultures in India, Pakistan and Nepal almost overnight, is now spreading rapidly across Europe. This introduction is compounding many other threats to now make vultures one of the most highly-threatened bird families on the planet. With a united Partnership of 70 conservation organisations across Europe and Africa, BirdLife has the network, knowledge and know-how to save vultures. They know that simple and effective solutions exist, and urgently need £20,000 to identify, and tackle the threats to these most beautiful and important of birds. Please support BirdLife’s work to stop vulture poisoning now. Your generous donation will first be used to fight for a ban of veterinary diclofenac across Europe and tackle other threats in Africa.

Your money will also enable an expert team of BirdLife scientists to undertake an urgent review of all vulture species. Your support is vital to this work, and will make a real difference to its success. About JustGiving. How to Make Your Company Culture a Social Media Marketing Tool. Your company culture can become a social media marketing tool. Unfortunately, many companies don’t recognize this. Social media is probably the most influential communication opportunity in todays world. There really is truly nothing like it. Everyone is in it even though no one is leading it. Yet, no structure or enterprise or organization can ever equal the influence on both social and business cultures. Naturally, the corporate world was a little slow to adapt.

Interestingly enough, and counter intuitively-so, many business owners are observing that it is their employees who are more resistant to the adoption of social media culture in the corporate setting, while executives are more supportive. Strategic and Cultural Disconnect The difference between the responses of executives and employees towards adoption of social media in their companies can be attributed to the disconnect between corporate culture and strategy. Aversion to Change Additional Work with No Additional Pay.

The Innovation of Creating a Miracle | Chip Bell. A Boston family adopted an Asian girl. No sooner had she arrived in the U.S. than the family learned she needed to have major surgery. The nine year old child––who spoke only Chinese and had life experiences limited to a small Chinese village and her trip to the U.S. ––was very anxious. As she was about to be discharged following successful surgery she was asked through an interpreter, “What most surprised you about your stay here at Children’s Memorial Hospital of Boston?” The child smiled and proudly responded, “I did not know my doctor would be Chinese!” The occasional service miracle has many advantages. Organizations that promote a perpetual “exceeding customer expectations” approach can leave the front line in search of ever more costly gestures to keep the standards climbing.

Just like planning a surprise birthday party, miracle-making can be as beneficial to the creators as the recipients. Africa’s Vultures Threatened By An Assault on All Fronts by Madeline Bodin: Yale Environment 360. 11 Aug 2014: Report by madeline bodin When they arrived at South Africa’s Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park, André Botha and his companions found that an elephant had died just inside the reserve’s fence.

But instead of vultures and other scavengers tussling for their piece of the ecological bonanza, there was only eerie silence. The carcasses of 37 African white-backed vultures lay in the grass around the elephant. Botha, the co-chair of the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s (IUCN) vulture specialist group, knew the whole story with one glance. The In several West African countries, some species of vultures have declined 98 percent outside of protected areas. elephant carcass had been poisoned to kill the vultures that would come to feed on it.

It is the story, with some variations, of vultures all over Africa. View Gallery Andre Botha Conservationist André Botha examines more than 30 vultures poisoned after feeding on an elephant carcass in a South African park. Jerry Friedman. Valerie Hannon: “És inadmissible que el sistema educatiu ratifiqui les desigualtats” Atles lingüístic del domini catalàAtles Lingüístic del Domini Català.