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Kids Get Arty

Thanks for visiting! Welcome to Kids Get Arty! This section of the blog is dedicated to Art (vs crafts) and is all about getting kids exploring Art in general, as well as exploring The Great Artists. Three steps to take part: 1) Take an Artist – any artist – be it contemporary or not .2) Look at a piece of art by them with your children. Kids Get Arty, is all about exploring together, having fun and having a go! There will be a monthly Link Up party where you can join in and share your art session and art. The Link up Party are every two months and the next one is on 16th April 2014 - and we invite you to pick ANY artist you wish.. and get Arty. I also have two previous post to help you along: 1) A round up of over 30 Kids’ Art Projects from blogs around the web – combination of teachers, non teachers, artists and non artists – showing you that there are many different ways of approaching The Great Artist with children.

Ucreate with Kids. Tutorial showing how to make rope coil vessels and bowls. These rope coil vessels are quite meditative to make.

Tutorial showing how to make rope coil vessels and bowls

I found the repetition of the stitches gave me a sense of stillness as I sat in the autumn sun making them. There are various methods of making rope coil bowls and baskets, and the traditional way of stitching is more uniform than I have made mine. In my tutorial the placement of the stitches is random and I love the texture and visual interest that results from this method. Mastering The Art of Fabric Printing and Design. En el taller / In the workshop « La Factoría Plástica. Make something. Easter DIY: fishing game  It is almost Easter and since the past few weeks I am seeing a zillion EGG Decoration Tutorials.

Easter DIY: fishing game 

So just because of that I thought doing something different: a fishing game. Why not? The good advantage is you can play anytime, anywhere. Louise is on vacation, and between activities (no need to tell you that I am exhausted) we are fishing. For next Monday and the Fool Fish day it is the same method except you are not adding the magnetic piece but just some tape, you know how to do it, right? AUTUMN LEAVES. It may be a little bit late to post these autumn leaves, but they are worth it.


I saw the initial idea in my child’s creche. It took me some time to perfect the pattern and the instructions. You will need: colored printer sheets, a pair of scissors, a pencil and some glue. These are the two basic leaf shapes. DIY Paper Flower Pencils. About. Photo Credit: Fernando Bagué “Let the beauty you love, be what you do” -Rumi- Inside each and everyone of us exists a being capable of creating.


Marionetas de dedo. Tea On The Moon - Viajes, niños, música, scrapbook, craft. Fácil y Sencillo: DIY - Xmas Countdown: Guirnalda imprimible y otros diy's. Por la blogsfera ya parece que ha empezado la cuenta atrás para la Navidad y cada día se inunda de más imagenes navideñas y muchos, muchos DIY’s, jejeje.

Fácil y Sencillo: DIY - Xmas Countdown: Guirnalda imprimible y otros diy's

En Fácil y Sencillo no nos queremos quedar atrás y hoy empezamos el bombardeo de ideas, inspiración y muchas más cosas bonitas. Como os prometí en la entrada pasada, os traigo los imprimibles de botones que utilicé para el packaging. Pero además os traigo muchos más para hacer vuestra propia guirnalda. Sólo tenéis que descargaros el imprimible que más os guste, recortar e ir enlazando circulitos para hacer vuestra guirnalda.

Tenéis estampados de todo tipo: de botones, florecitas, bolas navideñas, copos de nieve, etc. y seguro que hay alguno que os gusta!! Así que sólo tenéis que hacer clic en la siguiente imagen para ir a descargaros los imprimibles. Información Técnica / Paints and Materials « La Factoría Plástica. Decora Recicla Imagina …: Día de la Tierra. Hoy es 22 de abril, Día de la Tierra.

Decora Recicla Imagina …: Día de la Tierra

Labores en Red.


Aubrey and Me: Tutorial. Por el título os habréis dado cuenta de que el post de hoy viene a full, después de esto quien no carve un sello no tendrá perdón de Dios .

Aubrey and Me: Tutorial

En primer lugar lo que hay que tener claro son los materiales que necesitamos para empezar con el carvado de sellos, los imprescindibles son: una plancha de goma, una gubia y la tinta, una vez tengamos esto podemos empezar, siempre y cuando tengamos clara la idea. Para empezar yo recomendaría trazados simples y rectos; una casa, una cruz, una flecha... cuando esto ya se tenga dominado pasar a formas más redondeadas, y cuando ya se tenga un control total a las letras que para mi son lo más complicado. Blog de moda, costura y diy: Oh, Mother Mine DIY!!: Aprender a coser: ¿Cuánta tela comprar para hacer ropa? Hola a tod@s!!!

Blog de moda, costura y diy: Oh, Mother Mine DIY!!: Aprender a coser: ¿Cuánta tela comprar para hacer ropa?

» Spring. Kate from An Everyday Story is with us today to share a great way to encourage our children to write for an authentic purpose, handmade garden markers.

» Spring

I think the dream to carve out a little spot in our yards to grow our own produce is a common one. Growing and nurturing something with our own hands has given our little family such a deep sense of joy and connectedness; to each other, to our… Read More. Hello sandwich: Amazing New Craft Shop Opening: WRAPPLE. Okay Sandwiches... This is a beauty! This is the BEST. NEW. JAPANESE. CRAFT. Join us at Brooklyn Craft Camp! - Knitting Crochet Sewing Crafts Patterns and Ideas! Join us on Saturday, March 16th for Brooklyn Craft Camp! Brooklyn Craft Camp is the brainchild of Brett Bara, host of television series Knit & Crochet Now, regular contributor to Design Sponge, and creator of popular lifestyle blog Manhattan Craft Room. Brett dreamed of an event where she'd combine her love of modern crafting with the creative spirit of the Brooklyn community. Add some delicious food, good friends, music and cocktails, and you get the perfect day!

Kick off your morning with donuts from Greenpoint's own Peter Pan Bakery, and then delve into the first two classes of the day. Veoveo magazine. FSN: Técnicas. Artículos de papelería comprar online. Fiestas con encanto. Minieco tutorials. Craft in Madrid: Ruta craft. Entre costuras & punto: Aquí estamos.


Fábrica de Texturas. PetitPoulou. Crochet Me. Video Gallery - Sakura Of America ... Power To Express. * N i c e s t T h i n g s *: MMy DIY's. Time - page 6. Little Hands, Big Work: fine motor. Just a little warning to this post. My boys are still really young so I only use the "work books" when it is their idea and they really want to work on them. So far they have asked several times but if they lose interest then that is fine with me. I bought book from Costco and I really like it.

Spanish Craft Revolution. Libros de origami papiroflexia - - origami papiroflexia y + Betz white. Paint chip chevron ombre necklace. I really love the ombre trend. The ombre hair is not really for me because I really like my blonde hair as it is for now. But the ombre fashion, interior and jewelry items are absolutely gorgeous! Today I want to share a chevron ombre necklace DIY with you. Yes I know, chevron AND ombre, how great is that? And it’s really not that hard to make. Learn how to make this pretty paint chip chevron ombre necklace after the jump. . . Easy to Make Christmas Ornaments. Looking to make Christmas ornaments to decorate your tree with this Christmas? On this page I have some really simple, step-by-step photo instructions for making paper baubles - very traditional, and they just look so great! If you want more ideas, take a peek at my other easy to make Christmas decorations at the bottom of this page. How to Make Christmas Baubles When I was a kid, my parents had some store-bought baubles like this in a plain red.

Asociación sin ánimo de lucro de diseñadores DIY, crafts, handmade y animamos a emprender. Japanese Temari - Katies Rose Cottage: Mercury Glass Family Fun. Somewhat Simple - creative ideas and inspiration for the home and family. The Cheese Thief. Make a Layered Crepe Paper Greeting Card. Home » $1 and Free, cheap crafts, Gifts to Make, Headline, Tutorials 23 May 2011 1,310 views 2 Comments. Do you mind if i knit: My "Sarah London Scarf." Hello, I've got something to show you! I have to come clean, I've started a crochet project, without finishing my last project. Shockingly undisciplined, I know. It's the scarf you see in the picture above, and it's a pattern I've worked out myself, inspired by someone who's crochet and colours I aspire to, Sarah London.

She has a fabulous blog, which you can go to here. Infact, she's been doing a mystery crochet project over her last few posts, in which you can join in, by following her superb instructions. Fidgety Fingers: START WEAVING MAGAZINE COASTERS. The woven magazine coaster is something easy to make. It makes a great gift too. Many friends have asked how it is made. We have taken time to compile some photographed steps. Hayon Studio. CROCHET PATTERN Skimmer TStrap Ballet Flats by hollanddesigns. The Sweetest Occasion - Celebrations + Design. Rick Rack Rosettes. A friend gave me this flower ring and necklace, when she handed them to me I thought they were porcelain–there’s a very vintage feel to them.

The sphinx & the milky way: confetti systems. It is fun, sparkly, simple, festive, and pretty! Inspired to Share. Make it & fake it. Tinctory. Needle and Spatula: Pleated Pouch Sewing Tutorial. Knitty Gritty Thoughts: Happy Thanksgiving and Free Fabric Styrofoam Ball Pattern! Free Pattern Month Day 11 - Cakies: The A-Frame Tent. Newspaper basket. Petals to Picots: Green Crocheting: Making Fabric into Yarn. Love and Lollipops: Seussville {Bottle Top and Pom Pom Town} A Childhood List: 105) DIY Plastic Bag Jump Rope. Tutorials. Delicious Food Recipes - Arts and Crafts Ideas - Entertaining Tips - Gardening - Pets - Martha Stewart. Miss Marble: Fieltro y libros japoneses. Ver online Tricotosas - Tricotosas online. CONTACTO - Tete Cafe Costura. Untitled.

ASR HONFLEUR en QuimiNet - El Portal de la Industria. Books: Metric Pattern Cutting. WR: abril 2009. Cuadros infantiles, láminas y tarjetas para fiestas — Cuadros, invitaciones, muñecos y muchas cosas bonitas. A Beautiful Mess. Recogedor: Decoración. Belula. The4inONE: March 2011. Anita Maravillas Teatro.

Viento del Este, Viento del Oeste. Thimble. Jopapi. Nualan. All*over*print. Keboniko. The red thread: Inspiration.