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Growing Techniques

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1. Phases of Growth
2. Water / Light Cycles
3. Growing Techniques etc.

Key Points of Harvest Time – High Times. A common misconception of marijuana cultivation, especially among first-time growers, is that harvest time is like gym class in grade school—it’s still a class you have to go to but it requires less thought and more fun than an actual science class. Unfortunately, underestimating the final phases of a grow operation can be a very costly mistake when it comes down to grading the outcome of your buds. Fatal errors in areas such as flushing, cutting and curing buds can lead to big disappointment after long months of hard work and care.

To be sure this doesn’t happen to you, and to ensure the highest quality of your cannabis—no matter what strain it is—it’s important to take note of a few Key Points of Harvest Time. By Crazy Composer & Nico EscondidoPhotos by Freebie Numero Uno The first, and perhaps most important, aspect of harvesting cannabis is knowing exactly when to start chopping down the ladies. A precision harvest is essential for potent cultivation. What’s the Cure?

Key Points of Harvest Time – High Times. Female Pre-Flowers and Flowering. Picture Guide to Cloning Marijuana. What is a cannabis "clone? " What are the advantages of taking marijuana clones? Well, first of all, cloning is one of the easiest and fastest ways for cannabis growers to make many new (and free) weed plants at once! Cloning cannabis is the process of making a smaller copy a specific cannabis plant. Basically a clone is a little piece of plant that has been cut off (a "cutting") from a parent plant and then given the opportunity to make roots of its own. Cannabis clones are cuttings from a marijuana plant - these cuttings make roots of their own and grow into an identical plant as the "mother! " Each cannabis clone has the same genes and is a genetic copy of its parent. Cloning cannabis lets you make dozens of (free) identical cannabis plants quickly!

Growers can take many clones of a single marijuana plant, and this is an easy way to get many plants that will grow the same way as the mother plant and produce buds with similar characteristics (smell, taste, potency, etc). Think springtime. Tutorial: How to Grow Cannabis Indoors! By Nebula Haze Table of Contents Intro: Learn How to Grow Weed Indoors How Long Until You’re Smoking Your Buds? 4 months Growing Cannabis Basics Light Needs (Cannabis needs more light than most house plants)Two Stages of Life: Vegetative & FloweringHow to Get Seeds or Clones - Choosing the Right StrainElectricity Use (For Indoor Growers)Setup Cost Setup & Supplies Start Growing Cannabis! Growing Tips & Hints Fix Common Growing Problems Intro: So You Want to Learn How to Grow Weed? You're here because you want to learn how to grow weed indoors and are interested in an "online class" about growing marijuana. What Do I Need to Start Growing Weed Indoors? Cannabis goes by many names; weed, pot, marijuana, bud, ganja and more.

The flowers of these popular strains of cannabis are grown, harvested, dried and cured to become the buds that can be used to vaporize, smoke, eat (via edibles) or otherwise processed for recreational or medical marijuana purposes. Dried & Cured Flowers of a Female Cannabis Plant. What Nutrients Are Good for Cannabis? By Nebula Haze Do you need special fertilizers to grow weed? How do you choose the best marijuana nutrients? What type of nutrients do you need to grow cannabis, and do you need nutrients from the beginning? Use a “Vegetative” nutrient formula for the vegetative stage (if using high-quality soil, you can skip vegetative nutrients for the first several weeks)Use a “Bloom” (low Nitrogen) nutrient formula for the flowering stage Can you share an example of great cannabis nutrients?

Dyna-Gro is One Example of a Simple, Effective Cannabis Nutrient System You can grow cannabis from seed to harvest with just these two nutrients bottles! But are they the best marijuana nutrients? There are so many nutrient options out there! * In a pinch, nutrients for cactus or succulents can be used in the flowering stage until you get better nutrients because they have similar nutrient ratios These aren't the only nutrient ratios that will work for growing cannabis, but these ones work well. Wait! (Why "K? No. How do I germinate marijuana seeds? By Nebula Haze Table of Contents Intro: How to Germinate Cannabis Seeds Are my seeds good? 5 Common Germination Methods How to Plant Your Germinated Cannabis Seeds Wait!

Taking Care of Marijuana Seedlings - The First Few Weeks What Size Container to Use? Introduction: Cannabis Seed Germination Cannabis germination is the process of getting your seeds to sprout, and you know sprouting has occurred when a little white tendril pops out of the seed. The little white tendril that emerges from a cannabis seed during germination is your plant's first root, known as a "taproot.

" The taproot - and maybe a few tiny early offshoots of the taproot - will get longer and longer, pushing the seed up, and after the shell breaks through the surface of your growing medium, the first leaves (these first round leaves are known as "cotyledons") will emerge from inside the cannabis seed. These are all viable marijuana seeds! Cannabis seeds can be expensive, don't waste your seeds with bad germination methods! Wait! Growing Marijuana Indoors vs. Outdoors. Difficulty Indoor takes more work from you on a regular basis because there are more variables you must control, and more that you must personally provide to give your plants a good growing environment.

On the other hand, there are fewer unexpected influences that can affect your plants indoors, especially compared to Mother Nature, so growing indoors is often more predictable. Indoor growing is often difficult for new growers as they learn the ropes, but seasoned growers are often able to grow plants in a breezy 20 minutes/week or less because they already know exactly what to do. Outdoors you may have to take more time initially to research and learn about your environment through trial and error. It's important to make sure you choose a compatible marijuana strain for your local weather while also picking the right place to plant your garden.

For people in cold climates or who live in highly urban environments, growing outdoors would take much more effort than it's worth. Cost / Price. How Long Does It Take to Grow Weed? By Nebula Haze This is one of the most common questions we receive from curious soon-to-be cannabis growers: How long does it really take to grow weed? What's the growing timeline?

It's actually a really good question! Every new marijuana grower should know what they're signing up for! The Average Indoor Grow Takes 3-4 Months The long answer is: from Day 1 of your weed plant's life to actually smoking your harvest, it can take... 8 weeks - 7+ Months! That's why most cannabis growers won't give you a straight answer. This includes the time needed to grow your cannabis plant from seedling to harvest plus an additional 2 weeks which is needed to cure your cannabis buds after harvest. Additionally, for at least the first time you grow, you also need to consider the time needed to get your equipment and seeds/clones. This article will give you the total time breakdown, so you can plan out the details of your grow in order to achieve the harvest times you desire: Before You Start Growing Weed. How to Dry & Cure Marijuana - Step-By-Step Tutorial. By Nebula Haze Table of Contents Why dry & cure cannabis buds?

Cannabis Drying & Curing Guide Common questions about drying & curing cannabis This drying & curing tutorial is part of our "how to harvest cannabis" series: Flushing > Harvest > Trimming > Drying & Curing​ Why Do Growers Dry and "Cure" Cannabis Buds? Harvest time! Your buds are ready for harvest, yet your job as a grower is not quite over yet. (When do I harvest?) In order to ensure the best quality for your freshly harvested buds, you must prepare your buds with a process known as curing, which involves drying your buds slowly in a controlled environment, then keeping buds in glass jars over the course of a few weeks. Growers cure marijuana buds for many reasons. A big part of why buds from medical marijuana dispensaries or cannabis cups often seem so special is they have been expertly cured.

Additional Tips & Tricks for Drying/Curing Perfectly Every Time Why Do Growers Dry & Cure Buds After Harvest? Don’t believe me? What you need: Low Stress Training (LST) Tutorial. By Nebula Haze Key Takeaway: LST (Low Stress Training) is a cannabis plant training technique to gently bend young weed plants and tie them down as they grow. This naturally creates multiple bud sites so you harvest far bigger marijuana yields indoors! LST also allows you to force cannabis plants to grow into a shape and size you want - even if you only have a tiny grow space!

Example: All this bud is growing on a single 18" tall plant in someone's homemade grow box! (this wouldn't be possible without LST/plant training) Table of Contents What is Low Stress Training? How Does LST Work? Step-By-Step: How to LST Your Plants Introduction to Low Stress Training What is LST and what does it mean for cannabis growers?

There are other free cannabis plant training techniques that are more "high stress" such as cutting off the top of the plant. LST is a free, gentle & effective training technique for all cannabis plants Benefits of Low Stress Training How Does Low Stress Training Work? Time for Bending! Marijuana Growers HQ – Light Cycles and Flowering Cannabis. In nature, cannabis plants (excluding ruderalis) begin to flower in the late Summer and early Fall. When the days start to become shorter and the nights longer, flowering signals are triggered by photoperiodism, beginning the flowering process. The increasing hours of darkness signal to the plant that Fall is just around the corner. The female marijuana plant shifts its energy from vegetative growth into flowering, in order to attract pollen and produce seeds.

By manipulating the hours of darkness, indoor and outdoor growers can delay flowering indefinitely or begin flowering whenever desired. The traditional method used to sustain vegetative growth is to keep light on the plants between 18 and 24 hours each day. The key factor is not the hours of light, but the hours of darkness.

When it is deemed time for the flowering process to begin, the light cycle is changed to a regimen of 12 hour on and 12 hours off. Over the years I have taught a few people how to grow cannabis. Spring Clones. Beginners: How to Grow Just One Pot Plant in Your Home. As the weather warms up, so do most smokers. There is something about the spring and summer months that brings out the toker in all of us. And, sometimes, it brings out our green thumbs, too! For the more enthusiastic cannabis lover, their attention often turns from rolling joints to another facet of the plant—cultivation.

Around this time every year we get flooded with questions from the home hobbyist asking about growing “just one little pot plant” in their own home. Well, that’s music to our ears here at HIGH TIMES! How to Begin First, let’s remove any fear you may have that this is going to be difficult. We call it “weed” for a reason—because it grows easily and anywhere, like a weed. This is important for the home indoor grower because the light period, or photoperiod, of the plant must be controlled. You might ask, “Why not just let the plant flower immediately and harvest some nice buds and get to the smoking?”

Well, in truth, you could do that. Horticultural Lighting Got questions?