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Languages - Portuguese: All you need to start learning Portuguese. Learn Portuguese - Portuguese Language - EasyPortuguese. Learn Portuguese - Portuguese Language - Brazilian Portuguese. Learn How to Speak Brazilian Portuguese Online for Free. Portuguese Words and Phrases. 1. Basic Phrases Notice that Portuguese has informal and formal ways of saying things. This is because there is more than one meaning to "you" in Portuguese (as well as in many other languages.) The informal you is used when talking to close friends, relatives, animals or children. The formal you is used when talking to someone who is older than you or someone for whom you would like to show respect (a professor, for example.) All adjectives in Portuguese have masculine and feminine forms. 2. 3. The letter ç (cê cedilha) is not considered a separate letter in the alphabet. Spelling changes as of January 2009: 4.

Two ways to say that/those: you use esse when you see something that is not with you but it's nearyou use aquele when you see something that is far from you or that is not near you at that moment. 5. As tu and vós are not used nowadays, I will not use them to explain the declensions of the verbs. In Portugal, o senhor and a senhora are very formal ways to say you. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Portuguese Slang. Slang and idioms are colourful words and expressions that cannot be translated literally. They are absolutely indispensable if you want to speak like a native, it's the difference between "textbook" and "real- world" language. top ^ Linguaphiles: Brazilian Portuguese Accent Map. I decided to make a map of different pronunciations of the same sentence in Portuguese throughout Brazil. I've only gone as far as the accents I know and can reproduce well. Please help me make any necessary corrections in the IPA transcriptions and add any other accents if you know how speakers there would pronounce it.

We three want to bet on the horse (that horse) that's wearing green.Nós três queremos apostar naquele cavalo vestido de verde. A [nɔiʒ treiʃ ke'remuʲz-apoiʃ'ta nɐ'keli kɐ'valu viʃ'tʃidu dʒi 'veh(~x)dʒ(i)] B [nɔis treis ke'remuʲz-apos'ta nɐ'keli kɐ'valu vis(~ɕ~z)'tʃidu dʒi 'veh(~x)dʒ](i) C [nɔis treis ke'remuz-apos'ta(ɹ) nɐ'keli kɐ'valu vis(~ɕ~z)'tʃidu dʒi 'veɹdʒ(i)] D [nɔs tres ke'remuz-apos'ta(r) nɐ'keli kɐ'valu vis'tʃidu dʒi 'verd(ʒ)(i)] E [nɔs tres ke'remuz-apos'ta(ɹ) nɐ'keli kɐ'valu vis'tidu di 'veɹd(ʒ)(i)] A - Rio de Janeiro, Northern Brazil (red) B - South Minas Gerais, Brasília, and possibly central East coast (light purple) C - Interior (yellow)

Brazilian Portuguese language. Learning Portuguese - Compare Accents. Print Click on the links below to hear genuine native Portuguese speakers with different accents reading the following paragraph.

Learning Portuguese - Compare Accents

With careful listening practice, you should eventually be able to distinguish different accents and identify whereabouts the speaker is from. This can be quite difficult to start with! "Dom Sebastião I era o décimo-sexto Rei de Portugal, e sétimo da Dinastia de Avis. Era neto do rei João III, tornou-se herdeiro do trono depois da morte do seu pai, o príncipe João de Portugal duas semanas antes do seu nascimento, e rei com apenas três anos, em 1557. (Taken from: "Sebastião de Portugal. " If you are able to supply an audio file for this section with an accent that is not already featured here, please contact me. Trouble playing the audio files?