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Web-based XHTML editor - Home. Rich-Text Editing in Mozilla:Class xbDesignMode - MDC. Google pages. Nvu - The Complete Web Authoring System for Linux, Macintosh and Windows. Rich Text Editing With Dojo. Dojo Version: Getting Started Dojo Start How do I start learning Dojo? Where are the docs? How do I get support and training? View Tutorial Hello Dojo! Welcome to Dojo! View Tutorial Modern Dojo You may have been away from Dojo for a while, or you have been struggling to keep your older Dojo 1.6 applications working under 1.8 and you find yourself not sure of what is going on. View Tutorial Configuring Dojo with dojoConfig The dojoConfig object (formerly djConfig) allows you to set options and default behavior for various aspects of the toolkit.

View Tutorial Fundamentals Classy JavaScript with dojo/_base/declare The dojo/_base/declare module is the foundation of class creation within the Dojo Toolkit. declare allows for multiple inheritance to allow developers to create flexible code and avoid writing the same code routines. View Tutorial Creating Template-based Widgets View Tutorial Using dojo/query View Tutorial NodeList Extensions View Tutorial Making Functions with hitch and partial View Tutorial. Writely - The Web Word Processor. The Man in Blue > widgEditor: A simple, standards-compliant WYSIWYG HTML editor. 27 January 2005 » widgEditor HTML editor « There's quite a few HTML-based HTML editors out there, but they all lack something. Most of them are fairly code obtrusive – requiring you to carve out a hefty chunk of HTML/JavaScript in order to get them to display – or the outputted code is hardly standards compliant.

HTMLArea is probably the most well rounded solution, but it's far too complex for most of my applications – its code isn't extremely extensible, the interface isn't customisable, and inherent with its abundance of editing freedom is the risk that an unwise author will produce a horrid looking mash of <font> tags. Kevin Roth's Rich Text Editor brings in a bit more simplicity, but the source code is again pretty messy, and the ease with which it is applied to a page isn't great.

So, in steps my contender: widgEditor. I've kept it to a minimal functionality set – the sort of styling that you'd require for a weblog or CMS. You'll see that I'm now using widgEditor for my own comments. Bad Monkey&#039;s blog. TinyMCE Javascript Content Editor by Moxiecode Systems AB. The Flexible Online Writing Tool. Access your online notebook from anywhere in the world! EditMe is a hosted web site service that provides simple, intuitive tools to help you keep your writing projects organized, secure, and accessible from anywhere.

You can upload files and images of any kind or do your writing online with EditMe's powerful built-in rich text editor. Flexible access controls allow you to decide who can see which pages. You can choose to password protect any part, or your entire, web site! Or you can share it with the world. EditMe is the affordable solution to expensive and complicated online web hosting tools. How Does It Work? Every page in an EditMe site has a link to edit the contents. Find out more!