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“If Only I Had Known Better at That Time” — From Thoughts to Bytes. “If Only I Had Known Better at That Time” So, you said it, too?

“If Only I Had Known Better at That Time” — From Thoughts to Bytes

We’ve all been there at some point in our lives and it’s always unpleasant. When you start looking at past events from the current moment in time, let me assure you, you will always come to the same conclusion “I could have done better”. Hint: if you did great, you won’t be thinking about the event in this way at all.

Putting it like this, it sounds really harsh. Let me introduce you to Jon. So here is Jon’s current mind process Jon’s state of mind is basically, I had to have known better. Raise awareness Imagine the look on Jon’s face, once he realised that “If I only had known better” is a behavioural pattern that is repeating itself on and on and on and… You get the point. Stop Starting, Start Finishing — From Thoughts to Bytes. Stop Starting, Start Finishing I had this quote on my twitter account for a looong time.

Stop Starting, Start Finishing — From Thoughts to Bytes

It was there to remind me to focus, and to stop following new people and sabotaging myself by adding more content to analyse. Meanwhile, I wasn’t even managing to consume the content I was following. I was putting so much pressure on my brain to “stay in the game” (I thought more content meant staying in the game) but it all was just an artificial, instantaneous relief, which in the long term was bullshit and was feeding my Ego with “Oh yeah, you the man!”. Who cares if you miss something the first moment it comes out. The same principal can be applied to other aspects of your personal and business life. The motivation behind writing my blog series in first place So I am an engineer and I like milestones/checkpoints. So does Mike. Steve Jobs nailed it with this quote: “People think focus means saying yes to the thing you’ve got to focus on. Jack Johnson gave me the idea to write this post. Produttività personale: il segreto della 1° ora. Aumenta la tua produttività personale grazie a questo semplice segreto che ti permetterà di iniziare la tua giornata lavorativa con il giusto ritmo.

Produttività personale: il segreto della 1° ora

Aridaje! Questo insiste con ‘sta produttività! Qui non siamo mica in Ammeriga: siamo in Italia! Qui si improvvisa, non servono le tecniche dei guru della produttività personale! O forse si… Tecniche di visualizzazione efficaci. Come organizzare la giornata con una pallina da GOLF. Se in questo periodo continui a chiederti come organizzare la giornata lavorativa, ho una soluzione per te: il metodo della pallina da GOLF.

Come organizzare la giornata con una pallina da GOLF

“Se fallisci nel pianificare, stai pianificando il tuo fallimento”.Benjamin Franklin. Vediamo se questa scena ti suona familiare… Suona la sveglia, ti alzi, mangi qualcosa al volo ed esci per andare in ufficio. Lotti un’oretta in mezzo al traffico, ma alla fine arrivi alla tua scrivania, ma all’improvviso… …sono già le 7 di sera e non hai la più pallida idea di che fine abbiano fatto 10 ore della tua vita: per tutto il giorno hai corso come un matto dietro ad urgenze, scadenze ed emergenze, eppure hai quella sgradevole sensazione di non aver realizzato quasi nulla di importante.

Sei stanco, come se avessi corso una maratona, ma quei 42.195 metri li hai fatti sopra un dannato tapis roulant, senza progredire neanche di un centimetro verso i tuoi obiettivi. 21 Tips to Become the Most Productive Person You Know. I wanted to help you create explosive productivity so you get big things done (and make your life matter).

21 Tips to Become the Most Productive Person You Know

Here are 21 tips to get you to your best productivity. #1. Check email in the afternoon so you protect the peak energy hours of your mornings for your best work. #2. Stop waiting for perfect conditions to launch a great project. . #3. . #4. . #5. . #6. . #7. . #8. . #9. . #10. . #11. . #12. . #13. . #14. . #15. . #16. Best Articles. There are enough articles on this site to fill two books, so it can sometimes be daunting to know where to start.

Best Articles

Below are what many consider to be my “greatest hits,” the articles that have been the most popular, the most shared, or had the greatest effect on readers’ lives. Il blog di Alessandro Cosimetti. Creative coaching, creativity, productivity. The Stoic: 9 Principles to Help You Keep Calm in Chaos. Observing individuals who lead a creative life, we can identify elements of expertise, grit, an understanding, and passion.

The Stoic: 9 Principles to Help You Keep Calm in Chaos

What’s easy to overlook is the inner system within an individual—the set of principles that govern their mind and behavior. When failure ensues or the need to adapt is necessary, how does one respond? What do they tell themselves? In other words, what’s their philosophy? Not only does philosophy teach us how to live well and become better humans, but it can also aid in overcoming life’s trials and tribulations. The principles within Stoicism are, perhaps, the most relevant and practical sets of rules for entrepreneurs, writers, and artists of all kinds. Inspiring Channel - Puja 30 Days: Percorso esclusivo e inedito con PujaCristina. Puja 30 Days Programma esclusivo e inedito composto da un libro di lavoro con esercizi di riflessione mentale per disintossicare le mente e rinforzare l’anima + 30 audio ‘doppi’ giornalieri’ Il percorso sintetizza 40 anni di studi e ricerche di PujaCristina sugli insegnamenti di maestri spirituali di rilievo internazionale come Deepak Chopra, Louise H.Hay, Abraham/Hicks, Osho, Tony Robbins, e molti altri..

Inspiring Channel - Puja 30 Days: Percorso esclusivo e inedito con PujaCristina

Un sentiero da percorrere quotidianamente per un mese guidati dall’esperienza e dalla sensibilità di PujaCristina, per imparare a sviluppare quel livello di consapevolezza che vi aiuterà a raggiungere un profondo stato di pace, serenità e armonia con se stessi e con tutto ciò di cui l’Universo e la Natura ci circondano. Il percorso in 30 giorni sarà solo l’inizio, perché una volta apprese le abitudini potenzianti che PujaCristina vi insegnerà sarete in grado di replicarle autonomamente ogni volta che ne avrete bisogno :)