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Ministry of Ecology

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Water Filtering Methods. This web outlines the technical, operating and managing aspects of home water filtering systems. It describes the types of contaminants that will be removed by the different types of filter systems These systems are plumbed-in with separate faucets and are ordinarily installed under the kitchen sink or in close proximity to provide convenient use for drinking and cooking, and are called point of use systems (POU). Reverse Osmosis (RO) Systems For Removal Of A Large Variety Of Contaminants. In RO systems water dissolves into and through a membrane while contaminant is rejected and concentrated waste goes to drain. There are two types of reverse osmosis membranes Thin Film Composite (TFC) and Cellulose Triacetate (CTA). RO systems have been found to remove arsenic, uranium, and radium, copper, lead, fluoride, antimony, barium, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, selenium, and thallium. Granular Activated Carbon(GAC) For Removal of Synthetic Organic Chemicals.

Adsorptive Media Ion Exchange. Free Permaculture Design Course - Regenerative Leadership Institute. Cascadia Grains Conference. EarthBag Building Workshop at Milkwood Farm. Earthbag dome going up at the Permaforest Trust Farm in Northern NSW The idea that you can build a structurally strong house with nothing more complicated than a bunch of bags, earth, clay and lime, plus some basic on-farm materials and plenty of hands on deck is pretty exciting for a lot of people, including me.

Earthbag building might just be the answer to our dreams. Want to join us creating our first earthbag structure at Milkwood? Under the expert guidance of Neil and Stella from Guiding Star, we’re holding an EarthBag Building Workshop at Milkwood Farm from Feb 27 – Mar 5 this year. We’ll be building a 2.5m wide dome with mezzanine level, which will be perfect for cozy guest accommodation or a root cellar (we’re still deciding which). Bookings and more info here. The reason I’m getting so excited about Earthbag is that by the end of this 6-day workshop, we should have all the knowledge and skills we need to go ahead and build earthbag structures by ourselves.

Some resources: Raised garden beds: instead of irrigation. Raised garden bed hugelkultur after one month raised garden bed hugelkultur after one year raised garden bed hugelkultur after two years raised garden bed hugelkultur after twenty years It's a german word and some people can say it all german-ish. I'm an american doofus, so I say "hoogle culture". I had to spend some time with google to find the right spelling.

Hugal, hoogal, huegal, hugel .... I learned this high-falootin word at my permaculture training. Hugelkultur is nothing more than making raised garden beds filled with rotten wood. I do think there are some considerations to keep in mind. Another thing to keep in mind is that wood is high in carbon and will consume nitrogen to do the compost thing. Pine and fir will have some levels of tanins in them, but I'm guessing that most of that will be gone when the wood has been dead for a few years.

Megafolia Tree - Global Phoenix. The Megafolia™ Tree is truly a “super specimen”. This tree has remarkable characteristics that help scrub the air of harmful pollutants, add nutrients back into the soil for faster growth of crops, and it has a very high biomass index which converts easily to clean, waste-free, economically viable renewable energy. It has the Guiness Book of World Records for the fastest growing hardwood tree, is fire retardant, has loads of medicinal benefits, and it’s absolutely beautiful. Global Phoenix is honored to be the sole nonprofit empowered to represent this tree, and we are raising funds to plant thousands of acres of this world changing gem.

Read on for more details! The Megafolia™ Tree is a specific cross-polination of five other trees, creating a very fast growing hardwood tree that will grow in even the most inhospitable environment. The Megafolia Tree can be harvested in as little as two years, for biomass fuel, making it ideal for reforestation. Want to learn more? Building Man Festival. Imagine… if you took Burning Man (and Nowhere), Sunrise Celebration (and Off-Grid), Small World Solar Stage, City Repair‘s Village Building Convergence, the Big Green Gathering, the Global Village Construction Set, a Hexayurt village, the Small is… Festival, Uncivilisation (the Dark Mountain Festival) and a Permablitz then mixed them all together?

Imagine… a festival like Burning Man but rather than creating a temporary city in the desert, building an ecovillage somewhere sensible and leaving it there. Imagine… if your favourite eco festival site that didn’t have to be taken down once the festival was over. Imagine… Building Man Festival! Does this vision inspire you as much as it does us? USDA Forest Service - Caring for the land and serving people. Meet James Redhouse Jr. In 2000, a young James Redhouse looked around at his high school buddies and saw they were joining the Utah National Guard, so he decided to do the same thing. But at 17 he needed his parent’s permission, which his mother somewhat reluctantly gave.

One year later, in the early fall of 2001, the world changed. Eventually, Redhouse was sent to Iraq, where he suffered wounds that would send him home and earn him a Purple Heart. Joseph Gatewood, your great-grandfather, served in the Marine Corps as a Navajo Code Talker during World War II. In a way I thought, ‘Hey, my friends are doing it, and it would be a cool thing to do.” You were in an odd situation during your training. Everything changed. Then, for a while a least, your life went back to normal. When I was done with the Winter Olympics, I served a two-year Spanish-language mission in Texas for my church.

Later we were flown into a camp on a black hawk. After that, things moved quickly from bad to worse. Geoff Lawton - Ecological Engineering Modeled on Nature - TEDxMission TheCity2.0. Living on the edge: ecological and cultural edges as sources of diversity for social-ecological resilience. A few summers ago, on a berry-picking expedition to a local mountain on Vancouver Island, one of us (NT) observed that by far the most productive and highest quality blueberries and huckleberries (Vaccinium ovalifolium, V. alaskaense, V. parvifolium, V. deliciosum) occurred not in the dense old growth subalpine forest, nor in the dry, hot center of a nearby clearcut, but in the area of confluence between the two, and especially at the edge of a creek. Here, right at the juncture of the forest, the creek, and the clearing, the picking was prime; buckets were filled in minutes, whereas in the dense forest and the center of the 15-year old clearcut, although the berry bushes were growing there, it would have taken hours to glean any quantity of berries.

This kind of experience has been repeated among people all over the world in their search for and exploitation of the foods and materials they need for their survival. 1. Bioneers. The Buckminster Fuller Institute | Buckminster Fuller Institute. Rainwater-in-Context – Page 1. 5:52 pm - Mon, Jan 7, 2013 CNU 21: Living Community Registration Now Open Registration for CNU 21: Living Community is now OPEN. Take advantage of our Early Bird rates by signing up before April 24th, 2013. CNU 21 Living Community will be held in gorgeous downtown Salt Lake City , May 29 - June 1, 2013.

Living Community balances the demands of physical, social, economic, and environmental values by connecting people to place and awakening in us a stewardship for our land and each other. Stewardship is tangible. Join Plenary Speakers Richard Louv, Sarah Susanka, Chuck Marohn, Andres Duany, and many, many more at CNU 21. 4:17 pm - Mon, Oct 1, 2012 Wanted: Artwork for CNU Charter Book Want to get published in the new CNU Charter Book (McGraw-Hill, 2013)? Give us your best shot! Please include a short caption: what principle does your photo/illustration show? Deadline: November 1, 2012 Resolution: at least 300 dpi at target size Thank you! 2:02 pm - Wed, Aug 15, 2012 1:56 pm - Tue, Jul 24, 2012. Rainwater-in-Context. The Rainwater-in-Context Initiative works to institute rainwater management practices that strengthen and fully complement New Urbanism at all scales.

High-performance rainwater solutions and dense, walkable urbanism can benefit each other when skillfully coordinated. However, rainwater management policies that fail to recognize the value of urban density may impair water quality at the larger watershed scale. Rainwater management practices that misunderstand contextual urban design may impair the functioning and attractiveness of walkable built environments. Recent years have witnessed a growing interest in green infrastructure and low-impact design. Rainwater regulations are becoming ever more stringent, but often without a clear understanding of and commitment to new urbanism. The Initiative engages with policymakers, scholars, and practitioners to counter the growing trend of poorly framed policies and practices.

Accomplishments Settlement patterns matter. Initiative Activities. Deep Ecology. Washington Department of Ecology. Biosphere. Gillium.

Open Source Ecology

Opisthokonta Tribe. About Kailasa - Kailasa. Board of Advisors || Conceptual Overview || Photos & Details || FAQ Welcome to Kailasa Kailasa is a forming Sustainable Intentional Community in Shasta County, Northern California. Those willing to authentically go beyond and search within may be invited to make retreat for days, weeks, or months in an idyllic setting designed for awakening. Already a group of 500 people spread across the Las Vegas valley, the group has taken many steps towards establishing a residential community near Redding that will be sustainable, transgenerational, and resource-based.

Utilizing a symbiotic network of non-profit and for-profit corporations owned and led by our community members, our goal is to migrate invited visitors away from a financial exchange for services to one that is a meaningful exchange of services. Kailasa can be viewed as four major components: Kailasa –A Sustainable Transition Town Nucleus (Infrastructure) The Kailasa Creationarium: An Inventors’ Haven (External Expression) FAQ The FAQ . Cascadia Research Collective. CREW | Ahead of the Wave.


Nurishment and Detox.