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Essential Vim. If you are transitioning from windows, then in order of preference you will probably want to use, evim, gvim, vim. evim makes gvim behave like windows editors (note Ctrl+L gets you to vim Normal mode).

Essential Vim

If one just wants the windows key mappings from evim mode in gvim for e.g. you can use the following command: source $VIMRUNTIME/mswin.vim. Other alternatives if you're transitioning from windows are nedit or geany. If you're stuck with text mode access, then vim is probably the best option, so you need this info (all of which also applies to gvim and evim). Another reason that it is good to know this is that many programs use vim key bindings. For e.g. the readline library can be configured to use vi bindings and hence this info will be useful to you in bash, ftp,gnuplot,python,bc,... Internet FAQ Archives - Online Education.