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The Ultimate List of Tools for Finding Influencers in Your Niche. Finding influencers in your niche is important for increasing the reach of your content, finding potential guest bloggers to partner with, link building and just generally building relationships with like minded people.

The Ultimate List of Tools for Finding Influencers in Your Niche

However, not only is it a time consuming task, it’s not easy knowing how to find these potential partners or figuring out who is the most influential, so I have put together a list of tools to help you. The tools in this list are divided into sections based on the platform you are using, including Twitter, Google+, Pinterest and blogs. All tools are free to use unless otherwise stated and most require a login. I hope you find these tools useful and if you think I have missed any then please let me know in the comments. General Tools These tools find influencers across multiple platforms so you can cut down your research time significantly. Traackr Traackr Dashboard Traackr costs $399 per month which covers setup, training and access to the account management team. Paul Graham. Social Media or Digital Narcissism? A controversial project by the Dutch visual artist Willem Popelier was exhibited at Amsterdam’s Foam museum this past summer.

Social Media or Digital Narcissism?

Popelier’s Showroom Girls project raised a debate on a topical issue: How does the Internet and social media affect users’ privacy? Social media: opportunities and risks The term social media commonly refers to web applications which allow the exchange of user generated content. Most visitors at the Showroom Girls exhibition named the social network Facebook as the first example of social media that came to mind. They used social media to “keep in touch with friends”, to “maintain the everyday and necessary communication with other people” and said that social media makes it “very easy to connect to people from everywhere” and “to have contact with people abroad.” Does expressing ourselves online and more specifically via social media also entail risks? One of the girls happened to wear a necklace with her name on it.

Les règles d’or du Community Manager. Commençons par une rapide définition du Community Manager : «Le community manager, c’est la version 2.0 du webmaster, résume Grégory Pouy, directeur de la stratégie de contacts chez Nurun.

Les règles d’or du Community Manager

J’aime assez cette définition ! Le Community Manager est l’ambassadeur de l’entreprise sur le web, c’est un « influenceur » !!! Il fait de la veille en ligne, il écoute des discussions sur la marque. Il identifie les communautés et mesure leur influence. Les règles d’or du Community Manager Proposé par Socializ, ces règles d’or du Community Manager méritaient bien un petit article ! Accueillir et écouter les membres Partager du contenu passionnant et des informations pertinentes Animer une communauté accueillante, agréable et sans agressivité Répondre aux questions et modérer les commentaires Transmettre les idées et suggestions Améliorer la protection Gratifier les membres actifs qui participent à la vie de la communauté. Social Whois: outil de gestion des réseaux sociaux.

Who’s that stranger?

Social Whois: outil de gestion des réseaux sociaux

So you’ve recieved a notification from FriendFeed or Twitter, telling you that mister Z just followed you. The first question that comes to our minds is inevitably: Who’s that guy? What is he interested in? SocialWhois solves that problem. Just type a nickname and select a service and it will try to give you some information about him. I’m looking for people interested in {something} You want to get in touch with people who share your interests? I need some help in {something} Fanmix. Finding stuff tools. Thomas Day Associates - The Ten Step Planning Methodology.

SocialWhois » Home Page. 5 Great Tools for Social Media Teams. As Twitter surpasses 200 million Tweets sent each day, Google launches its own Social Network and Facebook continues to extend its reach, keeping up with everything isn’t easy.

5 Great Tools for Social Media Teams

I realized that many large companies, but also smaller businesses, have teams at work handling Social Media instead of doing it alone. In the same way in my own startup we have started to heavily rely upon the help of some great tools that help us to cope with the amount of information and interactions. Here are 5 timesaving and easy to use tools, which helped us greatly to deal with the increasing buzz in Social Media. Social Base – Your Social Media To Do List Only a few weeks back, OneForty launched a fantastic new way to handle your team efforts in Social Media. You are able to link up tasks corresponding tools, allowing you to create a more seamless workflow.

Best bit: What I like best are the suggestions for which tasks and how often you should do them. MarketMeSuite – Tweet together to provide better support. Traackr - Find influencers for your social media marketing.