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Construire des bandes-annonces pour votre cours. 9 Tools to Create E-magazines and Newspapers for Your Class. 1- Uniflip UniFlip converts your magazine, brochure or catalog from its original PDF format into an exciting, professional multi-media digital format with pages that flip. 2-Joomag Joomag is a web tool that lets you create your own magazines using a simple online editor. You can draw shapes, write texts, add rich media elements like video and audio players. 3- Scribd Scribd is known for being a reading library where you can search for and find ebooks and slides but it is also a magazine creator which allows users to upload their own content and turn it into a magazine 4- Issuu This is like Scribd above. 5- Zinepal This tools lets you create an ebook or magazine from posts and articles of a blog. 6- Build A Newspaper This one is a professional platform that provides teacher based templates to create mazagines. 7- Fodey This is most simple of all the tools mentioned here. 8- Open Zine 9- Calameo Publish your magazine, presentations or documents and share them with the world. Moovly - Create Animated Content like a Pro. 7 Excellent Tools to Publish Students Work. There is nothing much rewarding for students than to see their accomplished work being published and celebrated with others. This is very much motivating and is a strong impetus for them to achieve more and work harder. Can you imagine how happy a student would be to share his classroom work with his parents in a neat and clean online platform that they access anywhere and anytime ? There are several online tools that you as a teacher can use to host your students work and share them with the whole class and as well as parents .Below are some tools that can help you do that.

Check them out : 1- Flipsnack Fipsnack is an online flipping book software that allows you to convert PDF documents into Flash page flip digital publications ideal for publishing students work. 2- Issuu This is another populat website where you can upload and share your students work very easily and for free.3- Tikatok Tikatok lets you easily create an unlimited books online . 4- Mixbook 6- Lulu 7- Other tools. 7 Excellent Tools to Publish Students Work.