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Diy wednesdays: laptop cozy. Recently we’ve been on the hunt for a laptop sleeve.

diy wednesdays: laptop cozy

Nothing fancy, just a simple way to protect our MacBook on its journeys around town. The quickest, easiest, and cheapest solution we could come up with was to make a no-sew Maloo-esque “wrap” out of colored felt and Velcro dots. Now our little laptop is snug as a bug in a rug! Click here for the full instructions and more photos or just click “read more” below. Have Fun! Laptop Cozy Here’s what you’ll need: -3/4 yard each of two colors of felt (we used grey and orange) -3/4 yard double sided fusible interfacing, such as Stitch-Witchery -1 package round sticky Velcro dots -Scissors -Iron 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Make Your Own Floral Suitcase! Plain vintage suitcases are pretty great but cover them in your favorite coordinating fabrics and your house just got cuter!

Not only do they look cute in your home, they're great photo props. Decorate a nursery, stack them high in your living room, stand them up behind other items on a shelf, etc. It's an easy way to add color to your space without investing a lot of money. Keep an eye out for hard cases with stitched seams (for tucking fabric in) and think about using a variety of sizes for great impact. You no longer have to pass up the perfect case shape because of a nick in the vinyl! DIY Sweat-sacoche diy – the Trendy Girl. No Sew Eyeglasses Case: Good Living Magazine Project #1.

I am so excited to share this easy peasy tutorial!

No Sew Eyeglasses Case: Good Living Magazine Project #1

I have gone back and forth on when to post these projects but the magazine I craft for has been a bit ambiguous on their actual print date but the article and three crafts I made direct back to this blog for the tutorials in the march archives. And they are more geared towards Easter and Mother's Day so sorry if this is kind of early. But having finished tutorial posts just sitting there waiting to be published is hard! So here is Project #1: This is actually a spin off of a craft I did last year around this time.

You might remember this one below... I did the two versions you see above where only light sewing was required. Let's go! Materials Needed: Potholder, Fabritac (or other fabric glue), clothespins Wow. 007_A_Cup_Of_Tea.jpg (800×518) Dry erase board out of a picture frame - StumbleUpon. 133.2K Flares Twitter 7 Facebook 69 Pin It Share 3.9K 3K+ StumbleUpon 129.2K Made with Flare More Info 133.2K Flares × I purchased a few cheap 12×16 picture frames from Wal-mart for $3.00 a piece and brought them home, cut out scrapbook paper and attached it to the inside of the frame.

Dry erase board out of a picture frame - StumbleUpon

I used double sided tape to stick the 12×12 sheets together then just cut off the remaining amount of paper before I attached it to the inside of the frame. How To Mix Chalkboard Paint in Any Color. We love using chalkboards as backdrops for displays and parties (like this one here!).

How To Mix Chalkboard Paint in Any Color

So we were super excited to learn that you can create your own custom colors-and it's really easy! We first learned how from Martha Stewart whose tutorial you can read here. She recommends that you use latex paint, but we tried it out with acrylic paints with much success. Here's how you too can create your own chalkboard paint... Supplies: 1/2 cup acrylic paint (choose any color you like, or mix colors together to make the perfect shade!) DIY : colorful wire clothes hanger. We're still in summer mode here, though for K. today is the last day of his summer vacation, unfortunately.

DIY : colorful wire clothes hanger

This year's summer vacation has been very relaxing - Carpe Diem (seize the day) has been our motto. We've been doing plenty of things but only because we wanted to. And today I really wanted to do something crafty! So I did. It took me a while before I came up with something, though. The result of my crafty afternoon is this enhanced, colorful wire clothes hanger... with a short description in 16 photographs.

Page corner bookmarks. This project comes to you at the request of Twitterer @GCcapitalM.

page corner bookmarks

I used to believe that a person could never have too many books, or too many bookmarks. Then I moved into an apartment slightly larger than some people’s closets (and much smaller than many people’s garages) and all these beliefs got turned on their naïeve little heads. But what a person can always look for more of is really cool unique bookmarks. Placeholders special enough for the books that are special enough to remain in your culled-out-of-spacial-necessity collection. Page corner bookmarks are cute, practical and deeply under-represented in the world.* They’re easy to make, easy to customize, and will set you apart from all those same-same flat rectangular bookmarks.