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Baking Blogs

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University of Cookie. Smitten kitchen. Blog. In my last post, I raved about my love of the one-pan wonder at dinnertime.


Which, of course, immediately got me thinking about one-bowl/one-dish wonders when it comes to baking. As much as I love pulling out every crazy baking pan and gadget and really getting into it in the kitchen, after months and months of recipe development and testing (and an appalling amount of dishwashing), there’s nothing better than the feeling of a throwing together a recipe that feels as easy-breezy and dump-and-stir as a boxed cake mix, but isn’t…a boxed cake mix. There are a few one-bowl, minimal dish-dirtying favorites in my arsenal that I go back to time and time again, like these brownies, or this banana bread, that are so simple and satisfying, it’s as though you can feel your all the scraggly edges of your weary soul fusing back together as you stir.

Munchkin Munchies. Lily Vanilli Cake Fight. Confections, creations, and lots of calories. Hungry Rabbit NYC. How Sweet It Is. Eat The Love - powered by FeedBurner. Adozeneggs. I’m always dubious of some of the designs requested in our custom collections.


I like my collections to be cohesive and to make sense. Sometimes, well, a lot of the time, the collections make sense only to the client and the recipient. Here are some of the custom collections we created last week. It was a big week for custom collections. Dessert First — A Passion for Pastry. David Lebovitz. — chronicling my life in sugar. — King Arthur Flour – Baking Banter. Bakers Royale. Bake at 350. Bakingdom. Sprinkle Bakes.