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Try before downloading · ContentTools

¶ As soon as you've clicked the pencil icon the page will be editable and two new elements will appear; the toolbox and the inspector bar. The toolbox by default will appear in the upper left corner of the page, but it can be dragged to wherever you like. The inspector bar will appear fixed to the bottom of the page (it will be empty until an element on the page is selected). Editable regions ¶ How do you know what content on the page you can edit? Press and hold the shift key and after a few seconds a pulsing border will appear around the regions of the page that can be edited. Adding and converting content ¶ Other than typing, there are two ways to add new content to the page; pressing the return key while editing a section of text (except pre-formatted text) or using one of the tools in the toolbox, for example to insert an image, video, table, etc. Drag and place content ¶

Speeding up Existing Apps with a Redis Cache. We’ve gone through the basics of Redis in PHP before, but it’s time to cover a real life use case.

Speeding up Existing Apps with a Redis Cache

In this tutorial, we’ll add it to an already deployed application to give the app the appearance of speed. You can easily follow along by cloning the 0.6 release of the app. The Problem Before applying a solution, we need to have a clear definition of the problem. The application in question, when executing a query, runs off to Diffbot’s API and makes it query the dataset. “But what good is caching a single query?” Well… as a matter of fact, not only has research shown that they will often search for one and the same thing (React is trending? With the problem clearly defined, let’s handle the prerequisites. Installing First things first, we need to install Redis into both the development and production environment (note that if you’re using Homestead for local development, Redis is already installed, albeit v 3.0.1 at the time of writing). Predis Implementation That’s it!

Fine Tuning with. Basket.js - a simple script loader that caches scripts with localStorage. Introduction basket.js is a small JavaScript library supporting localStorage caching of scripts.

basket.js - a simple script loader that caches scripts with localStorage

If script(s) have previously been saved locally, they will simply be loaded and injected into the current document. If not, they will be XHR'd in for use right away, but cached so that no additional loads are required in the future. Why localStorage? Tests by Google and Bing have shown that there are performance benefits to caching assets in localStorage (especially on mobile) when compared to simply reading and writing from the standard browser cache. Developers have also been wondering why we opted for localStorage as opposed to alternatives such as IndexedDB.

We believe that in time, once implementers have optimized localStorage, it will become more feasible to use cross-browser. Project History. Anahkiasen/flatten. How to install Redis on a Centos 6.4 Server - Brian Nelson Ramblings. How to install redis on a Centos Server yum install redis php-pecl-redis service redis start chkconfig redis on Now verify its set to start at boot chkconfig --list redis redis 0:off 1:off 2:on 3:on 4:on 5:on 6:off Now that was pretty simple, but lets say you want to add a second instance to your server on a different port.

How to install Redis on a Centos 6.4 Server - Brian Nelson Ramblings

Phpredis/phpredis. How to Install the PHP Redis Extension. In the examples shown, replace "5.X" with your app's PHP version (for example, "5.4").

How to Install the PHP Redis Extension

To install a PECL extension for multiple PHP versions, repeat the PECL extension installation for each PHP version. How to Install Redis. To install the Redis key/value store, log in to your server as the root user and run the following command: sudo apt-get install redis-server Once installed, Redis will listen on port 6379.

How to Install Redis

Accessing Redis from PHP To interact with the Redis server from your PHP scripts, you need to install the PHP redis client extension. Sasanrose/phpredmin. Redis, découverte d’un moteur clé-valeur simple et puissant. Je vous propose de découvrir Redis.

Redis, découverte d’un moteur clé-valeur simple et puissant

Base NoSQL en mémoire, c’est le système de stockages des données utilisé par ZapTravel, société pour laquelle je travaille depuis mai 2012. Nous avions le choix de prendre MongoDB ou autre, mais finalement la simplicité et la puissance de Redis sont bien adaptés. Je vous propose de vous faire découvrir Redis, de A à Z avec quelques exemples. Une partie de cet article est à créditer à Ross Tuck qui a présenté Redis à Confoo.

Si vous avez l’occasion de voir cet excellent speaker, ne manquez pas cette opportunité. Introduction Redis est classé dans la catégorie des bases NoSQL. Redis est une solution open-source codée intégralement en C par Salvatore Sanfilippo (@antirez). Redis est avant tout un serveur de données en mémoire. Redis est par définition multi-threadé mono-threadé (plus d’explications ici) et donc mono-coeurs.