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Evolution Of Trypophobia A Fear Of Holes. How a Food-Delivery Company Found Love by Advertising on Adult Websites. Here's your curious advertising case study of the day.

How a Food-Delivery Company Found Love by Advertising on Adult Websites

Food-delivery app Eat24 has written a lengthy blog post detailing, from start to finish, why and how it went "where no marketing team has gone before. Well, at least not without clearing their browser history afterward. " Eat24, which apparently had something of a following among porn stars already, decided to advertise on adult websites. Its rationale? Almost no mainstream brands want anything to do with the XXX world. Below are a few excerpts from the case study. The idea: "If you ever take two seconds out of your naughty time to glance at the ads on porn sites, you'll notice that 99% of them are for more porn.

The creative: "We wanted to make a connection between the pleasure you feel when eating a bacon double cheeseburger, and the pleasure of having sex. The results: "No matter what metric you want to use to define success, our campaign kicked ass all the way across the board. Lee Cronin: Print your own medicine. The Future Of Water: These Edible Blobs Of Water Could Replace Plastic Bottles. There has to be a way to stop polluting the earth with cans, plastic bottles and other items that we sometimes fail to recycle.

The Future Of Water: These Edible Blobs Of Water Could Replace Plastic Bottles

Well, someone may have found the answer to that problem. As a matter of fact, three London-based industrial design students did when they created this blob of water that serves as an edible water bottle. Forget having to hang on to a boring Poland Spring bottle until you finally find a trash receptacle. The blob is called “Ooho” and it’s super cheap to make, it’s sterile and safe to consume and, most of all, you don’t have to deal with trash after you’re hydrated! Ooho features a special compound made using brown algae and calcium chloride. Rodrigo García González, one of the students who helped create the Ooho concept, says that most people drink bottled water when they’re not near a tap. Therefore, there is more trash to be recycled. The best part about this breakthrough? Check out the video below as well as some additional photos of the Ohoo water blob. Heating - Artificial Black Hole Created in Chinese Lab. If you haven’t heard of metamaterials and what they can do, where have you been?

heating - Artificial Black Hole Created in Chinese Lab

Most of the media coverage so far has focused on invisibility cloaks but that’s just the start of the fun physicists can have with this stuff. Only a few weeks ago we were discussing how to recreate the big bang inside a metamaterial. And earlier this year, a group of physicists suggested that it ought to be possible to create a black hole using metamaterials. FingerReader - Wearable Text-Reading Device. Demography of reliongs in future. Školky. South Korean Roads Power Electric Cars. Porsche Built A Very Slow Car That Could Last Forever. -CIRP-Design-2011-Paper34-Suh. V Holandsku testujú cestu, ktorá svieti sama. Minesto - Ocean Energy Solutions. Solar Roadways - Introduction. U.S.

Solar Roadways - Introduction

Senator Mike Crapo (R-ID) talks about Solar Roadways Years ago, when the phrase "Global Warming" began gaining popularity, we started batting around the idea of replacing asphalt and concrete surfaces with solar panels that could be driven upon. We thought of the "black box" on airplanes: We didn't know what material that black box was made of, but it seemed to be able to protect sensitive electronics from the worst of airline crashes. Suppose we made a section of road out of this material and housed solar cells to collect energy, which could pay for the cost of the panel, thereby creating a road that would pay for itself over time. What if we added LEDs to "paint" the road lines from beneath, lighting up the road for safer night time driving? This Is How Elon Musk Can Build the Hyperloop for a Tenth the Cost of High-Speed Rail. John Gardi is a tinkerer and jack-of-all-trades currently living in Canada.

This Is How Elon Musk Can Build the Hyperloop for a Tenth the Cost of High-Speed Rail

He garnered himself a slice of internet fame when he made a mock-up for Elon Musk's mysterious Hyperloop transportation system, and Musk himself dubbed it the "best guess" he'd seen yet. Here, he elaborates on that guess, and explains how Musk might actually build his Hyperloop—a "cross between a Concorde and a rail gun and an air hockey table"—and do it for one tenth the cost of California's high-speed rail project.

–Ed. My small part in the Hyperloop saga began early in June when I tried to visualize Elon Musk’s Hyperloop concept using only MS Paint and a few scattered clues. I thought that maybe a simple infographic, bringing all those clues together in one place, would help get folks back on track. 483728_10151466466159831_1932784814_n. Dead-fish-are-seen-floating-on-a-polluted-river-in-hefei-anhui-province. CST Careers 2030. Transhuman body. Lowered mTOR Increases Longevity. Hugh Herr: The new bionics that let us run, climb and dance. Kup si svou revoltu! O mýtu kontrakultury aneb Proč revolta proti konzumnímu - Heath Joseph, Potter Andrew (14,14 €) Naša cena: 14,14 € [7 % zľava] Odporúčaná cena:

Kup si svou revoltu! O mýtu kontrakultury aneb Proč revolta proti konzumnímu - Heath Joseph, Potter Andrew (14,14 €)

Decentralized Society and Bitcoin Contracts by Pavol Luptak on Prezi. Extreme fear experienced without the amygdala. There's a female patient, known in the research literature as S.M., who's been dubbed the "woman with no fear".

Extreme fear experienced without the amygdala

She has severely damaged amygdala on either side of her brain and consequently is left unmoved by snakes, spiders, horror films, haunted houses and real-life knife attacks. She doesn't even have a sense of personal space. But when S.M. inhaled carbon dioxide for a new study, she was far from calm. Within seconds, she groped desperately for the air mask and cried for help. After researchers removed the mask, S.M.' The amygdala is an almond-shaped structure found deep on either side of the brain. To check this was no anomaly, Justin Feinstein at the University of Iowa and his colleagues also tested two other patients with bilateral amygdala damage (a pair of identical twins, A.M. and B.G.). And yet, when the researchers performed the carbon dioxide inhalation with 12 healthy controls, 9 of them exhibited no panic and they reported far less fear than the patients.

Justin S. 3d-dress-schmidt-bitonti-1b. 'Hyper Empathy' From Brain Surgery. In a strange case, a woman developed "hyper empathy" after having a part of her brain called the amygdala removed in an effort to treat her severe epilepsy, according to a report of her case.

'Hyper Empathy' From Brain Surgery

Empathy is the ability to recognize another person's emotions. The case was especially unusual because the amygdala is involved in recognizing emotions, and removing it would be expected to make it harder rather than easier for a person to read others' emotions, according to the researchers involved in her case.

During the woman's surgery, doctors removed parts of her temporal lobe, including the amygdala, from one side of the brain. The surgery is a common treatment for people with severe forms of temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) who don't respond to medication. After the surgery, the seizures she had suffered multiple times a day stopped. She also described an increased ability to decode others' mental states, including their emotions, the researchers said. Baby-thrown-from-mothers-womb-survives-motorcycle-crash-in-china-9206382.

When heavily pregnant Wang Zhau went into labour, she and father Mao Zhua boarded his motorbike and headed to the hospital.


During the journey, a lorry hit his vehicle and ran over the woman’s stomach, the Mirror reported. “Eye witnesses said that when the woman was hit by the truck she gave birth on the spot,” police spokesman Chan Chien said. “Others said that the baby, which was healthy 4.2 kg, had been thrown out of the woman's belly and had landed three meters away.