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The Most Advanced WYSIWYG HTML Editor

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Nimbus Note - One place to manage all your information | knowledge base | tasks | projects | etc Best Rich Text Editors ready to use in web projects This post illustrates five interesting rich text editors ready to use in your web projects. I also provided some guidelines regarding how to implement them on your pages using a few lines of HTML code. Try them! 1. Implement this editor in your web site is very simple. ...and copy and paste the Javascript code you can find in the related pages on Yahoo Developer Network on your page. - Simple Editor with basic buttons- Code Editor- Editor in a Dialog Control The Rich Text Editor's toolbar is extensible via a plugin architecture so that advanced implementations can achieve a high degree of customization. 2. The only lines of code you have to add are the following: Simple no? 3. Is very simple to integrate in your website only with a few lines of code. ...and initialize the editor using the code you can find here, clicking on the tab View Source. That's all! 4. It's very simple to implement using this code: 5. Do you have any suggestion about this topic?

The Flexible Online Writing Tool Access your online notebook from anywhere in the world! EditMe is a hosted web site service that provides simple, intuitive tools to help you keep your writing projects organized, secure, and accessible from anywhere. You can upload files and images of any kind or do your writing online with EditMe's powerful built-in rich text editor. Flexible access controls allow you to decide who can see which pages. EditMe is the affordable solution to expensive and complicated online web hosting tools. How Does It Work? Every page in an EditMe site has a link to edit the contents. Find out more!

12 great tutorials on creating a new Wordpress Theme I am very much impressed with wordpress and keep on discussing about wordpress in my various posts on reencoded these days. Thanks for appreciating 85 Beautiful Free WordPress Themes, 26 Free WordPress Photo Gallery Themes, 20 great WordPress Footer Designs, 30 great uses of WordPress and 23 WordPress Themes for your Website. There are countless designers developers using wordpress for blogging and as a CMS for their website. Some of them use to go for paid themes, some like to customize free themes according to their need and some love to create a new wordpress theme from scratch. To help desingers entering into the wordpress world I would like to share some tutorials which can help creating a new worpdress theme from scratch. The list includes some great theme tutorials, tutorials to understand the wordpress files structure and wordpress codex for stepping into templates. So here is a list of 12 great tutorials on creating a new WordPress Theme. The Ultimate WordPress Theme Tutorial

11 Pricing Page Examples To Inspire Your Own Design Whether you're in the market for software or a new coffee pot, searching for price is a natural part of any customer's buying decision. The means that the majority of people who have made it down the funnel far enough to consider buying from you will likely look at your pricing page. It's a huge opportunity for you to take control of the price conversation and make it even easier for people to buy. If your pricing page isn't well designed and user-friendly, you're going to lose people. What does a great pricing page look like? Download Now: Free Sales Pricing Strategy Calculator 11 Examples of Great Pricing Pages 1) Box Box's pricing page is informative, intuitive, and attractive -- starting with that hero image right at the top of the page. Another thing they do well is highlight the profit maximizing option on the page -- not only by labeling it "Most Popular," but also by designing that option to pop out. 2) Zendesk 3) Detectify 4) Wistia 5) Casper 6) Squarespace 7) Ticketleap 8) Slack

10 jQuery and non-jQuery javascript Rich Text Editors Advertisement Introduction Javascript rich text editor has ease our life when we need to edit articles, post or even documents online. Most of the editors allow user to edit the content straight away (What You See Is What You Get - WYSIWYG), it just like editting a document with microsoft office. LATEST VERSION: You can read our latest post about rich text editors: 10 Feature Packed Javascript WYSIWYG and Rich Text Editors So, here are the 10 RTEs that I can find online. Advertisement MarkitUp - jQuery Official Website | Demo markItUp! Fast and unobtrusive integrationSupport for keyboard shortcutsAjax dynamic previewSupported: IE7, Safari 3.1, Firefox 2, Firefox 3. jWYSIWYG - jQuery Official Website | Demo This plugin is an inline content editor to allow editing rich HTML content on the fly. GNU General Public License v2Compact and lightweightAjax dynamic previewBrowser friendly Lightweight RTE- jQuery Official Website | Demo HTMLBox - jQuery Official Website | Demo Official Website | Demo

The Man in Blue &gt; widgEditor: A simple, standards-compliant WYSIWYG HTML editor 27 January 2005 » widgEditor HTML editor « There's quite a few HTML-based HTML editors out there, but they all lack something. Most of them are fairly code obtrusive – requiring you to carve out a hefty chunk of HTML/JavaScript in order to get them to display – or the outputted code is hardly standards compliant. HTMLArea is probably the most well rounded solution, but it's far too complex for most of my applications – its code isn't extremely extensible, the interface isn't customisable, and inherent with its abundance of editing freedom is the risk that an unwise author will produce a horrid looking mash of <font> tags. Kevin Roth's Rich Text Editor brings in a bit more simplicity, but the source code is again pretty messy, and the ease with which it is applied to a page isn't great. So, in steps my contender: widgEditor. I've kept it to a minimal functionality set – the sort of styling that you'd require for a weblog or CMS. You'll see that I'm now using widgEditor for my own comments.

20 Wordpress Theme Frameworks And Starting Resources A theme framework is a theme that is designed to be a flexible foundation that can serve as a parent theme for building child themes. The use of WordPress theme frameworks may ease theme development by reducing the volume of work which may be needed in creating a backbone for your theme (usually by using PHP and WordPress Template Tags). Theme frameworks also make theme development more accessible, removing the need for programming knowledge. 1.Thematic, A WordPress Theme Framework Thematic is a free, open-source, highly extensible, search-engine optimized WordPress Theme Framework featuring 13 widget-ready areas, grid-based layout samples, styling for popular plugins, and a whole community behind it. Preview live demo 2. Amazing WordPress theme framework, definitely one of my favorite. I’ll just give you the short list instead, so you can go ahead and play with the theme: Developed with child themes in mind, so you’ll never lose your customizations.SEO optimized. Preview live demo 6. 7.
