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Ray Kurzweil on how technology will transform us. Kevin Kelly on how technology evolves. Harvey Fineberg: Are we ready for neo-evolution? Special Report - Science Nation. LED-er Of the Pack: Animated Programmable LED Tattoos. Tattoos have been around nearly as long as the human race itself, and apart from improved tools and safety measures they haven’t changed much. But with futuristic technology comes futuristic body modifications, and the next generation of skin art is on its way. Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania are developing implantable flexible silicon transistors on dissolving substrates that could, at some point, be used as medical tattoos. The implants are extremely thin electronics on a silk substrate that dissolves over time, leaving only the electronics behind.

The LEDs are visible through the skin, so when activated their readout is kind of like an electronic tattoo. The tattoo could, in theory, display whatever the owner wants it to display, making it ideal for displaying shifting designs or even watching TV right on your arm. While the possibilities for body art seem unlimited, the most practical application of LED tattoos would be as medical readout devices.