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Kevin Kelly on how technology evolves

Kevin Kelly on how technology evolves

New Bandages Latest in Healthcare Technology - High Tech Bandages and Band-Aids ChitoGauze (Photograph courtesy of HemCon Medical Technologies, Inc.) HemCon Medical Technologies manufactures bandages and wound dressings that harness the power of the sea. The company's products use chitosan, a biopolymer made from a component in the exoskeletons of crab, shrimp and other crustacean exoskeletons. The positively charged chitosan attracts the negatively charged outer membranes of red blood cells; when the two come into contact, localized clotting occurs. HemCon's chitosan-coated bandages are already in use in Iraq; its latest product is ChitoGauze.

Kevin Kelly: What Technology Wants Bio Kevin Kelly Kevin Kelly cofounded WIRED in 1993 and served as executive editor of the magazine from its inception until 1999. He currently holds the unique title of senior maverick. LED-er Of the Pack: Animated Programmable LED Tattoos Tattoos have been around nearly as long as the human race itself, and apart from improved tools and safety measures they haven’t changed much. But with futuristic technology comes futuristic body modifications, and the next generation of skin art is on its way. Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania are developing implantable flexible silicon transistors on dissolving substrates that could, at some point, be used as medical tattoos. The implants are extremely thin electronics on a silk substrate that dissolves over time, leaving only the electronics behind. The LEDs are visible through the skin, so when activated their readout is kind of like an electronic tattoo.

Kevin Kelly: “Somos los aparatos reproductores sexuales de la tecnología” Puede que Kevin Kelly (Pennsylvania , 1952) sea una de esas personas relativamente desconocidas que ejercen una gran influencia en el mundo. ¿Por qué afirmamos esto? En primer lugar, Kelly fue uno de los editores fundadores de la revista WIRED, que nació en marzo de 1993, en simultaneidad con el auge de la web. Esta revista, gruesa de páginas, y de un diseño y contenido innovador y exhuberante, fue una especie de Rolling Stone para geeks y nerds.
